Chapter 4 - The Lone Sheriff

Days pass after the disappearance of the frost dragon, Although the frost storm that once engulfed the mountain has disappeared, suspicion and theories has risen from all around the world about how the dragon was defeated. Knowing well that the dragon was known to be the number one strongest dragon known to man and creatures, The suspicion rose fairly quickly after Kukan erased the dragon from existence, it only took two days.

Kukan, Isshun and Hana walk through the town in search of a secrete area.

"Lord Kukan" Isshun asks, wanting Kukan's Attention as she follows behind him

"Yes? What is it?" Kukan responds, Looking back at her as he continues to walk

"Could you remind me as to why we're looking for a secrete area?" Isshun asks, still carrying Shinto's body from the last battle.

"To Interrogate Shinto" Kukan Replies, looking around as well as Hana as they continue to walk

"Ah okay, Why though" Isshun asks, still confused.

"Believe it or not, That frost storm was never there until the death of that one knight" Kukan says.

Hana's ears perk upward as he mentions the death of a knight

"The one when you recruited me?" Hana says, leaning into view to where she can see Kukan.

"Yup, and something's telling me that someone is behind this. Isshun, as we fought, I noticed that the storm slowly faded into existence at the tip of the mountain. Naturally, a storm would form due to larger atmospheric conditions and grow to a large cloud." Kukan explains, Hana and Isshun listen well as they followed suit.

"Oo! When we interrogate her, Can I be the one to torture her?!" Hana asks excitedly, filled to the brim with ideas and joy.

Kukan thought for a second, recalling to a death penalty method from the world he came from.

"With her Electricity Magic, It would only make sense that she would want to torture Shinto during the interrogation process. That's it! The good ol' electric chair!" Kukan says in his mind.

"Sure, Don't kill her now" Kukan says, signaling that Hana has the all-clear to have fun during the interrogation process.

"Hah! Alright!" Hana says, jumping into the air and her tail wagging with a surge of electricity.

"It seems I really am the pack mule" Isshun sighs, still following Kukan despite not given permission to torture Shinto.

The scene cuts to Kukan, Hana and Isshun standing next to each other near the entrance to the alleyway they are in currently, Shinto slowly opens her eyes weakly and tiredly.

Without a second thought, Hana stomps onto the ground and a surge of electricity bursts from her foot. The electricity travels to the chair and entirely consumes it. Shocking Shinto awake from the stinging pain and causing her to scream.

The shocking stops.

"What the hell was that for?!" Shinto yells, shuffling around in attempts to free herself from the chair she's tied upon.

"Two simple questions" Kukan says, walking up to her and grabbing her chin.

"Who are you working for?" Kukan asks, pulling her closer to him as she still lies on the chair and tied.

"Pff, Like I'd tell you.. SHIT" Shinto yells, her stupidity getting to her and basically revealing she's working under someone.

"Well that gives me something, Shock her again" Kukan says, walking back towards Isshun and Hana. 

As he walks back to them, He snaps his fingers. Hana once more, slams her foot onto the ground. electrifying Shinto once more and inflicting a mass amount of pain onto her.

The shocking stops and Shinto breathes heavily, regaining her strength as she slowly recovers from the countless amounts of pain and electricity surging through her body.

"Willing to talk yet?" Kukan asks, walking back towards Shinto.

"Yeah sure, W-whatever.." Shinto says weakly.

"Now really tell me, Since you basically revealed that you're working under someone, How about you give us the name" Kukan asks, this time his pupils glowing as he looks down at her.

"Akuma Dangan.. She's the head sheriff of the Western Desert Continent. That's all I have.. Now c-can I get out of these damn ropes?!" Shinto yells.

"Nice, Remember that Isshun." Kukan says

"Wait what?" Isshun asks, remembering nevertheless.

"Now last question, What do you think about joining my team?" Kukan asks, lending a hand out for some reason.

"Tch, I'll never partner with a lower specimen like you- Ah!" Crying in pain, Shinto is immediately electrocuted. Not being able to finish her sentence.

"Well that's no good, Guess we'll have to just kill you by a couple million volts" Kukan shrugs, walking back towards Isshun and Hana.

"Light her up" Kukan orders.

"Right!" Hana then stomps on the floor once more, The electricity trailing to the chair and Shinto can be seen much more violent than before.

"Alright alright! I'll be a part of your team! Just retract the electricity please!" Shinto yells, attempting to move back and away while still tied on the chair but ending up falling backwards onto the ground on her back

With a snap, The Electricity that was once going towards the chair and Shinto depletes almost immediately. Relieving Shinto but also destroying her pride.

"Well there we go, Isshun, Untie her and Unbind the magic immobilizer" Kukan says, revealing to Shinto as to why she couldn't use any of her powers as she was untied and taken off the chair.

As Shinto gets up and takes a step towards Kukan, Isshun places her hand on Shinto's shoulder and leans closer to her ear.

"I'd be wise about trying to attack Kukan, or do you wanna deal with me again" Isshun whispered threateningly into her ear.

Shinto pushes her off and crossed her arms.

"Alright alright" Shinto says pissed, As she pushes her off of her.

"I'm just saying haha" Isshun laughs teasingly as they all walk out of the alleyway and on there way to the Western Desert Continent.

The scene cuts to Kukan, Isshun and Hana soaring the skies whilst riding Shinto, as Shinto is a Dracotaur, She can freely transform in and out of an actual Dragon form.

"So tell me, Is there any like, powers this Dangan person has?" Kukan asks, looking down towards Shinto.

"Uhh, I don't know.." Shinto says shyly, still a little fear-stricken from the interrogation.

Hana lifts up her leg in the intent to shock Shinto.

"Alright! Uhm, I don't really know what it's called to be honest w-with you Lord Kukan, but it seems to be something to do with being able to create weapons at will" Shinto describes, continuing to fly normally with them on top of her.

"Create weapons at will?" Kukan says in his mind, remembering a time of when he was looking up superpowers.

"The only superpower relating to that would be Weapon Manipulation, or Gun Manipulation? I'm not sure, There was a lot that related to something like this" Kukan says in his mind, describing the potential superpowers Dangan's specific superpower could be.

Time passes and they've arrived at the western desert continent, specifically the Cyberwest Nation. Shinto lands on a sand hill with them on top of her. As they all get off of her back, She transforms back into her human form.

"Wow, The city is like a mix of technological advancement and uhh.. Not I guess" Isshun implies, holding her hand over her head to block the sun from her view.

"Interesting, It's like a futuristic city, but in the form of your average cowboy town" Kukan says, his right hand scratching his chin and his left on his hip.

"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go find this Dangan person!" Within a span of a second, Hana dashes into the city as a beam of light.

They all follow suit.

As Hana dashes around the City at the speed of light, She runs into a box, getting knocked onto the ground and the other person dropping the box and falling backwards from the amount of force she delivered on impact.

Hana groans weakily, on the floor and her pupils in like a swirl of some kind. Indicating a dizziness.

"Idiot, That's why you should always watch where your going" Isshun says, picking her body up in a fireman carry form.

"Ah hell, There goes all my supplies" The man says, A cluster of bullets and weapons can be seen scattered all over the floor including the box.

"Here let me help" Kukan says, walking over to the man and lending a hand.

"Appreciate it pal" The man says, grabbing his hand and lifting himself up.

As he got up, Shinto slowly realized who they just bumped into, feeling a sense of fear.

"Ah! Rapido!" Shinto yelled, hiding behind Isshun.

"Hm? Oh Shinto! Long time no see Haha" Rapido laughed, rubbing the back of his head, feeling a bit awkward by their encounter.

Rapido's body is riddled almost everywhere with bandages. He wears a large hat and a cloak; his entire body basically a robot. He also has a Barrett M82A1 on his back with a strap going down his body from his left shoulder and downward to the right side of his waist.

"Hm? You two know each other?" Kukan asked

"Yup! She's one of Dangan's lower subordinates believe it or not. Such a sad role, not even I can believe the number one demi-human in the world is under the control of a human" Rapido giggles, obviously teasing Shinto as he shrugs jokingly.

"Besides that, I'm Tiro Rapido, Head Sheriff Dangan's Right Hand Man!" Rapido yells, his thumb pointing towards his head.

"Right Hand Man huh? Sounds nice, My name is Fantaji Ku-" Just before Kukan could finish his sentence, Rapido whips out his Sniper Rifle and lies the barrel directly in front of Kukan's face, Almost touching Kukan's nose thats how close the barrel is.

"Fantaji Kukan huh? You mean to tell me your the guy who eliminated sad little Shinto's pet up high in the mountains?" Rapido says, grinning whilst holding the sniper rifle with one hand with ease.

Kukan's head is pushed back a bit as a way to avoid the barrel from touching him, but he remains smiling.

Isshun sets Hana down with Shinto, proceeding to walk towards them and push the barrel away from Kukan's face.

"He is, Do you have a problem with Lord Kukan?" Isshun asks, looking Rapido dead in the eyes while already in her berserker armor in case of a fight.

"Of course not, Just a question Heh" Rapido giggles, calming the situation down and holstering his sniper rifle on his back.

"All I'm sayin is watch yourselves heh, Dangan got seriously pissed when she was informed Shinto was defeated, captured by Kukan and was coming here to the Nation of Cyberwest" Rapido informs, putting his hands in his pockets while walking past them.

"Oh, and Shinto.." Rapido calls.

Shinto looks up at him with fear.

"I'll be telling Dangan about your arrival" Rapido says smilingly, walking further away before fading into the wind.

Shinto collapses and bangs a fist into the ground.

"God.. Dammit.." Shinto says disappointingly, scared of what Dangan may do to her but also mad at the fact that she's lost her pride.

"Come on, Stand upright" Kukan says, lending a hand towards her.

"W-what..?" Shinto replies, confused while looking up at him with a little bit of tears in her eyes.

Isshun walks over to Hana and lifts her on her feet.

Hana scratches her head and stumbles a bit while still standing, still weak after the collision

"You don't need to worry about what Dangan may do to you, Just stand up, You're a part of my team now" Kukan reassures, lifting her up on her feet as well

This sentence gave Shinto a sense of gratefulness. Maybe Kukan isn't as bad as she thought he was.

"R-right.." Shinto says, standing upright.

"Now then, shall we get going? Let's go find Dangan" Kukan says, looking towards Isshun and Hana.

In unison, They all say "Right!"

"Now uhh, to find her, Where is she" Kukan asks.

"It's pretty complicated as to where she is, the best knowledge I have is that she lives underground" Shinto responds, recalling to the time when Dangan recruited Shinto

"Is that so?" Kukan asks, surprised to know the world they're in living underground is a possibility.

"Yeah, It's what she calls her secret facility, home to probably her entire life I think." Shinto says, trying her best to remember all the info she got about her underground base.

"Well it's getting late, Can we look for an entrance or something tomorrow?" Hana whines, tired and stretching, her tail straightening as well in pace of her body stretch.

"Sure, Although I think Shinto will be helping us most of the time while we're here, Neither you guys or I have knowledge of this place haha" Kukan giggles a bit.

"I was hoping you didn't say that, Whatever, There's an inn here we can stay at for now." Shinto points past them and towards an inn in the corner of the city.

"Alright, lets go." Kukan says, leading the way as they walk towards the inn and rent a room.

As they settle down in the room they rented, Hana runs in and jumps onto a bed, laughing and rolling around on the bed, enjoying its comfort.

"Eh, is this how the peasants live their lives?" Isshun says, not used to living in an inn as she sits down on one of the other beds.

"Hey I know you lived your life as a knight in absolute luxury but your a peasant now, unless you wanna go back to your kingdom as something like, The strongest knight of the 9 holy commandments was taken down by a human!" Kukan says, making sure she doesn't speak trash about those who at least had a place to live.

"Yeah whatever.." Isshun says rolling her eyes, her armor quite literally disappearing into thin air as shiny yellow particles.

They all settle in and night comes upon them, Isshun and Hana already asleep and leaving only Kukan and Shinto to be awake.

"So tell me, How did you come to meet Dangan" Kukan asks, looking up at the roof on his bed and just bored and can't sleep.

"Tch, Why would you care?" Shinto says, speaking with an attitude and rolling to her side, avoiding giving Kukan any kind of attention.

"Well, It intrigues me as to how you, the strongest Demi-Human in the world, was bested and under control of some human like Dangan" Kukan explains, revealing an embarrassing fact to Shinto and infuriating her a bit.

"If you wanna know so badly then shut up" Shinto expresses.

"Weeks before you showed up to my mountain, I was simply flying around, taking a look at some of the continents and regions from way high up. I don't usually.. uhh, Go outside often so seeing how bright everything was surprised me. Truly fueled me with a kind of.. Excitement. I didn't know until when I landed in the Cyberwest region that I had a bounty on my head." Shinto says, reminiscing all of this as she continued to lie on her side and avoiding giving Kukan any kind of eye contact.

"Bounties huh, Interesting." Kukan says, truly interested.

"Yeah. My parents always told me that humans were dangerous and that we would be killed on the spot if we ever came across a human being in the slightest. Though I refused to believe that. When I lived my life as normal here, I thought I was gonna be fine. The humans never really tried to kill me, They gave me delicious foods, treated me as their equal, but as I thought this, I didn't even get a second to react and my vision went blank in a mere instant." Shinto finishes, beginning to twitch a bit in fear.

"A-as I felt a bag release from my head and opened my eyes, I don't know why, but just the sight of her scares me.." Shinto says, trembling and clenching the blanket as she continues the story.

"Wow, who knew someone like her was able to make a Demi-Human, the strongest even, scared shitless" Kukan says in his mind.

"It was terrifying, She stood tall in front of me with her two bodyguards as I was on my knees and my hands tied around my back.. I've never seen a human before and I-I hate that she was one of the first I've seen to be truly.. strength empowered..." Shinto says, still trembling in fear despite being in a blanket and covered like a little kid.

"I remembered the words she said.. I don't understand how or why.. I could've easily defeated her.. "If you want to live, You will work under me as a part of my crew. If not, You will die right here, and right now, Kuraokami Shinto." I'm so mad.. It angered me beyond any measure.. but I couldn't do anything about it. My pride ground to dust as I joined her crew inevitably.." Shinto says, slowly falling into a deep slumber as tears welled up in her eyes.

"It seems she fell asleep, Don't worry Shinto. Once we've freed you, and recruited her. I'll make sure you two get along, understand each other and we can conquer the universe, Together." Kukan says, falling into the same slumber and the night passes.

As the day arises, The scene cuts to Kukan, Isshun and Hana waiting for Shinto, Hana seems to be eating savagely, with no intent to hold back and Isshun smacks her in the back of the head. Though this doesn't stop her since Hana's wolf instincts has basically made this a part of her daily life.

"Lord Kukan! I'm back" Shinto says, jogging back to Kukan in the town, Kukan sits on top of a box in the shade and Isshun and Hana look towards Shinto.

"Oh? Lord Kukan huh?" Kukan asks mockingly, surprised by this new change in Shinto.

"Why yes, Every Leader needs to be treated with the highest of respect." Isshun implies, revealing that she was the one who converted Shinto into this.

"Ah right, Of course" Kukan rolls his eyes giggling, looking back towards Shinto.

"Alright, So what do we have." Kukan asks.

"D-Dangan will be here soon.. Are you sure about fighting her f-face to face?" Shinto asks, worried about Kukan, Isshun and Hana.

"Yeah, What could go wrong" Kukan asks calmly.

"W-what could go wrong? W-What could go wrong?! You seriously think you can take on someone who can riddle you with a million holes?!" Shinto yells, going closer to Kukan with a more fear-stricken face.

"I'm sure you know what I am capable of Shinto, You need not worry" Kukan says, reminding her of what he did to her Dragon friend.

This memory inflicts a stab of fear into her mind, she completely forgot what happened and now that she remembers, She stands there still by his side. Ultimately agreeing with him and understanding what he's doing.

Hours pass by and as the town grew silent. The sunset shined brightly, A sandstorm flew by the town and Dangan and her bodyguards walk through the sandstorm. Dangan and her bodyguards simply walked out of the sandstorm and the sun shined bright behind them.

"Heh, That's one hell of an entrance" Kukan says, getting off his box and signaling Isshun and Hana to follow him as they walked closer to Dangan and her bodyguards.

Isshun walked with her Berserker Armor and Hana walked with electrical surges, flicking in and out at times. Kukan walked with his cape flying through the desert wind.

"So you must be the Infamous Fantaji Kukan?" Dangan asks, two assault rifles hovering over her shoulders.

Beside Dangan were the Deadshot Siblings, Tiro Rapido and Tiro Lento.

"And you must be the Head Sheriff Akuma Dangan?" Kukan asks, his black and white aura beginning to fade in around him.

"So we know each other, Good to know" Dangan expresses, breaking into a smile and a mischievous look.

"Wow, Who woulda thought the Leader of the 9 Holy Commandments would come here to fight me" Lento giggled, obviously mocking Isshun and infuriating Isshun a bit.

"I would hold those words if I were you, I will make sure you should've never doubted the power of Lord Kukan." Isshun says, walking past Kukan and Hana and closer to Lento.

Lento is one of the less cowboy looking people of the Western Desert continent, a young woman of Singaporean descent with chin-length angular dark purple hair and green eyes. Her frame is tall and slender, and her skin is pale. Her standard outfit consists of yellow shorts, a matching buttoned shirt, white ankle boots, flesh-colored stockings, and a loose red jacket. She is also equipped with a revolver and a katana.

"Hey sorry for bumping into you earlier, Wanna call it even and just watch the fight?" Rapido says, rubbing the back of his head.

"No, I'll make sure you suffer for hurting me there" Hana says, walking closer to Rapido and past Kukan.

In the blink of an eye, The four disappear, Hana and Rapido via an electrical teleportation and Isshun and Lento, just frame teleport I guess.

"I guess it's just you, Me and this big ol town huh" Kukan says, opening his arms wide and ready to fight.

"Oh I can't wait to claim your bounty you fucking shit head" Dangan says, beginning to charge towards Kukan with a pair of swords and hovering assault rifles.

The Fight Has Begun. The scene cuts to Hana and Rapido. Hana swings her electrified fists a few times towards Rapido's head and Rapido dodges them with ease. Being pushed back enough, Rapido kicks Hana in the chest, pushing her back, pulling out his sniper rifle and pulls the trigger with one hand. Causing him to flick his arm upward as the loud sound of the bullet ejecting from the Sniper Rifle's Barrel plays out. The bullet pierces a hole into Hana's hair, Meaning Hana dodged it in just a nick of time. Accelerating her movement speed via Electricity Magic, Hana dashes towards Rapido at what looks to be Mach One and trips him forcefully. As he lies in the air, Hana jabs his stomach rapidly and consistently, pushing him into the ground. Rapido gets up swiftly, rising into the air. During the air time, He pulls out his sniper rifle once more. Infusing the bullet with Fire and charging his shot. Watching him in the air, Hana shifts from left to right, attempting to disorientate him as he attempts to track her speeding movement.

"Scatter Burst!" Rapido yells, pulling the trigger and as the bullet flies towards the ground, The bullet breaks into multiple flaming bullets, exploding on impact as they hit the ground. 

Hana dodges them with pure ease and jumps high up into the air and meeting the same level as Rapido in the air, Swinging her fist directly towards his face.

The scene cuts to Isshun and Lento. Lento shoots towards Isshun, who in which is just tanking the bullets as she charges towards Lento.

As Isshun continues to charge towards her, Isshun jumps into the air and holds her knees in a cannonball style.

"Knight form, Monarch Armor, Meteor Strike!" Isshun yells, Changing Knight Forms mid air, She dives straight into the ground, directly towards Lento. Just before Isshun landed onto the ground, Lento disappeared almost immediately, completely away from Isshun's incoming landing and safely diverting from Isshun's Meteor Strike. Isshun lands and the ground entirely explodes as she hits the floor with absolutely heavy impact.

"What the, Did I just see her teleport?" Isshun says, emerging from the debris and smoke in her Berserker Armor.

Lento stands there in front of Isshun as the smoke then fades away, revealing Lento unsheathing her sword and holstering her revolver.

"Time Manipulation, Decelerate" Lento says in her mind. Time is then slowed down for Isshun and Lento walks towards Isshun, creating afterimages in her path and fully unsheathing her sword. As she got closer to Isshun, She kneeled down and positioned her sword, prepared to strike Isshun from downward. but as Lento got closer, Time began to accelerate to its normal speed. In just the nick of time, Isshun catches her blade with her arm.

"What the hell is this?!" Isshun says, shoving Lento off her and pushing her far from Isshun.

"I gotta hand it to you, for a Knight in such ridiculous and heavy armor, You sure can move quick." Lento teases, spinning her gun around and still holding her sword with her other hand.

"Ridiculous?" Isshun says, Lento's words pissing her off and beginning to raise her leg.

"How dare you, insult Lord Kukan's Masterpiece!" Isshun yells, striking the floor with her foot and causing an earthquake with the stomp. The debris flies and catches Lento off-guard, tossing her into the air.

Dangan runs towards Kukan and Kukan walks towards Dangan. Dangan swings her swords directly towards Kukan's head, Kukan dodges with ease and strikes her stomach almost immediately after the dodge. Amidst the pain, Dangan shoots between them, causing Kukan to retract his arm and just nearly dodge the bullet from one of her assault rifles. 

Dangan begins to swing her sword once more, wielding it as a dagger and attempting to slice Kukan towards his neck. Kukan dodges swiftly and jumps backwards, during the air time, Kukan swipes his fingers upward and creating a slice through space, This slice pierces the ground like paper and scissors as Dangan just nearly dodges it. Dangan stops in her tracks and summons multiple different kinds of guns, hovering around her.

"Weapon Manipulation, Artillery Barrage!" The weapons all release at once, but just before they were able to even touch Kukan. Kukan appears right in front of Dangan, grabbing her chin and pulling her close to him.

"What a beautiful face you got here~" Kukan teases.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" Dangan says, flustered a bit, hits Kukan's stomach with the butt of one of her weapons and kicks him away. Gaining a good amount of distance from each other and giving Dangan time to recover.

"That slice thing cut through the ground like it was nothing, If I were to be hit by that, I probably would've died in a mere instant.." Dangan says in her mind, catching her breath and trying to understand Kukan's power.

Kukan laughs, looking up into the sky and displaying a maniacal appearance.

"The things I could do.. This power is truly wonderful!" Kukan yells, vanishing in the blink of an eye.

Dangan looks around in worry as she positions her guns and blades around her in defense.

"This guy just disappeared! Where did he-" Dangan says, interrupted.

"Gotcha" Kukan says, right behind her and striking fear into Dangan. Jumpscaring her.

Dangan attacks panicked, Swinging her fist behind her in attempts to catch Kukan.

The scene switches as Dangan swung her fist. Isshun and Lento can be seen exchanging blows, either blocking or landing them. Lento jumps upward and somersaults her legs down towards Isshun in attempts to strike her from above but fails as Isshun blocks it with both her arms. As Lento lies in the air, Isshun jabs at her stomach and strikes her back, launching her with an incredible force and catching Lento off-guard and launching her all the way around the planet, Looping it a few times. Walking aside Lento's passing around the planet, Isshun strikes towards Lento and launches her again towards a sand hill. 

Lento groans in pain, opening her eyes and slowly getting up to a slowly marching Knight in Dark armor.

"No, that's it, I've about had it with you!" Lento yells, swinging her arms outward.

"I will lay you to rest you filth of a human being" Isshun mumbles under her breath, boiling with rage as she slowly marches towards Lento.

"Time Manipulation.. Halt!" Lento yells, Time has then stopped. Isshun immobilized to Lento's view.

"I can only do this for a few minutes" Lento says, her voice echoing in the time stopped world as she catches her breath.

"I'm at my wits end here, I'm just gonna have to pussy my way out of this and punch a hole in her. She shouldn't have time react to this in any way shape or form" Lento says, walking towards Isshun's still self.

"Goodbye, Saigo Isshun of The 9 Holy Commandments." Lento says, pulling her arm back.

"Our fight was truly an interesting one, but now you will be.. Dead" Just before Lento was able to strike Isshun's stomach, it felt as if something grabbed her face within her time stopped realm.

"Wait.. W-what..?" Lento says, unable to move and standing upright.

In a single second, Lento was then slammed into the ground. Her Time Stopped World disappearing as Isshun picked up Lento from her leg.

"Are you still alive?" Isshun asks, Nothing but her green eyes glow through her dark helmet.

"W-wait... How did you-" Just before Lento could finish her sentence, Isshun strikes Lento's face. Her Monarch Armor slows her down immensely, but heightens her defense and attack immensely. Making her a walking tank.

Lento is then launched back into the sand mountain she was once launched towards before.

"W-wait! Stop please..!" Lento begs, struggling to get up as she watches Isshun slowly continue her march.

Time stops again, It's then revealed that Lento's begging was a hoax. This doesn't stop Isshun's March.

"N-no.. You aren't supposed to move during this!" Lento panics, collapsing in fear as Isshun gets closer to her.

"You have committed a great sin disrespecting Lord Kukan, I will be your judge." Isshun says.

"But I did nothing of the sort!" Lento yells, her fear genuine now as she attempts to crawl away from Isshun.

"My armor was made by his majesty, The very culmination of his power, his being and how much he dedicates me to becoming his Eighth Trumpet." Isshun says, practically walking directly behind Lento.

"N-no... Stop.. I-I didn't mean to.." Lento stammers, unable to find her words and overwhelmed by fear and Isshun.

Isshun grabs her by her leg and picks her up again.

"No stop! Please!" Lento begs, tears beginning to roll down her eyes as she dangles in Isshun's grasp.

Isshun then swings Lento over her, slamming Lento into the ground as she tightens her grasp on Lento's leg, picking her up again and swinging Lento over her head once more, continuously slamming Lento into the ground and damaging both her body and her face severely.

Isshun then begins to drag Lento's body from the last slam.

"P-please.. Let go of me.." Lento asks, barely able to speak a word from her damaged face.

Isshun then throws her into the air and jumps, following her as she flies through the air.

Isshun lands on her and brings Lento down with her as they dive straight towards the ground from very high up.

"You will be laid to rest by the Eighth Trumpet of the Spatial Seven!" Isshun says, practically standing on top of Lento as they dive towards of the ground, Lento's blood flying towards Isshun as they dive further towards the ground.

Lento is speechless, at this point accepting her fate and understanding the true power of Kukan and the Spatial Seven.

"Knight Form.. Monarch Armor.. Final Judgement of the Sinful One.. Vertical Death Strike!" They hit the ground, a massive explosion of sand, fire and debris appears as Isshun absolutely pummels Lento into the ground. Ultimately defeating Lento and leaving her to be buried in the sand under Isshun's feet.

"Lord, I pray, Bless her for she has done her final duty on this plane of existence." Isshun speaks, exiting her Monarch Armor and beginning to walk away from Lento's death.

The fight between Hana and Rapido continues, Hana seems to be at her last stand. Hana kneels down exhausted and weakened from their fight as Rapido seems to be standing just fine.

"So uhh, You done focusing on speed yet?" Rapido mocks, simply brushing his sniper barrel before holstering it back on his back.

"He is incredibly annoying to fight, what the hell would Isshun do in this situation." Hana asks in her mind. 

As they just stared each other down, The surprising has occurred and Shinto strikes Rapido from out of nowhere. Kneeing him in the face and launching him afar and away from Hana.

"W-what the hell?!" Hana yells, confused by Shinto's sudden entrance.

"Well I want in on the fun too, After all, I AM the powerful frost dragon, How dare you leave the one and only demi-human out of the fight!" Shinto says, laughing a bit and fueling her pride.

"Yeah yeah, Whatever" Hana sighs, getting up and standing beside Shinto.

Shinto stands armored in pure ice dragon scaled armor from head to toe, Her head being the only revealed part of her armored body.

Hana stands electrified, an aura of electricity flows around her body and signifying her power.

Rapido struggles to get back up, rubbing the part of his head where Shinto struck.

"Ah what the hell, What happened to our one on one fight?" Rapido asks, watching them stand next to each other and prepare for the fight.

"Fine then, A two on one requires a two on two right? So let's rock" Rapido says, duplicating his sniper rifle and dual wielding the two same barretts.

Hana and Shinto then charge towards Rapido. Rapido rapid holsters his Barretts behind his back and catches their punches. One fueled by electricity and One fueled by frost. Rapido ducks and dashes between them, landing a hard blow to their chest as he gets behind them. 

"Sweep!" Hana yells.

"Right!" Shinto replies.

Just before Rapido could do anything after, Hana throws a rapid back hand towards Rapido's head, distracting him as Shinto sweeps his legs and getting him off the ground. While Rapido is in the middle of the air time, Hana swiftly jabs at his back, shooting him into the air as Shinto shapeshifts into her Dragon form. Following Rapido as he flies through the air.

Shinto catches Rapido and bites down on him, diving back down while transforming back into her human form, her hand on his neck.

"Arctic Slam!" Shinto yells. Shinto slams Rapido into the ground and releases a large array of frost. Covering about 120 yards of the Desert.

Shinto jumps away from him and lands next to Hana as Rapido releases a blast of flames, melting the frost as he gets back up from her Arctic Slam.

"Who coulda thought Demi-humans can be so damn coordinated.. This is really starting to piss me off" Rapido says, pulling out his barretts and aiming towards the sky.

"Pyrokinetic Infusion, Smoke shot" Rapido yells.

Two bullets explode mid-air from the barretts and a cluster of bullets land back down, exploding into a large gust of gas on impact. Hiding Rapido amidst the smoke from Hana and Shinto.

"Is he an idiot? We're outside of his large smokescree-" Just before Hana was able to finish her sentence, Rapido appears from behind the two of them. A bullet flies from the smoke and pierces a hole into Hana's right hand before Rapido knocks her in the face with the butt of one of his barretts.

"Hana!" Shinto yells as she watches Hana go flying after she gets hit by one of Rapido's Barretts

"Shadow combo" Rapido says under his breath, Performing a strike at Shinto's stomach and landing a roundhouse kick, kicking her far off to the side of him.

Rapido stands back upright and looks towards Hana.

"You two have gotta be the strongest demi-humans I've faced against by far. On that note, I'll give you both the one last chance to kill me. I'll stay at this same spot, while you guys have all that space between me, and my rifle" Rapido says, Pulling out one of his rifles.

"Dead in the eye, As they say" He says, looking into the scope as he aims it towards Hana with one hand.

"Shit, I can't do much from this range.." Hana says in her mind, unable to move.

"Sorry Kukan.. Wish I could've been useful.." Hana says, closing her eyes and accepting her fate.

And then.. Bang.