Prologue - The life of an ordinary kid and The start of a new life

3:10pm, Its the afternoon and its about to be the end of class. Thank god, because I was about done with this school day. Its almost the weekend and I'm so ready to just lay on my bed and knock out.

Me and My Friends stand outside of the classroom with all the other kids, practically using our freetime while we waited for the bell to ring. 

"Man, I am so ready to get home bro, I've been sleep deprived from the beginning of this school day" I said, In a very tired and slightly pissed off tone

"That's what you get, Mister Fantaji Kukan, Pulling an all-nighter right when break ends" My friend laughed, teasingly and just trying to piss me off

"One, Don't use my name like that. And Two, I only did it because I needed to grind levels, Today was when my contract was gonna deplete and I knew school was gonna take up that time so I had to complete it then" I say, reassuring him and myself

"Well of all times, why didn't you do it before the end of break?" My other friend said, Who in which was a girl

"That contract came in just yesterday morning and was grueling to do, but it was worth it, That 500 Experience Points was mine!" I say cheerfully, making sure they know it was as worth it as it was to me

"Yeah, alright bro" My friend says, not believing me like the asshole he is lol

And in just a nick of time, The bell rings and I begin walking to the crosswalk, in which I had to get past since my home was walking distance and on the other side of my school.

"Alright then, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I say, while walking and waving to them

"Alright seeya!" They say on sync, walking in a different direction from my house

And then, Everything goes black. It was almost too fast, I can't even remember what happened. I was walking, waving bye, but I don't think I saw where I was going did I. 

As I opened my eyes, I saw what looked like a tall white winged figure surrounded by a dark void, It was almost like he was the lightbulb of a dark inside of a shed

"Well thats just insulting, Seriously? A Lightbulb?" The figure said, surprising me so hard that I snapped back to consciousness

"What the?! You can hear my thoughts?" I say, confused and surprised

"Why yes, Yes I can" The figure said, calmly

"W-what… No, more like, W-who are you?" I say, stuttering a bit, Hoping they don't see me as a threat

"My name is Shinjitsu Ehoba, I am the god of the next world you'll be reincarnating in" He said, assuming he thinks I wouldn't be shocked by what he said

"What?! Reincarnated!? No way, Did I fucking die!?" I said panicking, still confused as ever

"Uhh yeah, You did" Ehoba said firmly, revealing the truth I didnt want to hear

"Damn man, H-how did I die?" I said, curiously

"Moving truck, As you were waving bye to your friends, You never stopped walking. You ended up walking onto the road and getting brutally slammed and crushed by a speeding truck" Ehoba said, somehow so calmly even with all that information

"T-thats… alot of information" I said, a bit traumatized now just imagining it

"Anyways, This next world will be supernatural, The true God Jehovah, told me to keep watch on you for the time being here. I won't stop you from doing anything, but I will count your sins and actions off of what you do here" Ehoba says

"Supernatural huh, Like superpowers?" I said curiously

"Yes, Though I will not tell you what this world inhabits, You will learn yourself as you explore the world, Now good day, I shall be awaiting your input" Ehoba said, slowly fading away and the entire world bending white

"Wait! Hold on a Se-!" And just before I could finish my sentence, The world turned dark again. Yup, blinded by the lights again.

As I opened my eyes once more, I was under a tree, It seems I wasn't even born with a family, kinda just popped in, under a tree, lying down. Wait a damn minute.

"Argh! Why am I just laying down! I need to… woah…" I paused for a second. As I got up and got a full grasp of what was happening, In front of me was probably the most beautiful medieval setting known to man. It was bright, so green, mountains everywhere and what looked like a village with a castle at the end of it all. Though right now, It was just a bridge and kids messing around in the water.

"This is fascinating, It's like I'm in an anime! Well no, More like…" I said, thinking.

"Nope, definitely an Anime" I say, Standing upright and prepared to walk towards the village.

Though just before I could do anything, A loud ringing sound and a strong vibration echoes throughout my skull. Causing me to fall to my feet again.

"Argh! What is this? W-why is it so…" I say while hitting myself in the head, trying to stop it.

As I did so, A familiar voice played, almost like it was whispered into my ear, except, not whispering I guess

"Hey! It's me again!" The voice said, almost like it was putting a phone next to my ear with max volume

"Ah, Ehoba, What's up?" I say curiously, Wondering what he needs again

"I'm not sure if you'll get this, but this is not a call, This is a recorded message. Anyways! I've supplied you with a built-in map with the entire world's locations, all the cities, villages, castles and etc. If you havent seen it yet, There's a stats menu too, Just so you can see what level you are and more" Ehoba says.

Without even saying goodbye, The message cuts off and I open the stats menu

"Aw man, Level 0? How lame" I said, kinda just exploring the stats menu

"Hmm, how odd, My main level is 0 but my Power Level is 999+, and it says its an… abnormal ability? Interesting" I say, Even more curious as to how the world works.

As I scroll through the stats menu, I discover a panel of the list of options called info. I opened it and began reading it.

"From the beginning of time, There were 6 Glorious Heroes, 6 in which had the miraculous power to control all 6 of the world's inhabited elements. Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Metal and Electricity. They were the ones who granted this world the powers the world uses to this day. Life has never felt more different than their arrival. Though as they lived on to spread their power, A portal of some kind found its way to the world and began the spread of what's called 'Anomalies'. Powers in which were unaligned with the powers inherited onto the world."

"Ah, That must explain my power... but it doesn't say what it can do. It's just question marks" I say, clicking on it as it pops up question marks next to the word 'Description:'

As I close the stat menu, brush myself off and look towards the village ahead of me, I begin to walk towards the village. Ready and Prepared for what this new world has to offer.