1 flirting with school flowers

In the vicinity of Gwangju City, within the confines of Gwangju University, as the evening descended past five o'clock, students from the Department of Fine Arts gradually dispersed after class. Within the spacious art studio, only two students, a young man and a young woman, remained, tidying up their painting supplies.

"Han Shiyu, you may depart first; I will handle things here," Qin Tian lifted his gaze from the task at hand to address Han Shiyu, who was sweeping nearby. Han Shiyu, the class monitor and academic affairs officer, aged twenty this year, stood about 1.67 meters tall. With delicate features and a slender figure, she possessed a captivating allure. The contours of her bust were impressively defined, accentuated by lace edges peeking from within, rendering her appearance irresistibly enticing. Coupled with her beautiful visage, she rivaled even the most renowned celebrities, earning her a spot among the university's top ten beauties as soon as she enrolled.

"Qin Tian, why do you not devote yourself to painting?" Han Shiyu did not respond directly to Qin Tian's statement but instead countered with her own question. Despite Qin Tian being one of the problematic students in the class, Han Shiyu, as the monitor and academic affairs officer, felt obligated to oversee the academic progress of every classmate. Moreover, she found Qin Tian's demeanor somewhat unusual compared to the other troublesome students, exuding a sense of maturity that intrigued her. It was peculiar for a young man in his twenties to possess such an aura, arousing her curiosity to uncover the truth.

Qin Tian glanced at Han Shiyu and casually smiled, running his fingers through his long hair before replying, "My mind is dull, and I lack the skill for painting."

"Nonsense. That's just an excuse. You simply lack the will to learn. During your first semester of freshman year, your academic performance was commendable. Why have you deteriorated to this state?" Han Shiyu pouted slightly, displaying a hint of frustration as she observed Qin Tian. Her indignant expression only added to her charm.

"At that time, it was merely a stroke of luck to achieve good grades," Qin Tian chuckled.

"Hmph. Who would believe that? Could luck alone produce an artwork that won the gold prize in the city's art competition?" Han Shiyu huffed, casting a disapproving glance at Qin Tian.

"Hehe, it was just a stroke of luck," Qin Tian sheepishly admitted.

"Qin Tian, I... I heard that something happened in your family, is... is that why you've changed?" Han Shiyu cautiously inquired, her gaze fixed on Qin Tian. She recalled her homeroom teacher mentioning some significant upheaval in Qin Tian's family, which seemingly led to his current behavior—skipping classes, smoking, drinking, and getting into fights. However, the specifics of the incident remained a mystery to everyone.

Upon hearing Han Shiyu's question, Qin Tian's expression instantly darkened, his smile fading as memories of an incident from a year ago flooded his mind.

Qin Tian was originally the son of Qin Zhenlong, the underworld kingpin of Haishi City. A year ago, Qin Zhenlong was betrayed by his most trusted brother, leading to an ambush by the other two major gangs in the city. Both Qin Zhenlong and his wife were killed in the onslaught, their bodies unrecognizable. Simultaneously, anyone associated with the Qin family was targeted for elimination. Fortunately, Qin Tian was not in Haishi City at the time; he was studying in Gwangju City, thousands of kilometers away from the chaos. Thus, the assailants failed to locate Qin Tian, sparing him from harm.

"Monitor, focus on sweeping," Qin Tian snapped back to reality, looking at Han Shiyu with indifference before lowering his head and disregarding her.

Seeing Qin Tian's reaction, Han Shiyu confirmed her suspicions. Qin Tian must have been affected by some family tragedy, prompting his current behavior. Intrigued by the enigmatic aura surrounding him, Han Shiyu felt compelled to uncover the truth behind Qin Tian's transformation.

"Apologies, Qin Tian," Han Shiyu apologized, then added, "Regardless of what happened in your family, as a student, you must focus on your studies. No matter the circumstances, you mustn't give up on yourself." Han Shiyu stepped forward, her voice resolute as she addressed Qin Tian firmly.

"I don't care," Qin Tian raised his head to meet Han Shiyu's gaze, his expression devoid of emotion.

"Yes, I do care. I am your academic affairs officer and your class monitor. Your academic performance reflects on me. Therefore, starting from today, I will supervise your studies. You are not allowed to skip classes, get into fights, or smoke anymore," Han Shiyu declared, her voice unwavering.

Observing Han Shiyu's earnest demeanor, Qin Tian found her rather charming and couldn't resist teasing the school's beauty. He smirked and said, "Madam Monitor, are you really going to supervise me? That comes with a hefty price tag, you know?"

"Yes, I will supervise you, no matter the cost," Han Shiyu replied without hesitation.

"Is that so? Well then, Madam Monitor, if you agree to be my girlfriend, I promise to study diligently. Do you accept?" Qin Tian teased Han Shiyu, causing her cheeks to flush instantly.

"You... you rascal! I refuse!" Han Shiyu coquettishly rejected him, her flushed cheeks adding to her adorable appearance, making one yearn to steal a kiss from her.

"If you're unwilling, how will you supervise me, Madam Monitor?" Qin Tian leaned closer to Han Shiyu, their faces only centimeters apart, exchanging breaths. Han Shiyu exuded a faint fragrance of innocence, intoxicating Qin Tian. Meanwhile, Han Shiyu's heart was in turmoil, never having been approached by a man in such a manner before. Qin Tian's masculine scent threw her off balance, causing her face to redden even further.

"What are you doing, Qin Tian?" Han Shiyu panicked, taking a few steps back to distance herself from Qin Tian, her hand covering her chest in alarm, her cute demeanor only adding to her charm. The seductive curves of her chest were accentuated by her gesture.

"I'm not doing anything, Madam Monitor. Why is your face so red? Could it be that you've developed feelings for me?" Qin Tian continued his teasing, watching Han Shiyu blush, feeling an urge to continue his playful antics.

"Who... who would like a ruffian like you?" Han Shiyu hurriedly retorted, her face almost as red as a ripe tomato. Observing her innocence, Qin Tian realized that pushing her further might lead to tears. Thus, he decided to halt his teasing.

"Alright, Madam Monitor, I won't tease you anymore. You can't control me anyway," Qin Tian chuckled as he shifted his attention back to sweeping. Witnessing Qin Tian's smug expression, Han Shiyu felt a sense of displeasure.

"Don't think that I can't control you. I will indeed supervise you. Moreover, I've decided to be your girlfriend. However, you must excel in your studies

 and secure a top-three position in next month's city-wide youth artist competition before I agree. Until then, you mustn't engage in any ruffian behavior towards me. You must study diligently, heed my advice, and above all, you must keep this matter confidential. Otherwise, you can forget about me," Han Shiyu declared firmly, her expression stern.

"Alright, since Madam Monitor has agreed, I will study diligently. However, I'm quite behind, so I hope you'll teach me well," Qin Tian looked at Han Shiyu and thought to himself that having a beauty to flirt with at school wouldn't be too bad.

"As long as you study earnestly, I will teach you well. Starting tomorrow, you are not allowed to skip classes. Otherwise, I'll punish you," Han Shiyu threatened Qin Tian, brandishing her small fists in a menacing manner, although her attempt at appearing fierce only made her more adorable and tempting.

Soon, the two finished cleaning the classroom, locked the door, and headed outside the school premises.

"Qin Tian, remember to arrive early tomorrow. No tardiness allowed," Han Shiyu reminded Qin Tian.

"Alright, starting tomorrow, I'll be yours. You must treat me well. By the way, Madam Monitor, you smell really good," Qin Tian teased Han Shiyu once again before swiftly running off.

"Rascal! Despicable rascal!" Han Shiyu blushed once more, a mixture of embarrassment and anger evident on her face as she clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to hit Qin Tian, but he had already run off, leaving her to seethe in frustration.


After parting ways with Han Shiyu, Qin Tian slowly made his way home. His house was approximately a kilometer away from the university, just a single bus stop's distance. However, Qin Tian chose to walk instead, smoking a cigarette as he strolled.

"Boss, that's him," on the roadside, a punk with dyed hair pointed towards Qin Tian and informed a bald, tattooed man beside him. The tattooed man glanced at the approaching Qin Tian, then looked at the photo in his hand before immediately striding towards Qin Tian, followed by seven or eight punks with menacing appearances.

"Kid, halt!" the bald man blocked Qin Tian's path and addressed him.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian looked at the bald man calmly, showing no signs of fear.

"Your name is Qin Tian, right?" the bald man asked as he looked at Qin Tian.

"Yes, what about it?" Qin Tian replied nonchalantly.

"Good, that's him, boys. Give him a beating, but don't kill him," the bald man ordered his lackeys before turning to Qin Tian with a sinister grin.

Qin Tian, caught off guard, was kicked in the side and staggered backward. However, being no ordinary student, he was skilled in combat. Regaining his balance, Qin Tian swiftly retaliated, dodging one assailant's attack and landing a punch on another, shattering his nose. The assailant collapsed, incapacitated, while Qin Tian followed up with a kick, knocking down another punk. As the fight ensued, Qin Tian found himself outnumbered and overwhelmed. Seizing the opportunity, the bald man grabbed a brick nearby and sneaked behind Qin Tian, striking him on the head. Qin Tian felt a sharp pain, dizziness overwhelming him as his movements slowed. Subsequently, he was subjected to a relentless barrage of punches and kicks, rendering him incapacitated for several minutes until the assailants finally ceased their assault.

"Hmph, kid, don't blame me. Someone paid me to do this. Oh, and one more thing, stay away from Han Shiyu. She's out of your league. If you don't, you'll regret it," the bald man sneered at the prone Qin Tian before leading his lackeys away.

As Qin Tian listened to the bald man's words, everything became clear. Han Shiyu's pursuers had hired someone to attack him. No wonder he had been inexplicably targeted. Ever since Han Shiyu had become closer to him a few days ago, Qin Tian had received two warning calls, advising him to stay away from Han Shiyu. Ignoring the warnings, Qin Tian had fallen into a trap today.

"You scoundrel! If I find out who's behind this, I'll make sure to kill them," Qin Tian clenched his fists, seething with anger.