Important Announcement!

As some of you may know, I'm planning on rewriting my Dimensional Group Chat as a Sorcerer Supreme. Currently, I just finished writing the second chapter, so here's the summary and reminders of it. Please tell me what you guys think about it.

Recommendations are welcome!


Augustus Blake felt like his dream had come true. After dying in the worst possible way by having a small baby throw a knife at him, he finds himself in the perilous world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not wanting to live in fear of one day losing his life again, Augustus sought the Ancient One for her teachings in hopes of learning the way of the mystic arts.

Oh, how unfortunate of him to land himself as a student of Kaecillius instead, making his life much more dangerous by having Kaecillius, a time-ticking bomb as his master.

It didn't even take long before Kaecillius offered to him follow his ideals and the teachings of Dormammu, which Augustus vehemently refused.

He should've just kept his mouth shut that day.

Now, not only does he have to deal with his former Master who is out for his blood, but he also has to find his way back home after a hard-fought battle that resulted in him escaping to an unknown place.

Did he also mention he's no longer in the world of Marvel but the world where Gods, Dragons, Angels, and Devils exist?



> Rewrite of my Dimensional Group Chat as a Supreme Sorcerer.

> Many things will change compared to the original story.

> Probably will turn into Harem but only 2 - 3 girls. One confirmed is Serafall.

> DxD will be an Alternate Universe along with the MCU Universe.

> MC have no knowledge towards DxD Universe, so he might just think of it as a random Universe filled with Gods and mythical creatures.

> The story in DxD Universe will start way back in history around 15th century, so expect the Mc to meddle in history or at least have a hand in it.

> Mc will start as decent in strength but will increase later on.

> No more systems

> Since the story will start quite far back in history, some might find it boring and to make it less boring, some movies whose plots won't change much on the DxD Universe will be added to the fanfic such as:

- The Hunchback of Notre Dame

- Aladdin

- and maybe even Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs lol.