Omniscience in Marvel 63

Title - Sparring, New Experiments and Timeskip

Leucadius POV

A couple Earth months had passed since my encounter with Nezarr the Calculator and although I hadn't gotten the fire of anger burning in my chest out, I was able to redirect it into something else.

"Come now, I can stand here all day and you still won't be able to crack my barrier." I said to the huffing and puffing Archangels surrounding me with their various weapons made from light constructs.

I had called a few Archangels, not the Holy Ones, to have a spar with them, but then I discovered something. No matter how much I limited my strength, they were still no match for me.

The passive ability of my absolute intelligence made me unable to lose to them no matter how much I tried to dull my senses. Intuitive foresight always alerted me to any attack trajectory even if I was lost in my thoughts.

It was like Observation Haki at its peak.

"That will be all for today." I said and dispelled the barrier I had set up around me. Due to not being able to have a reasonable fight, I had settled for setting up a barrier and having them try their best to shatter it.

"By your Will." They all said and got to one knee, leading me to roll my eyes at them. These people like their courtesy too much. Despite asking them not to do that when we are in private, they still do.

"Hala, you stay behind." I don't know if she felt I could be underestimated, but trying to sneak out of my presence was borderline foolish.

"Gah!" She exclaimed and fell to her butt on the floor. "Must you torture me so, you old man!?" She cried out while disrespecting me on top of that. However the departing Archangels didn't show any reaction as this wasn't the first time.

"You still need some personal lessons. You wasted the better part of your life indulging in your vices, and while that can be forgiven, I won't allow for one of my Arch-Angels to remain weak when something can be done about it." I told the girl as I made a spear out of light and swung it down. "Ready your weapon."

"This is so unfair." She said while slowly standing up.

"How so?"

"Big Sister Gabriel and Brother Raphael are also Archangels, but they're not combat oriented. Why is my case different?" She said sullenly as she manifested a sword.

"Isn't that obvious? While they can't die even if they're killed, once you're killed, you'll die." I replied with a shrug. The Holy Ones are primarily made of My Holy Energy, so as long as I don't die, they won't.

Their physical body was nothing but a Homunculus which could be made all over again. But Halaliel and the other Archangels that were originally citizens of Heaven weren't.

"That's what I'm saying. It's so unfair." She said and shot at me with anger in her eyes while swinging her sword horizontally. Her efforts were wasted though as I blocked it effortlessly.

"Weak." I muttered and applied a little force to the hand I blocked with, pushing her back in the process. "The strength in your swing remains weak." I said with a sigh.

"You're privileged to have me teaching you how to defend yourself. A time will come when you'll wish I was there but I won't. Treasure this opportunity." Leucadius said and disappeared from her view only to appear behind her.

Halaliel however, didn't panic at his disappearance and swung her sword backwards while turning in the process, however she cut nothing but air much to her mild shock.

"You don't think this trick will work on me anymore right?" She said smugly as she tried to hide her shock. "This was the first thing you taught me; When an opponent disappears from my sight, he's most likely about to attack from behind."

"It's good that you learnt that, but who told you your back was the only possible point of attack?" Leucadius who had appeared in his previous spot asked with a smile which confused the Archangel.

That moment of confusion was all it took for an Earth spike to shoot from beneath her feet, aiming to impale her. "THE FUCK!?" She cried out in anger as she managed to fly up. "ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY THIS ANGEL'S VIRGINITY BY ALL MEANS?!"

Despite my perfect control of self, I couldn't stop my eyebrow from twitching at that remark. "Seems like I've been too lenient on you. You even have the energy to make rude remarks in my presence." I said with a cold tone as the clear and sunny weather took a swift turn.

"Hey, c'mon old man. I was just messing around." Hala swiftly returned to the ground due to the lightning building up in the sky and the sound of thunder accompanying it.

"There's something called Consequences, Hala. Actions Have consequences." I intoned.

"But I didn't do anything. I merely made a rude remark.."

"Words have power, Hala. Soon you'll come to understand that. As a previous human, wasn't the saying; Silence is Golden, often used to describe a state of Mindfulness? I can't have my Archangel running her mouth as she pleases. It reflects on me negatively." I said with a Buddha-like smile. "Here I come."

As soon as my Word landed, a bolt of lightning shot straight at at speeds that broke the sound barrier. Luckily, she managed to dodge it in time due to her speed, but she knew it wouldn't be the end.

After the first bolt, came the second and then third. With each bolt of lightning, she was forced to either dodge or block with her sword, but after she blocked the first one, she knew she couldn't handle the second one and began redirecting them.

"Good judgment. When faced with a force greater than your own, if you dodge it, you redirect it." I remarked before snapping my fingers, conjuring hundreds of light spears which I shot towards her.

"AHH!!" I watched with a smile as she shouted while dodging and blocking the bolts of lightning and spears of light. "YOU OLD MAN! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS! MARK MY WORDS! I'LL GET YOU! I SWEAR IT!"

I couldn't help but sigh at her words. "Seems like you haven't learnt your lesson. How about this?" With another snap of my finger, she found herself in a forest, different from the clear plains she had been in moments ago.

"Perhaps this might teach you a bit of mindfulness." I said as all hell broke loose…for the Archangel that is.

Halaliel POV.

'Silence is Golden' he says! How could I remain silent when he picks on me at every opportunity he gets? Why is my case always different? That stinky old man! I'll get him for this one day! I swear it! I'll get him for this.


Huh? Where am I? Were we not in the clearing in Heaven? How did I end up in this forest?

"Perhaps this might teach you a bit of mindfulness." I heard the stinky old man say, and at that moment, it was as though all the alarm bells in my head rang at full volume.

Different from the previous 'Gut Reaction' as I liked to call it, this one felt like…my existence was trying to warn me about an impending doom.

Gut Reaction. This was something The Old man called Intuitive Foresight every trained warrior acquires after years of training and near death experience.

He made mention that all Angels and an easier time acquiring it since unlike Humans, we are spiritually and physically synced. Of course, I won't refer to it as Intuitive Foresight as he calls it. I prefer Gut Reaction.

That's what alerts me to incoming harm. That Old man could hide himself from it though. That's why I hated sparring with him. When battling him, it was all luck.

According to him, he was trying to raise my Gut Reaction to a stage where it could pick up incoming harm from beings as strong as him. But that's what annoyed me.

Why do I have to get my Gut Reaction to that level when we had him, his Holy ones, Big brother Michael and his army? Wasn't he just torturing me for no good reason?

[$|π$ ER&#R!]

'Hmm? What was that?' I thought in a moment of distraction, but the very next instant, I seemed to have understood what that distorted voice was trying to tell me.

"I am about to die..Huh." was all I could say before a flurry of tree roots and branches shot at me. In that split moment before what I perceived to be my death arrived, I also felt a couple bolts of lightning making their way to every single area I could possibly dodge towards.

'Heh…what a stinky old man.' was my last thought before darkness enveloped me.

Leucadius POV.

"Hmm. She's still unable to awaken it…" I said to no one in particular but Aspect, who was always close to me no matter how many dimensions separated us, replied.

"She was close…"

"Hmm, I felt it. A reaction from the System. It seems like the previous stimulations aren't enough." I said with a pondering expression. "What could I be missing?"

"I don't think the fault lies in you…it's more on her side." Aspect replied as he materialized beside the unconscious Halaliel and placed his hand on her head.

The next moment, he stood up and flicked his finger causing a projection of her brain to appear. "Something's holding her from awakening."

"A mental block…wasn't that sorted out earlier?" I said. I remember receiving a report from Aspect concerning her mental block from when she was human. That was what led me to take a particular interest in her in the First place.

"Affirmative. However, this one seems to be self-imposed. It's like she's…punishing herself," Aspect said and zoomed in on her Prefrontal Cortex.

This was the part of the brain that involved decision making, self reflection and emotion regulation. It plays an important role in self-referential processing and evaluation of personal relevance.

"This clog her indicates that she probably thinks she's unworthy of her current state. And this part…" Aspect continued and zoomed into another spot that was similarly clogged. "...indicates that she's still conflicted on her social standing amongst her people."

"Hmm, she did cause a select few some form of harm…but that was during the Queen's reign." I hummed in understanding while shooting Aspect a glance.

The guy continued explaining as though I myself didn't understand what he was showing me. Even before he explained, I already understood what was going on, but I can't possibly stop him from explaining.

I have come to understand that he loved the sound of his voice a little bit too much.

The Anterior Cingulate Cortex, this part of the brain plays a role in error detection, conflict monitoring, and emotional regulation. It is also associated with feelings of social pain and distress

The Amygdala involved processing emotions, particularly fear and negative emotions. It can contribute to feelings of guilt and anxiety. The insula involved interoception and emotional awareness. It helps process feelings of disgust and self-reproach.

Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex plays a role in cognitive control and regulating negative thoughts and emotions.

These brain regions work together to process self-imposed mental punishment, involving complex interactions between emotional responses, self-evaluation, and cognitive regulation.

"Then I guess she will need to be sent to…The Room." I said dramatically.

"Sir, I strongly recommend otherwise." Aspect immediately countered. "Oh? You call me 'Sir' and not 'My Lord'. I think 'Sir' sounds more pleasing to the ear."

"Of Course, Sir." Aspect said nonchalantly, before adding. "I'd recommend allowing her to live as a Human. That would better resolve the issue than forcefully making her face her fears."

"Oh come on! What better way is there to fighting off your fears than facing them? Prominent people that I know did it that way."

"Said 'Prominent People' are characters in A Fictional World, also, they protected by the plain."

"Hey! That's plot armor. And no, they're not fictional characters. They…exist. They're alive if we hold them dear to our hearts."



"I'd recommend sending her down to live as a human after a hundred years. If she hasn't gotten over her various self-imposed mental punishments after a hundred years, we could send her down to live amongst your people."

"My People?" I asked in confusion. I hadn't picked any particular persons I'll make the ancestor of my people so what was he talking about?

"After a series of Eliminations, I had settled for a man who despite your absence for centuries, still has a strong devotion to you. Apparently, after the flood, Noah and his children rewrote the records of Adam and Enoch." Aspect replied.

"Oh? And who is this man?"

"Avram(Abram), son of Terah from the line of Shem, son of Noah." Aspect replied.

"Oh…I see." I took a pause as I put things together. Whatever it was that Nezarr took the Eternals' Realm, Olimpia for, they would return one day and begin their quest in the advancement of Human civilization.

When that time comes, which is soon, they would begin at Mesopotamia. And Ur, just so happens to be in Mesopotamia.

"Good. How long ago was this?"

"A couple years ago. Terah however has remained in a city known as Haran, still within Mesopotamian soil." Aspect replied, already knowing that I understood why he made that decision.

"I see. Seems like I should pay him a visit then. Make the preparations for Hala's Awakening. She's the first step at making Heaven Unique."

"Understood." Aspect replied as he watched Leucadius disappear.