Omniscience in Marvel 78

Title - God's Punishment

The Nile was Egypt's main source of water. It flowed through the very land of Egypt making the land fertile and the aquatic animals edible. With its Transmutation into a river of blood, all aquatic lives were forced to die.

All but one species.

The Frog.

These were tailless amphibian creatures that could survive in and out of Water. And with that came the second plague.

As Egyptian Gods, they took the physical appearances of animals very seriously. Leucadius had no idea why. Frogs were generally associated with the goddess Heqet who held a divinity over fertility and water.

And as punishment , Leucadius had it become a curse rather than a blessing. This plague was made to mock the Egyptians' reliance on their gods for fertility and prosperity, demonstrating that what they consider sacred can become a source of chaos at his command.

And with her connection to Earth severed, she could do nothing about it.

Back on Earth, Pharaoh had to swallow his pride and ask Moses to ask his God to take away the frogs.

The plague was so severe that whatever they opened, wherever they were and whenever they did anything, frogs always managed to pop out, and with complaints of his ministers getting out of hand, he could only accept to allow the Israelites to leave.

Since Moses asked, Leucadius was kind enough to instantly end the lives of all the frogs who were out of their Natural habitat. However, already expecting Aspect to continue making Pharaoh stubborn, Leucadius only saw it as a step towards the next plague.

And as expected, with the frogs dead, Pharaoh hardened his heart once again and refused to allow the Israelites to Leave.

What followed was the plague of Gnats or Lice signifying the invasion of the smallest and most irritating of creatures, which the magicians of Egypt could not replicate.

They could replicate the conversion of Water to magic. They could replicate the appearance of frogs out of thin air. This was part of the reasons behind Pharaoh's disregard for the Israelites' God's magic.

This however, underscores the powerlessness of human efforts and the inevitability of divine will.

With the dead frogs decomposing, swarms of flies were inevitable. However, Leucadius made sure to invite while also creating more flies to invade the entirety of Egypt.

Swarms of flies represent the breakdown of order and the encroachment of decay. It highlighted the distinction made between the Egyptians and His chosen people, as the land of Goshen is spared.

And with the encroachment or flies, came the next plague. Livestock disease.

Livestock Disease mainly targeted the economy and sustenance of Egypt, attacking the animals that were both their economic assets and objects of worship. Leucadius made it clear that the wealth and security of Egypt were vulnerable to his wrath.

Now the sorcerers too could recreate this one. It was a disease after all. With proper knowledge, who couldn't create a disease? Not to mention a series of diseases for animals.

Unknowingly, Leucadius pioneered the founding of the Profession that'll come to be known as Veterinary Medical Practice.

But while they were running helter skelter concerning the livestock diseases, Leucadius immediately inflicted them with Boils.

Boils on the skin made sure to impose physical suffering. Conveniently, to the Egyptians, this was a sign of impurity. This led to the inability of the magicians to stand before Moses due to their own afflictions.

This was a clear provocation to the Egyptian Gods. They only had to show themselves and heal those who prayed to them, but doing so would incur Leucadius' wrath.

By doing this, Leucadius also aimed to reveal the failure of their gods to protect them, contrasting with the divine protection he gave to the Hebrews.

Unlike the other plagues that Pharaoh had to ask Moses to plead with his God, Leucadius didn't even allow Moses to approach Pharaoh. He asked Aspect to make sure to prevent that.

What followed next was Hail.

Hail is a form of precipitation that occurs when updrafts in thunderstorms carry water droplets up into the freezing level of the atmosphere, where they freeze into small balls of ice, called hailstones.

These hailstones then fall to the ground, often causing damage to crops, buildings, and everything unfortunate to remain under it.

Leucadius however didn't stop at that. Since he could rain down sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, why couldn't he add a little something to the hailstones?

And so, he rained down destructive hailstorms, accompanied by fire.

This was a clear affront and a direct attack on the Egyptian gods of the sky and agriculture since he took over their sovereignty over the skies of Egypt while also devastating crops and property.

This went on through the night, and by morning a great percentage of the Egyptian crops and property were all turned to waste, but seeing that a percentage was still left standing, Leucadius initiated the next plague.


This wasn't anything grand as they didn't cause any harm to human life, however the Locusts devoured the remaining vegetation, leaving behind a scene of total consumption and desolation.

This plague underscores the futility of resisting his will, as the land's productivity and future are stripped away. Nature did well in maintaining its life under his hailstorms, but in the end…His Will was Absolute.

In his very well decorated and opulent office room, Leucadius sat with his right hand scratching his jaw as he looked unfocusedly at the screen showing the devastating sight that was Egypt.

He was so deep in thought that despite noticing someone enter his office, he didn't show any reaction to the person's presence.

Moments passed with neither of them speaking to each other before finally, Leucadius sighed and asked. "What do you think I should send next?"


"What plague do you think I should send next?" Leucadius sighed once again and asked, this time, he turned his chair to face her.

Halaliel looked at Leucadius for a while before looking at the screen and then back at Leucadius before shrugging. "How should I know? I'm not that dark minded."

"Wha-! You think I'm dark minded?"

"If you aren't then how could you seriously be…seriously asking for the next plague to send to a group of humans?" Hala asked as she made herself comfortable on a sofa in the room. "Anyways, I take it that today's sparring section would be voided considering your state of mind."

"Hmm…Nah." Leucadius hummed as he thought about it for a split second before making a decision. Snapping his finger, they were both teleported to a pocket dimension. "Perhaps during our spar, I'll come up with something."

"You..!" Being suddenly moved from her seating position to her current one where she lay on the floor, Hala couldn't help the anger, but seeing the look in Leucadius' eyes, she could only swallow her anger and stand up.

"If that's what you want, I'll be sure to show you a good fight." Hala said and shot at Leucadius and threw at breakneck speed, Leucadius however, remained unmoved seeing as she didn't even coat her fists with energy.

To his shock however, as soon as she was about to make contact with his invincible barrier, a bright white light coated her fist as it hit, and to Leucadius shock and Hala's joy, the barrier didn't reflect the force back to her.

"What was that?" Leucadius asked…rhetorically, but Hala didn't know that and puffed out her chest and said. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Saying that, she went on to continue her assault, and this time, instead of blocking with a barrier, Leucadius intriguingly indulged her by blocking, dodging and parrying her punches and kicks.

"I see…a technique similar to the Black Flash, Eh..?" Leucadius suddenly said as he caught Hala's punch with his hand while neutralizing the doubled force behind her punch.

"You…how?" Hala could only bite out bitterly as she pulled her hands back and jumped back.

"That's a technique from that series isn't it? The one about curses." Leucadius asked intriguingly and flicked his finger repeatedly while trying to imitate the move with only his finger.

After a few attempts, he was able to use the technique with only his finger which caused him to smile proudly. Hala on the other hand looked at him as though she wanted to rip his head off his shoulders.

"You shouldn't blame others for just being born a genius. Try to better yourself instead of doing that." Leucadius said Sagely before turning around. "You've given me a bright idea. Come back later and ask for whatever you wish…also," Leucadius stopped and glanced at her over his shoulders. "Spend as much time as you can with Hela."

"Huh?" Hala let out a confused sound, but before she could ask what he meant, Leucadius was already gone. "That bastard!"

Darkness. That was the idea Leucadius got from Hala. Although the Black Flash was turned into a White Flash by he and Hala due to the nature of their energy, it still served the same purpose nonetheless.

The Black Flash is a highly advanced and powerful technique that significantly amplifies the power of a sorcerer's physical attacks.The principle behind Black Flash revolves around the synchronization of cursed energy with a physical hit within a very narrow time frame.

Specifically, Black Flash occurs when a sorcerer's cursed energy collides with their physical attack within 0.000001 seconds. Achieving this synchronization requires extreme precision and control over cursed energy.

When a Black Flash is successfully executed, the power of the physical attack is dramatically increased by a factor of 2.5 times its usual strength. This exponential boost can turn a simple punch or kick into a devastating blow capable of causing significant damage to opponents.

That was the effect when used by a human. In Hala's case, she was already beyond Human, her average strength couldn't be increased no matter how much she tries. At the very least, it'd be around 1.5 times greater than her base strength.

This was why Leucadius' barrier was always set to reflect a certain amount of force. With the…White Flash, she was able to double her physical strength.

Leucadius didn't know how long she trained to learn that, but upon trying it a few times and learning it, he felt he shouldn't continue sparring with her as the sight was already demoralizing to the young angel.

Anyways, in regards to the Ninth plague, Leucadius settled on Darkness. Pure unadulterated darkness. And so, for three days of darkness enveloped the entirety of Egypt.

This was a clear affront and a challenge to the sun god Ra, one of the most powerful deities in the Egyptian pantheon. Leucadius knew how powerful Ra was, but he wasn't bothered.

And finally, for the last plague, Leucadius stood up from his comfortable throne and said. "Azrael."

Not even a second passed since his name was called, a black Portal opened up in the Ninth Heaven and an Archangel bathed in black light stepped out.

"My Lord." The handsome middle aged angel greeted and went on one knee in reverence. Leucadius sighed at the sight but didn't dissuade him. Azrael was one of the Holy Ones, but unlike the others, he had a pair of pitch black wings.

The reason behind this was simple. Leucadius needed someone who could kill wantonly without actually falling. It was a heartless experiment on his part but when It comes to killing humans, only Azrael had that privilege.

If any angel or Holy One does that, they'd fall with immediate effect.

"You'll be accompanying me to Earth." Leucadius said and opened a portal behind him.

"Will I be putting an end to a few unruly humans?" Azrael raised his voice in excitement but still kept his head lowered so as not to look directly at Leucadius.

"Hmm. They weren't unruly per se, but they need to die as a reminder." Leucadius said with a wry smile at the Angels reaction.

"Death of All Firstborn." Leucadius said as he stepped into the portal. "This will be the final punishment, focused on the firstborns of Egypt."