2 Babaca

Qin Tian lay on the ground for a while, recovering. He then got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and hailed a cab to go home. On the way, he called his sister and learned that she hadn't returned yet, which relieved him. It would be disastrous if his sister saw him in such a miserable state.

Back home, Qin Tian immediately took a shower. Just as he finished, there was a knock on the door.

"Coming," Qin Tian called out, opening the door to find nobody there, which was odd. Suddenly, he noticed a fist-sized package on the floor. Picking it up, he found it surprisingly heavy. There was no sender's address, but it was addressed to him. Qin Tian tore open the packaging to reveal an antique bronze circular metal box, about the size of a teacup. It was hexagonal, with a smooth surface engraved with intricate and beautiful patterns, giving it an ancient and luxurious look.

"Who sent this, and what is it?" Qin Tian muttered to himself as he examined the strange box. After inspecting it, he opened the metal box to find a simple and unadorned ring inside. It bore an ancient character of " (Qin) and many strange patterns. A strange power emanated from it.

Qin Tian picked it up and tried it on his right index finger. It fit perfectly, as if it were custom-made for him. Just as he wondered about it, suddenly, a thin needle seemed to protrude from the ring and pierced his finger.

"Ah!" Qin Tian exclaimed in pain as blood gushed out. The bronze ring absorbed the blood, instantly bursting into a brilliant light. Then, a beam of light shot out from the ring, stopping in front of Qin Tian. It transformed into a thumb-sized super cool robot, appearing before Qin Tian, who was stunned.

"Wow, is this a Transformer?" Qin Tian exclaimed in amazement, looking at the scene before him.

"Hello, master. I am the future intelligent robot, Babaka. It's an honor to serve you," the little robot said to Qin Tian, startling him. He pinched his thigh and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming, only to find the robot still there, proving it wasn't a dream.

"Master, you are not dreaming. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Babaka, from the future in the year 2030, sent to assist you and grant you special abilities," Babaka said to Qin Tian.

"You said you're from the future, sent to help me. But by whose order? And what are these special abilities?" Qin Tian asked, puzzled.

"Sorry, master, I've been programmed not to reveal the source of my orders temporarily. I can only unlock it when you become powerful enough. As for the special abilities, they involve phenomena that cannot be explained by current science, such as flight or invisibility. These are considered special abilities. This time, I'm here to give you nine special abilities: Strength, Invisibility, Speed, X-ray Vision, Yin-Yang Eyes, Telepathy, Self-Recovery, Flight, Devouring, and Future Prediction. However, I can only implant the first one for now. The rest will depend on you earning enough points to unlock them. Now, I will implant the first special ability, Strength. Will you accept, master?" Babaka explained.

"Wow, this is incredible. I accept," Qin Tian said, though he felt amazed and somewhat apprehensive. However, his intuition told him it would benefit him. Qin Tian's intuition had always been reliable, so he accepted.

"Very well, master. Please sit down, and let's begin," Babaka said. Qin Tian sat on the sofa, and Babaka emitted a special yellow energy, enveloping Qin Tian. Qin Tian felt countless cool sensations entering his body, rapidly increasing his strength. It felt like he could break through a wall with a single blow.

After about ten minutes, the yellow energy disappeared, leaving Qin Tian as he was before. However, he now had a filthy appearance all over his body, nauseating and foul-smelling. Simultaneously, he felt a tremendous sense of strength emanating from all parts of his body, making him feel almost invincible.

"The implantation is complete, master. You have acquired the first special ability, Strength. To gain the second ability, you need to accumulate the corresponding points. I will now implant the information about various abilities and how to acquire points into your brain," Babaka said, and a white light flashed into Qin Tian's mind, instantly providing him with a wealth of information.

"Task completed. I have consumed too much energy today, so I will enter sleep mode. Please wake me up in twelve hours if you have any questions, master," Babaka said before transforming into a white light and flying back into the ring.

Qin Tian immediately rushed into the bathroom to wash away the filth on his body while digesting the information Babaka had implanted in his mind.

From the information, Qin Tian learned that to unlock the second ability, invisibility, he needed ten thousand points. Surprisingly, he could earn points by seducing women. Sleeping with each woman would earn him points based on their attractiveness, with virgins earning even more points. Babaka would record everything, and once he accumulated enough points, he could implant the second ability.

"This is insane, but I love it," Qin Tian exclaimed excitedly. His excitement affected his lower body.

"Oh, right, I'll take a shower first," Qin Tian said, looking at the grime on his body before heading to the bathroom.

After the shower, Qin Tian noticed that his skin seemed different, becoming fairer and smoother. He also felt a surge of heat coursing through his body, as if he had endless strength. Thinking about it, he tried moving and found that he was much faster than before, about fifty percent faster. This thrilled him because both his speed and strength had increased. From now on, who would be his match in a fight? Thinking about unlocking more abilities, Qin Tian couldn't help but look forward to becoming even more powerful.

"No, I have to try it and see if my strength has really increased," Qin Tian thought to himself. He clenched his fist and struck the wall in the hall with all his might. Instantly, dozens of fine cracks appeared on the wall tiles, and it slightly dented. At the same time, Qin Tian cried out in pain, shaking his hand vigorously. Although his strength had increased, he had forgotten that his hand wasn't made of steel, almost injuring himself.

"Indeed powerful. If I implant more abilities, revenge will be no problem," Qin Tian thought, looking at the cracked wall. His hand felt like a hammer now, and he wondered how it would feel to hit a person.