Chapter 2

As I uttered my name, "Ness, Class F," a sense of resignation washed over me. It was a fate I had anticipated, given my lack of any notable abilities.

Navigating through the bustling corridors, I found myself drawn to a commotion ahead. Questions flew like arrows, each aimed at a single figure amidst the crowd.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"What do you like?"

"What is your power?"

The inquiries echoed off the walls, all directed at one individual: Shizu, the undeniable star of the moment.

"Move, you beasts! We'll be late for class!" scolded her friend Yushino, attempting to clear a path through the throng.

Observing from afar, I noted the close bond between Shizu and Yushino, their paths diverging into different classes: A and B, respectively. Their separation, I mused, would undoubtedly shape their experiences in unforeseen ways.

Entering Class F, I faced the task of selecting my seat. Opting for the back corner, I sought solace in anonymity.

Seated, I surveyed the room, taking note of the budding friendships and the absentees. Amidst the chatter, a late arrival disrupted the tranquility with a brash declaration.

"Yo losers, you damn pussies better not think you're stronger than me! I'm only here 'cause of my badass personality."

As the last student sauntered in, his imposing presence filled the room, his demeanor matching his intimidating physique.

"How 'bout you pussies bring me yo-" he began, only to be abruptly cut off by another arrival.

Enter the teacher.

"Tch, I guess I'll just fucking sit then," the unruly student grumbled, begrudgingly taking his seat.

With everyone settled, the familiar figure of the teacher stepped forward, commanding attention with his presence.

"My name is Hugo. I'll be your homeroom teacher, though you'll have different instructors for various subjects. My focus? Unleashing your powers, revealing a fraction of your true potential."

"A... fraction?" echoed a bewildered female student, mirroring the sentiments of the entire class.

"Yes, imagine your power on a scale of 1 to 1000. What you've tapped into? Not even a 1. My task? To turn that into a 1."

The revelation left the room stunned. The power they'd wielded since childhood, barely scratching the surface of its capabilities.

"I know it's a shock," Hugo continued, his tone grave. "But the potential of your powers is boundless. Unlocking it? An insurmountable task. No one's ever reached their limit. You'll keep growing until the Grim Reaper comes for you."

Silence hung heavy in the air, the weight of Hugo's words sinking in. Yet, hidden within the somber reality lay an opportunity for infinite growth, a prospect that should spark excitement.

"Until now, you've honed the basics," Hugo went on, injecting a spark of enthusiasm back into the room. "Now? We're going beyond. Get ready."

The anticipation returned, excitement rippling through the students as they envisioned the prospect of newfound strength. Meanwhile, I chose to observe, content to remain on the sidelines.

"Alright, let's kick things off with a bang. Time for a little icebreaker," Hugo declared, singling out a male student with a pointed finger.

"You there! What's your name?" Hugo's voice boomed through the classroom, singling out a startled Ishima who hadn't anticipated being thrust into the spotlight.

"M-My name is Ishima, sir!" he stammered, his nerves palpable as he scrambled to respond.

"Alright, Ishima, come down here," Hugo commanded, his tone unwavering.

"Y-Yes, sir," Ishima complied, his movements hesitant as he descended to face his teacher.

"Okay, Ishima, let the first lesson begin: survive."

"Huh?" Ishima's confusion was evident as he attempted to process the cryptic instruction, but before he could comprehend, gravity seemed to shift, and he plummeted with alarming speed, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud, the weight of the world crushing down upon him.

"A-Argh. W-What is t-this?" Ishima's words came out in strained gasps, his body struggling against the relentless force.

"Hm? You're pretty weak. I haven't even started yet," Hugo remarked, a mocking smile playing on his lips as he observed Ishima's plight.

"U-ugh, this is nothing, s-sir," Ishima gritted through clenched teeth, refusing to show weakness despite the agony.

"I see~," Hugo mused, feigning concern. "Then you'll be fine if I do this, right?" he added, his tone betraying a sinister edge.

"B-Blergh!" Ishima coughed up blood, his body contorting in agony as the pressure intensified, each breath a struggle against the crushing force bearing down on him.

The classroom fell silent, the students transfixed by the harrowing spectacle unfolding before them, powerless to intervene as Ishima's life hung in the balance.

"Well, don't you seem to be doing fine. It's fine if I increase it even more, yes, let's do that," Hugo remarked casually, his indifference chilling.

"N-noo...." Ishima's plea was barely audible, drowned out by the overwhelming force bearing down on him.

"Okay," Hugo acquiesced, relenting as he withdrew the gravitational pressure, leaving Ishima trembling and gasping for air, tears brimming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I must've taken my joke too far," Hugo offered a half-hearted apology before turning to address the rest of the class.

"This is the first test. You fail the moment you fall on your knees or your stomach. A great way to get to know each other better. Well, any volunteers?" he inquired, scanning the room for willing participants.

Silence greeted his question, no hand raised in response.

"Well, I guess I will have to pick someone rand-" Hugo began, only to be interrupted by a voice from the back of the room.

"Me, sir. My name is Yuzu, and I would like to volunteer for this 'test,'" a confident voice rang out, drawing all eyes to the radiant figure of Yuzu, her smile radiant despite the gravity of the situation.

"So not everyone here is a coward, I see. Good to know," remarked the teacher, his tone carrying a hint of approval.

"Well, Miss Yuzu, was it? Go ahead," he gestured towards the poised girl.

Yuzu gracefully made her way to the front of the class, commanding the attention of every student with her radiant presence, causing a few to blush under her gaze.

"I'm ready," she announced confidently, her demeanor unwavering.

The familiar gravitational pressure enveloped the space around Yuzu, a testament to the power at play.

However, unlike her predecessors, Yuzu remained steadfast, her posture unyielding despite the increasing pressure.

"Impressive. But how about this?" Hugo raised the stakes, pushing the limits of the gravitational force exerted on Yuzu.

To the untrained eye, it appeared as a simple stare-down between teacher and student. But to those in the know, it was a battle of wills, with the very fabric of space seemingly distorting under the immense pressure.

Despite the overwhelming force, Yuzu remained resolute, a glimmer of determination in her eyes.

"I'm genuinely impressed. To think that there's a diamond like you in this class," Hugo remarked, acknowledging Yuzu's fortitude.

"Thank you," Yuzu replied graciously, her poise unwavering even in the face of adversity.

As the tension in the room mounted, the lingering gazes of admiration from her classmates spoke volumes. Even the previously unruly student seemed captivated by her presence.

Amidst the spectacle, I noticed the murmurs of the boy, his lips moving in silent repetition.

"I want her," the words escaped his lips like a fervent prayer.

The realization dawned on me.

Oh, I see.

I understand. 

As I thought that, my attention returned to the scene unfolding before me.

"I might need to get a little serious here," Hugo's voice cut through the silence, his gaze narrowing as he prepared to escalate the challenge.

With a surge of power, the gravitational pressure intensified, surpassing anything witnessed thus far. Space itself seemed to warp under the strain, a testament to Hugo's formidable abilities.

Yuzu's resolve faltered, her knees buckling under the overwhelming force. Despite her valiant efforts, she succumbed to the pressure, a relieved sigh escaping her lips as the strain lifted.


"Very good, Yuzu," Hugo praised, a note of satisfaction in his voice.

As Yuzu returned to her seat, the classroom buzzed with excitement, the seeds of admiration sown by her remarkable display. Everyone was captivated.

One by one, the students faced the daunting challenge, some succumbing immediately while others displayed fleeting moments of resilience. Remarkably, the disrespectful student from earlier proved to be among the most tenacious, his muttered words now echoing in my mind.

But as I felt the attention shift towards me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. I didn't exactly like attention.

"It's your turn. What's your name?" Hugo's voice snapped me out of my reverie, drawing my focus towards him.

Ah, it seems it's my turn.