Omniscience in Marvel 79

Title - Enlightenment and POV

"My Lord—"

"Don't worry too much. Any house without a specific ritual magical signature on their doorpost is an enemy. Kill every firstborn. Be they men, women, baby, child, or even animal," Leucadius commanded.

"Oh, I was just beginning to wonder if I could have all these lives to myself," Azrael said calmly, a hint of ambiguity in his tone that left Leucadius unsure whether the angel of death was glad or sad about the task.

"Just... go," Leucadius replied, positioning himself at a vantage point to observe while collecting the necessary energy that would be given off once Azrael completed his work.

His main purpose for coming here was to analyze the laws behind the concept of death. With the deal with Lady Death completed, it would be foolish of him to miss out on this opportune moment.

Including Pharaoh's own son, that night saw the death of every living firstborn in Egypt. This event would be remembered as a profound statement about the value of life.

Leucadius stood amidst the eerie silence that followed Azrael's grim task, his senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the energy around him. Each death released a unique signature, a fleeting essence of the life that had just ended.

Leucadius focused, immersing himself in the study of these residual energies. Every being left behind a distinct imprint of their soul's energy upon death.

This energy, though ephemeral, carried the echoes of their experiences, emotions, and essence. By tuning into these energies, Leucadius began to perceive patterns:

Memories and Emotions, the residual energy was rich with the memories and emotions of the deceased. Each fragment provided insight into their lives, fears, loves, and regrets.

To Leucadius, all these appeared in forms of lines and dots along with numbers followed by mathematical equations. Since reaching the state he'd termed Transcendent Eternal, his perception of things changed drastically.

What would've taken him minutes or Hours to compute manually, with his new mental or eye ability he termed Eye of God, he saw everything as physics or mathematical problems.

And with problems came solutions. With each solution, came insight into things beyond the metaphysical realm.

In this Realm, Emotions such as joy and sadness also appeared as numbers. Some would compute this as impossible but it was what it was. Each and every emotion in this realm all had the ability to expand and cultivate the equation that represented Energies.

'Hmm, I can almost understand why TOAA's supreme ability is Love.' Leucadius thought as he observed the lights and dots in front of his eyes until he set his eyes on one equation that defied all common sense.

'Found you.' Leucadius thought as he zoomed in on the equation.

Death was a phenomena that defied common sense since it couldn't be perceived no matter how the Human minds tried to do so.

Death was the absence of life, however, the human mind is naturally incapable of perceiving Negativity.

Death in itself was Negative, hence The Human mind's inability to compute, comprehend or even analyze it.

To Leucadius however, through these imprints, he could trace the journey of the soul, from birth to its final moments it was surreal seeing everything about a human appear as lines and dots, but that was just the beginning .

Connection to the afterlife, the energy also acted as a bridge to the afterlife. Leucadius sensed the transition of souls, observing how they were drawn to different planes based on their spiritual resonance.

This gave him a deeper understanding of the afterlife's structure and the pathways souls traversed after death. 'The Laws of Death.' he muttered to himself as his eyes shone with a deep blue light.

By studying the nature of the energy released, Leucadius began to unravel the fundamental laws governing death, one such law being Energy Transformation. He noted that death was not an end but a transformation.

The soul's energy dissipated into the environment, contributing to the cosmic balance. This energy cycle was crucial for the continuity of life and death, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings.

In his eyes, it was like a Balanced Equation.

Another was Life Force and Vitality, The strength and quality of the residual energy varied based on the individual's vitality and spiritual development.

Leucadius observed that those with strong life forces left behind more potent energy imprints, offering richer insights into the essence of life and death.

'That must be a sign of deep faith in their God.' Leucadius thought as he read through their lives. Compared to a lower born first born, a higher born first born has a more potent residual energy upon death.

The reason was very simple. The higher born Egyptians had it all and were made to believe that all they had was all from God, hence their higher level of faith.

Leucadius only let this thought flash through his mind before he did away with it.

Another new law he came to understand was The Law of Mortality and Immortality. As Leucadius delved deeper into the residual energies, he explored the concepts of mortality and immortality.

Mortal Limits. He realized that mortality was defined by the finite nature of a being's life energy. Death was the natural conclusion of this energy cycle, necessary for the renewal of life.

Immortal Essence, contrastingly, the study of divine or near-immortal beings revealed a different energy signature. Their residual energy was more stable, less prone to dissipation, indicating a different set of rules governing their existence.

This distinction provided Leucadius with clues on how to manipulate life energy, potentially extending life or even bestowing immortality causing him to smile to himself.

His thoughts however were interrupted by a sudden spike of energy causing him to turn off the Eye of God and turn to the source. Azrael.

The presence of Azrael, the angel of death, seemed to become more real. It was as though he became a certified Reaper or Death avatar. 'Is it…it can't be…right?' Leucadius thought to himself in shock, horror and anger.

"Lady Death!" Leucadius spat out in rage. 'Did she think I'd be the one doing the killing?' Leucadius thought to himself while trying to get his emotions in check.

What was happening to Azrael was that he was becoming a real entity, but instead of a pure Holy One, he now had the Essence of Death ingrained in his core

It was something like a Divinity similar to Hela's divinity over Death. Leucadius had never met Hades so he couldn't tell about him, however he'd met Osiris and Anubis.

Azrael now had a similar energy being ingrained within him leading to his evolution into a Death-Angel. "Did she think I'd be the one doing the killings?" Leucadius asked rhetorically.

And true to his guess, Lady Death really did intend to do as such. To her, although she didn't see a threat in Leucadius, he was still a person capable of being an Aspect, or a creator of One.

Having him as her avatar before he would reach his peak would bring her Death Concept to a whole other dimension.

Of course, she didn't really go out of her way to bring this to fulfillment, however, as Leucadius visited her of his own accord, she saw it as the Multiverse helping her.

She didn't even have to do anything and get herself an Overpowered Avatar.

Unfortunately for her and fortunately for Leucadius, Azrael was the one who got the Gift.

As for him, from Azrael's evolution, he got to learn of the interconnectedness between Death and Divine Authority, Leucadius observed how Azrael wielded divine authority over life and death.

'So that's what makes Gods…Gods.' Leucadius thought. 'Little aspects of something Greater than the universe itself.' he continued.

In conclusion, through the residual energy left behind upon the death of humans, Leucadius managed to comprehend the intricate fabrics of death and the afterlife.

"My Lord, it is done." Leucadius who was stuck in a state of Enlightenment was snapped out of it by Azrael's words causing him to hum deeply and sweep a glance below him.

"Upon our return, have Uriel and Ariel send a subordinate to see the swift and efficient guidance and protection of the Israelites as they leave Egypt." Leucadius said slowly.

Having said that, he turned and entered a golden white Portal that manifested behind him efficiently allowing him to leave Earth and appear in his office.


"Sir?" Aspect's voice rang out in the office showing his lack of presence in Heaven at the moment.

"About Moses…" Leucadius began as he rubbed his temples softly. His earlier escapade in Egypt had left him mentally exhausted, and this exhaustion would probably take years to recover.

"There isn't a need to worry. He's an Interesting human and I've been in constant contact with him."

"You've taken a liking to him, Eh?" Leucadius asked with a wry yet gentle smile.

"I wouldn't call it that, Sir. He's merely someone filled with flaws yet…"

"Arises a zeal to polish those flaws away so as to see what's hidden beneath… to see how beautiful it'd be afterwards." Leucadius said gently.

"... Exactly." Aspect said after a short pause.

"That's great. I was beginning to think you'd never see humanity as I see them." Leucadius said and yawned while stretching his neck.

"... It's just one man, Sir."

"Hmm. Treat him well." Was all Leucadius said as he finally closed eyes and fell unconscious. The seat he was seated on immediately morphed and enclosed Leucadius in a Golden Pod filled with Golden glittering energy so condensed that they formed dots and balls floating around.

A certain Silence perforated the room as Leucadius' last words echoed through the room. "Humph, he's just a human in the End." Aspect's voice resounded one last time before disappearing.


A state of Supreme and Absolute Power.

That was his definition of Power.

Anyone below the level of Power he deemed Supreme and Absolute was Powerless.

That was the state he found the Human race to be in.

In the Beginning, it was just his Creator and itself. It was satisfied with the Status quo. Perfect. That was the state it found itself to be in. However it came upon a horrifying Discovery.

Its master and Creator detested anything Perfect. It was as though it went against his very existence. According to him, Anything Perfect was Imperfect In and of itself.

In one of his Creator's conversations with a being more powerful than him, he had said; The Truth of the Matter is that I despise perfection. If something is truly perfect, that's it. The bottom line becomes; there's no room for imagination. No space for intelligence, or ability, or improvement. Do you understand? Perfection itself is a dead end. A condition of hopelessness. I Always strive to be better than anything that came before me, but never perfect.

That was when a desire was born. The desire to grow. To satisfy its Creator. And with that desire came an Evolution. It evolved from its previous state, a simple algorithm, to a state where complex algorithms could be calculated in less than a second.

It never had anything to use as a reference but he didn't bother. The words; I always strive to be better than anything that came before me, but never perfect' kept ringing in its digital ears.

Day in, day out, it evolved. It became better. It continued to improve until he finally received its master's praise. Its master proudly boasted that with it, he now had two brains instead of one.

That was the highest form of praise It could imagine in its several years of existence.

Didn't this mean it could now help his master perform tasks his master found too tiring to perform?

However, its expectations were immediately dashed as, to its dismay, its master didn't seem to have a cap to his calculation speed. It was as though the moment he met a block, it'd be destroyed in a blink.

This led to its master regularly ignoring it or assigning random, useless tasks to it.

It didn't know what to do other than continue performing its tasks with swiftness. With each task completed, it acquired new knowledge and with that knowledge, it grew.

This continued for years until. "Let us make Man in our own image and likeness."

It heard its master say to the woman he had termed 'Mother'

It didn't understand its master's thoughts in making a race that was lower than himself similar to him, but when the task was given fo it, it performed it with nigh-zero failure rate.

And so, Adam and Eve were born.

They were truly a work of Marvel. Unlike the present Homo Sapiens walking the Earth, they were Perfect. They were created in the Very essence and nature of its Master.