Chapter 3 - The Frost Empress

The scene opens up to what looks like a dressing room with Isshun in there, but a more medieval style.

"A-are you sure this will look good? I'm not a big fan of the newer generation's uhh, black and white style" She says, the sounds of metal clicking together from the dressing room

"Yes, just hurry up, We got a quest to finish" Kukan says, sitting there with his hand under his right cheek and his other hand on his left knee

"My Lord…" Hana says, a bit shyly

"Hm? What is it?" Kukan says, looking towards her nervous-looking state

The sound of stomach grumbling along with metal sounds

"C-could we get something to eat? I mean like, while we go on our quest" Hana says, hoping not to sound too annoying

"Sure, We'll go to eat after Isshun is done changing" Kukan says, chuckling a bit by her change in personality

Hana cheers. As they continued to talk, Isshun opens the curtains. Her armor looked more sharpened than before, when she donned bulky armor covered in red decorations and markings. This time, Her armor was less bulky and replaced the red markings with black markings, To promote the same color scheme of Kukan and Hana's outfits and be able to move much faster, as the heavy armor from before weighed her down during her fight with Kukan.

"I'm not used to feeling this Lightweight… H-how do I look?" Isshun says, looking for Kukan's approval

"You look just as amazing as I expected, Peaked my expectations Isshun" Kukan says calmly, Even though it is quite literally the same outfit but with color changes

After some time in the town, They leave the town, Towards a mountain and prepared for anything.

"So remind me, What is this quest? I apologize for stopping you the first time My lord" Isshun says, Curious and guilty for stopping Kukan the first time they tried leaving the town

"We're going to see the frost empress" Kukan says somehow non-chalantly, unaware of the Frost empress' reputation throughout the world

"What?! You can't be serious! The Frost Empress? You mean the second strongest demi-human known to mankind?!" Hana yells, completely shocked by the news and their next adventure

"Oh really? Not even I knew that" Kukan says in his mind, not knowing their quest was that big of a deal

"Yes we are, We're being sent to take her down, to stop the eternal frost that engulfs the mountain so the mining production of the Kingdom can continue" Kukan says, Pretending he knew the information of the frost empress

"The Frost Empress…" Isshun grumbles, her teeth clenching and her footsteps more impactful in the snow

"Oh? Do you have a personal vendetta against her?" Kukan asks, Surprised to hear her anger verbally

"Yes, If it wasn't for her, I…" Isshun stops, tearing up a bit

Kukan grins a bit, learning more about her and what he could do

"I wouldn't have been dealing with this…" Isshun says, converting her sadness into anger and determination

Along with Kukan, Hana smiles, gaining a bit more confidence in fighting the Frost empress and craving to watch Isshun fight

As they travel higher into the mountain, They come across a standing point, seeming to be the entrance to the large frost wind that engulfs the top of the mountain

Along with stopping there, There appears to be a crowd of people in front of it, all yelling to deal with the frost or maybe even move out the way so they can deal with it themselves

"Visitors! Please! We can't allows any more deaths among the others, You all cannot handle this cold!" One of the guards say, blocking the path with his arms out like the rest of the knights

"We demand that you all leave immediately! Otherwise we'll have to call The Warlord of the Ninth Holy Commandments…" One of the guards stops, Noticing something he never expected as he said that

As they continued to yell and yell then stop in silence, Isshun begins walking past them and the crowd with Kukan and Hana

"You may continue your duties, but allow me and my comrades to pass though" Isshun says, closing in on the knights blocking the path in front of them

"My lord, Are you sure about this? We've already lost 50 of our men trying to stop the frost…" Isshun shoves the guard to the side and grants access to Kukan and Hana

"R-right.." The guard says, watching them leave before guarding the path again

Time passes and they come upon a large carve in the mountain that appears to lie a large door. 

"It's way too big and heavy to be opened, We need some kind of brute force" Hana says, looking down to up the massive doo

Kukan steps in and plants his hand onto the door, after doing so, A hole appears in the door and grants them access to the frozen cold labyrinth.

"So this is the place huh? This is so empty, What a letdown" Kukan says, walking in with Hana and Isshun to his sides ignoring the large pile of bones and skulls that lie in front of them

As they explored further into the ruined throne room, The sound of what seems to sound like an aztec death whistle rises from the sky

"Kukan!" isshun says, pushing Kukan away and holding her sword upward, successfully blocking the incoming attack that came from the sky

As Kukan got back up, He witnessed Isshun and a girl with dragon scale skin clash, Isshun trying her hardest to keep the sword up and the girl with dragon scales pushing down onto Isshun's blade with a very belligerent smile

In the nick of time, Isshun swings her sword upward, breaking the clashed block and launching the dragon girl away. The dragon girl lands down with ease and stands up, putting her hands on her hips and looking upward and laughing.

"I'm surprised a mere human such as yourself was able to stand against my God Slam!" The empress says, releasing a freezing wind as an aura, beginning to engulf the throne room

"There she is, The Dragon Lord known as, The Frost Empress" Hana says, getting back up from the shockwave that the empress produced as she slammed down onto Isshun

"Yep that's right! The grand and wonderful, Kuraokami Shinto!" The Empress yells, full of energy and swinging her arms into the air to express her actions.

"As a reward for being able to get past my frost storm! You can have this guy to fight as well!" She giggles, A large white dragon with blue eyes arises from the darkness behind the frost empress. The sound of growling can be heard echoing throughout the room as the dragon shows itself from the silhouette.

As they stared each other down, Hana places her hands on the handles of her stiletto daggers. Gripping them tightly in the form of a battle stance

Isshun placed her hand on her longsword behind her and summoned her shield, that in which appears on her left arm and takes a step back, preparing to charge into battle

Shinto releases her arms from the air and two light blue frozen cold dragon scaled arm gauntlets appear on her arms, so does her legs. Transforming into two long dragon scaled armored boots that gives her feet the more dragon looking claws, acting as both a weapon and armor

Kukan and the dragon squat downward, preparing to launch into the air, already knowing who is taking who on.

In just a few moments, Kukan and the Dragon blast into the air! flying through the roof of the frozen castle and leaving Hana, Isshun and Shinto to be in the room.

Hana and Isshun charge towards Shinto, Shinto doing the same, clashing in one attack and the scene flicks to Kukan and the Dragon, fighting in the air with the dragon giving a menacing glare.

The Dragon, in swift movement, swings ice slashes towards Kukan, in the work of their claws and tail, spinning around with each ice slash coming out of it.

Kukan successfully dodges the attacks and flies towards the Dragon in the process. Landing powerful blows onto the stomach and head, causing the Dragon to fly backwards from one last blow.

The scene flicks and Isshun can be seen swinging her longsword towards Shinto swiftly and pushing her back in the process, Shinto uses her arm gauntlets to catch each blade impact in the forms of a shield as she follows suit with Isshun's movements. With an unexpected twist, Shinto throws a lightning fast punch and Isshun was lucky enough to catch it, continuing to block her next consecutive blows and Isshun being the one to be pushed back this time.

In the matter of the fight, Isshun jumps back and comes forth Inazuma Hana, attacking faster than Isshun was before and throwing Shinto off-guard, causing her to be stabbed a few times and stumble as she gets pushed back by Hana's force, not given enough time to react to her jabs. 

Kukan and the Dragon can be seen exchanging blows, each punch clashing and causing massive shockwaves with each punch. The Dragon has a seriously angry face on with each punch and Kukan smiles wide eyed, looking crazy, with each punch. The last punch from their barrage pushes the Dragon into the air, Kukan, Using the power of Gravity, which is imbued within his Absolute Space Manipulation Power, He boosts himself up towards the Dragon at rapid pace. Watching his charge, the Dragon leans back a bit, which seems to be charging up for something powerful. 

In a few seconds, the Dragon releases a large beam of Ice, looked to be able to engulf Kukan's entire body in pure ice. Without a second thought, Kukan swipes his finger upward and releases a piercing cut through space that completely splits the beam in half, the two beams hitting the ground and the slice chopping off the entire right wing of the Dragon. The Dragon then falls out of the sky and hitting the ground hard, causing a large crater and massive shockwave to come out of the impact.

Back to the fight between Hana, Isshun and Shinto, Hana and Isshun appear to be bruised and covered in bruises and small frost marks. Isshun can be seen kneeling down in slight pain, holding onto her longsword handle. Hana can be seen growling as she lies in pain, getting back into a pouncing position, putting a third stiletto dagger in between her teeth and two in each of her hands, turning the two pairs of Stiletto Daggers into a kind of double-ended blade. Shinto comes out of a hole in a wall that seems to be leaking out a large cloud of cold air, Shinto slowly fades into Hana and Isshun's view as she walks through the cloud of cold.

"Jeez, Who knew mortals could fight so well huh?" Shinto says, giggling a bit and mocking them, slowly regenerating from the previous stabs Hana delivered before.

"Knight Form.. Berserker Armor" Isshun says, Getting up from kneeling and her armor transforms into a more black-and-red color scheme. Pulling her sword out of the ground and sheathing it, After doing so, She gets into a more hand-to-hand combat battle ready stance. Getting ready to charge head on to Shinto.

"Lightning Beast Form.. Raging Surge!" Hana yells, her whole body and weapons glowing and flowing with purple Electricity bolts. Her pounce pose begins to be more linear and her growling more rageful.

"Lovely! We need forms! Just what I like to see!" Shinto yells, immediately being covered in light blue dragon armor from head to toe, also growing a pair of wings in the process of transforming.

Kukan lands back down to the soil ground and awaits the Dragon's stand, knowing the Dragon is much more powerful than a lost wing.

the Dragon then gets up slowly, loud grumbling and growling can be heard as he gets up. A large wave of frost wind begins to coat their fighting zone, the Dragon stands up tall and appears to be unbruised.

"That's it, you big idiot, Show me the true power a dragon wields.." Kukan says teasingly, His eyes glowing purple and smiles villainously at the dragon, prepared to take down the Dragon once again.

With those words, the Dragon is then infuriated, releasing a large and earth-shaking roar towards Kukan that blew everything but Kukan away. Trees and in general Debris go flying behind Kukan, He laughs, filled to the brim with adrenaline and energy.

Isshun can be seen charging towards Shinto barehanded, no weapon in hand but her own set of gauntlets, Her Armor has changed in color from her Form Ability. Temporarily changed into a Black and Red Color Scheme, fully covered in Black Armor with Red Veins streaking down her armor, from her helm to her feet.

Isshun swings, striking Shinto's arms as she blocks and counters Isshun's every attack. Isshun crouches swiftly and uppercuts Shinto, Throwing her off-guard and getting an actual, Inregenerative bruise. A Bloody Nose. While Shinto's head is still flung into the air by the uppercut, Isshun grabs Shinto's arm and immediately tosses her behind Isshun. Shinto is then caught by a fury of punches and then grabbed and thrown onto the ground by Hana, Leaving Shinto in the ground in a crater.

Without a second thought, Shinto boosts herself upward with a large icicle, getting herself back onto her two feet after being slammed into the ground. Hana jumped away before getting hit by her sudden comeback and landed next to Isshun.

"You good Isshun?" Hana says, breathing and getting back into her fighting stance.

"Definitely" Isshun says cracking her neck, Preparing for another fight.

"Alright, Now I'm really pissed off.." Shinto expresses, beginning to actually take the fight seriously.

As they stared down once more, Shinto prepared an icicle under her right foot, Lifting her left foot upward.

"What the-" Hana says, Confused by Shinto lifting her left leg up and unable to see the hidden Icicle under Shinto's right foot

"Monarch Armor!" Isshun yells, interrupting and getting in front of Hana. Shinto's plan was finally revealed.

Shinto shoots herself forward with the Icicle from the bottom of her right foot, launching Shinto at an absolutely unbelievable speed and landing a seriously powerful kick towards Isshun.

Finally catching onto Shinto's intention, Isshun switches forms and moves her arms into a cross between her chest. Jumping in between Hana and Shinto and catching Shinto's devastating Kick. The Kick released a powerful shockwave on impact that quite literally sounded like an explosion. In the efforts to divert Shinto's Kick Path, Isshun turns with Shinto still pushing onto Isshun's guard and gets flung backwards, Flinging Isshun through walls and walls and rooms and rooms, until finally hitting the floor a few times before stopping in her tracks.

"Agh, What a pain, All that power to be stopped by a mortal? Damn She's Good" Shinto says casually, slowly floating back down from the kick and at the same level as Hana.

"Isshun!" Hana yells, finally getting a realization as to what just happened

"Now about you.." Shinto says, beginning to summon clumps of ice on Hana's ankles, Leaving Hana immobilized and causing her to fall onto the floor, ensnared.

As Shinto walks closer to Hana as she lies on the floor immobilized, Isshun, from many rooms across from them, begins to breathe faster. Anger beginning to consume her, She slams her fist into the floor a few times

"Agh.. Damn it, Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!" Isshun gradually yells, slowing rising from soft angry tone to an aggressive angry tone.

Isshun then gets up, slowly taking a few steps forward.

"I will not, Be put down.. by the same person, Who ruined my life to begin with…" Isshun says, her rage and footsteps getting stronger as she begins to speed up into a more jogging pace

Shinto raises her hand directly to Hana's face.

"Any last words?" Shinto says, her palm beginning to light up blew and growing out an icicle.

"Heh, Guess this is my last stop…" Hana says in her mind, beginning to close her eyes and accepting death as she lies on the ground

"For I am.." Isshun says, beginning to speed up even more

"The Eighth Trumpet!" Isshun yells, beginning to run at a pace faster than the average human, Her armor and footsteps clank louder with each rushing movement.

In the last moments of Hana's life, Isshun comes running out of a wall, Grabbing Shinto's neck in the process.

"W-what the-!" Shinto says, completely caught off-guard by Isshun's randomly aggressive entrance

"Isshun!" Hana says, opening her eyes, and her eyes widen with joy and relief.

With Shinto in Isshun's Grasp, Isshun immediately slams Shinto into the ground, Putting a crater into the ground with Shinto's body stuck in it.

"Hunter's Grasp!" Isshun yells, With Shinto's body still in the ground, Isshun slams her foot onto the ground between Shinto's Legs and, somehow, launches her entire body upward and out of the ground. While Shinto hovers in the air, Isshun grabs her by her neck once again and slams her entire body into the ground once more. This time, Picking her up again and Slamming her back down a few times before finally slamming her harder and stronger into the ground, leaving her stuck in the ground and completely knocked out.

"Holy shit.." Hana says, slightly scared and surprised by Isshun's Knightly Brute Strength

Isshun stands there breathing, Her armor fading back to Black and White than from Black and Red.

"We're done here, Let's take her back with us to Lord Kukan.." Isshun says short-winded, Pulling Shinto's unconscious corpse out of the ground and dragging it, Her dragon armor heard clanking on the ground while being dragged.

"Damn, For a Knight of the King's Holy Commandments, She sure packs a punch" Hana says, walking alongside Isshun, Also Exhausted.

Kukan flies through the air with the dragon chasing him, Knowing that the dragon is below Kukan, Kukan laughs maniacally before striking downwards, clashing into the Dragon's head at full speed with a downwards kick from high in the air. Ultimately bringing down the Dragon and hitting the ground once more, this time, The Dragon's body rolls and slides across the dirt. 

Watching the dragon, Kukan slowly floats back down from the air with his arms up in a T-pose way. The Dragon, brutally injured, slowly gets up, breathing harshly and weakened.

As Kukan lands back down, He hears a click in his head.

"Lord Kukan, We're finished" Isshun says, in the style of a walkie-talkie in his head.

"Heh, Alright" Kukan laughs, Knowing well that he can finally put the Dragon to rest without going easy on it

The Dragon stands upright once more, with no right wing and left arm. He simply looks towards Kukan, Motionless and Prepared for Kukan's next move

Kukan breaks into a laugh, Pulling his arms back and letting his energy and imagination take over his body.

"I've been waiting to do something like this.." Kukan stands back upright and puts his hands together. Looking the Dragon dead in the eye and beginning to summon something

"Celestial Object Manipulation… The Black Hole" Kukan yells. In just a few seconds, A Black Hole, was formed in between them. Slowly growing bigger and eating at the mortal soil, consuming anything and absolutely everything that came in contact with it.

It was at this moment when the Dragon finally realized the true power of Kukan, A Power that no mere human has ever had before. It stood there in pure fear, slowing it's breathing and accepting it's death as it watched the Black Hole grow bigger and bigger to the point that it was bigger than the dragon. Knowing full well It and The world, was not prepared for what's to come in the distant future.

As the Dragon thought of it's last words, It could feel it's skin slowly being ripped apart and pulled into the Black Hole, Everything around the Black Hole was getting consumed and Kukan stood there, Holding a Menacing Grin and laughing with his hands still together.

As Isshun and Hana walked closer to Kukan's Location, The Black Hole's growth has finally come about to their vision.

"What the hell is that?" Hana says, noticing the big black ball of orange light slowly rise over the forest.

A few seconds pass and in an instant, Shinto wakes up and recoils in agonizing pain, Screaming as if she was dying slowly in the most painful way possible.

Shinto's constant rustling causes Isshun to lose her balance and drop Shinto.

"No no no! Stop it! Now!" Shinto yelled painfully, Dashing at incredible speed towards Kukan's Location.

"Ah shit! Don't let her get away!" Isshun yells, proceeding the charge towards Shinto and follow her along with Hana, who in which is leaving a trail of electricity in her running.,

As Shinto ran towards Kukan, She felt a pain that was almost like it was scratching and consuming her insides, Feeling like something was Tearing off her skin. She began welling with tears, saying things like "No" "Not again" "Please.." as she ran at instant pace.

As they approached Kukan, The full view of Kukan, the Dragon and The Black Hole finally came about.

"W-What the.." Isshun stammers, consumed by fear and shock.

"So this, is his power.." Hana says, Also filled to the brim with fear and unable to move.

"You will burn, I will make sure you are ripped to shreds.. I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE NOTHING BUT MERE ATOMS!" Kukan yells, The Black Hole grows bigger, consuming the Dragon entirely and leaving Shinto in absolute fear and despair, before falling down again in unconsciousness.

The Black Hole then dissipates and leaves a large crater into the ground. Showing the true extent of Kukan's Power and leaving a mark on the world, A show of Kukan's Power and His Imagination.