Chapter 1 - The Wolf Girl

As Kukan walked around the town, He bought some food along the way, awestruck by all the events and restaurants that the town has at their disposal.

A few hours pass and A clash of steel and electricity can be heard echoing throughout the town all the way to Kukan, The sound peaks his interest and Kukan proceeds to run towards the sound. Curious as to what caused it.

A crowd of people can be seen surrounding two people. A man, who in which had a muscular build, Blonde, looked like a knight in shining armor and holding a sword out in front of him.

In front of him, was a Demi-Human of the Wolf species, who appears to be a teenager. Holding an angry snarl, pupils filled to the brim with rage and staring down the Knight in a particularly battle-ready pose. The sound of her breathing while gnarling can be heard

"Woah! What's happening!" Kukan says, managing to get into the front of the crowd and talking to someone beside him

"A duel has begun! And it seems like this fight wont even last long, Sir Luther is severely scratched up, but he seems to be holding himself quite well!" The Stranger replies to Kukan, Completely engaged in the fight.

"Stand down you damn beast! For all the trouble you've caused, You deserve to be put down!" Sir Luther says, in an angry tone and in somewhat of a knightly way.

"Put down my ass, Mark my words I will make sure to tear you apart, Limb from Limb, Till your last fucking atom!" The wolf girl says, beginning to vanish from his sight with what looked like the speed of sound almost, leaving afterimages in her wake.

Sir Luther, somehow able to keep track of her, swipes his sword in front of him and the Wolf girl appears right onto the blade, showing that Sir Luther was able to perform a perfectly timed block even though he couldn't see her. Knowing her attack failed, the Wolf girl lands back onto her feet and steps away, gaining some distance.

Just when Sir Luther begins to charge at the girl, The world turns gray and everything has stopped moving, almost like time has stopped.

"What the..." Kukan says, confused as to what the hell just happened

As Kukan tries to process the situation, A loud ringing sound begins to blast into Kukan's head, interrupting him and causing him to fall to his feet.

As he taps his head, The ringing stops, and a muffled deep voice echoes in his mind

"Intervene... Obtain... The Wolf Girl..." The voice then dissipates and the world goes back to normal, continuing the fight, and the gray no longer there.

A black bar and the Stats menu appears in front of Kukan, slowly fading in the words:

"Abnormal Ability found, Absolute Space Manipulation" and then fading away like usual, leaving the stats menu opened and the name of the ability Kukan has as "Absolute Space Manipulation" instead of left as "Abnormal" like the last time Kukan checked.

As Kukan read the name, it reminded him of what he used to do in his old life. In his old life, He loved the idea of a Villain, a troublemaker, An Antagonist. Their powers and the way they fight always left Kukan in absolute Awe. As a result of seeing them in action, He went onto the internet and made oc's for almost a living, all with crazy superpowers capable of taking down gods. Luckily for him, Absolute Space Manipulation was one of the certain superpowers Kukan focused on the most and know the most of.

Time passes and Sir Luther has been defeated, lying on the ground with The Wolf Girl standing on top of him

"I've done it! I've defeated this loser of a Knight! For the beast people!" She yells, Everyone else yelling with her and cheering.

"Now, Who dares to come and face me this time! I'm sure we can fight a bit more can't we!" She yells, craving another fight.

The crowd goes silent for a bit and a voice is heard in the crowd.

"I will" Kukan says, already knowing what he's capable of and prepared to make a reputation for himself in this new world.

The crowd is left in awe, surprised to know someone who just got there decides to take on someone who has experience in fighting.

"Kid, Do you know what you're getting yourself into? I'd say rethink your decision before wanting to fight me" The wolf girl laughs, wondering why someone like him, who she hasn't seen before ever, is deciding to challenge her.

"Oh I know what I am getting myself into actually, Of course, If your scared, You can just grovel at my feet if you want right here and now" He says, walking into the center and facing her, grinning at her with malicious intent.

Kukan's words immediately fuels her with anger, getting into a battle stance and prepared to take him head on

Kukan notices her sudden and immediate hostility

"Woah now, I didn't even get to finish what I was saying" Kukan says

"Spit it out, I can't wait any longer" She says, fighting the urge to interrupt him with a pounce as they speak

"First of all, I'd like to know what your name is. We just met, and I think its best if we learned the names of our enemies yes? And second, I'd like to make a bet before we begin" Kukan says, confident with himself

The words bet and name, intrigue the wolf girl and she decides to get out of her battle stance, Glad to know she would be fighting a gambler of some sorts

"Heh, Fine, My name is Inazuma Hana, And I accept your challenge!" Hana says, releasing a purple aura, spinning her stiletto daggers and re-entering her battle stance

"Wonderful! I love the introduction! Now my turn…" Kukan says, releasing a black and white aura around him as he poses with his arms up, putting him in some kind of T-pose

"My name, Is Fantaji Kukan, The true embodiment of Space itself, and I can't wait to duel with you. Miss Inazuma Hana…" Kukan says, Keeping up his aura and putting his hands down

Hearing his introduction fuels Hana with excitement, craving the taste of his blood.

"Now finally, Inazuma Hana, If you win, I will simply walk away from this fight and accept the loss, no longer challenging you again and you can hail yourself as the destroyer of an abnormal" Kukan says, letting her know what she'll receive if she wins.

"An Abnormal huh? How lovely… I can already taste your blood" Hana says, giggling a bit and licking her lips

"but, If I win…" Kukan says, taking a step forward, getting closer to her

"You will work for me as my personal assassin, The Aether Blade" Kukan says, letting his imagination take ahold of him while scanning her

"Level 50 huh, Pretty high level for someone as short and nimble as her, and it appears her power level is just as high, overpowering her base level at 89 with the ability to control Electricity. Definitely the best choice" He says in his mind, taking a look at her stats

"Wow, already have a name for me huh? I'd like to add on to your little bet here, If I win, not only will you walk away with a loss, But I want your arms, I need and crave that abnormal blood of yours!" Hana says, immediately pouncing at him, giving up on waiting for him to be done with all the talking

As Kukan watches as she pounces directly at him, He stands there, refusing to move, and letting her attack him. Hana bounced left and right at rapid pace, both scratching and punching holes into him with her razor sharp stilettos, or so she thought. As she lands back down and looks at his body, She notices that there appears to be zero to no marks on him, almost like she entirely just missed him even through all of that.

"What... No way, I didn't even see you dodge..." Hana says, growing a sense of fear and doubt that she'll win against him.

"You done yet?" Kukan yawns, waiting for his turn to fight back.

Hearing this, Hana's fear decreases and converts into anger

"Why you little-!" Just before she could finish yelling, Kukan, in not even a blink of an eye, closes the distance to her with his fist to her face. The scene is slowed down to catch the second of when Kukan's fist got close to Hana's face.

The scene speeds back up to normal speed, and Hana is sent flying into a wall, hitting multiple other walls as she flies through them. Ultimately knocking her out and sending the crowd into an absolute silenced surprised awe.

Minutes pass and Kukan proceeds to walk through the countless walls and rubble

Words of pure awestruck energy were heard and said amongst the crowd. "Who is this man?" "His power is unlike I've ever seen before" and so on.

As Kukan exits the last hole in the wall, He comes across her body and picks it up, still completely unconscious and walks down the next town.

Just before Kukan could leave the town, He is suddenly stopped by a child from the following crowd.

"Wait Mister! W-what was that power? It was so cool!" The kid said, Curious as to what his power was

Kukan stops walking and turns to him slightly

"You'll learn soon kid" He says before walking out of the town and to the tree he was reincarnated under.

Days pass, and she finally wakes up.

She moaned and groaned as she opened her eyes and noticed a shadow of someone

"D… Did I die?" Hana said, Her ears unfolding as she opened her eyes

"Nope, Sadly not, But welcome, My Aether Blade" Kukan says, looking down at her lying down with arms in the air

Hana snaps back into consciousness and remembers what happened and the situation she's in, Looking around to know where she was and touching herself everywhere to make sure her body wasn't damaged in any other way while she was unconscious. As she touched herself all over, she couldn't help but notice her new outfit, in which she somehow had in. Before, She wore a ragged brown shirt and blue shorts that looked like a pair of jeans, along with black and white shoes that looked about to be her only piece of expensive clothing. Now she dons an outfit that looks similar to the Shikakusho from Bleach but more black than white and some lessened parts to fit the more female version of the outfit

"What is this? This looks expensive as hell" Hana says, expressing the fact that it's something she's never worn before

"Yes it was, Would you say it looks good on you?" Kukan says

"I stole the parts of that outfit, I'm hoping she wont know that heh" Kukan says in his mind, nervous to break the villain act he's putting up

Hana stands up and spins a bit, noticing the outfit cape fly around. Her eyes widen in enjoyment and she dashes left and right at an incredible speed, surprised to know the outfit was capable of handling and keeping up with the speed she was moving at

"I love it! Unlike all the other outfits I wore, this can keep up with my speed, truly wonderful" Hana expresses, knowing well that it's her new favorite outfit

"Glad to hear that" Kukan says, before turning around and walking to the town again

"Wait where are you going?" Hana says, wondering why he's walking all the way back to the town again.

"Well, You gonna come? All the money was spent on yours and my outfit so lets go and get some quests." Kukan says, Not waiting for her to follow him

Hana, remembering their little bet for that one fight, She decides to follow him, accepting the fact that she works under him now.

"Oh and, Address me as 'Lord' or 'Master' now" Kukan says, Wanting to fuel his villain act and imagination

"L-lord? Well…" Hana says, thinking for a bit, knowing it'll be pretty humiliating to her but she has to do it anyway she guesses

"Sure. I can do that" Hana says, Finding a new chance of pace and ready for wherever Kukan takes her.