Mother Nature

Vengeance was derived from love. Love from hate. Hate from fear.

That was mother nature. That was her kindness, her will, her hate, and her judgement. Humans were too cruel for her future to be able to flourish. She needed to warn them. She needed to tell them they could no longer hunt her kind.

Now, the wrath of mother nature was dead.

When the light finally faded, the Bake-kujira was motionless and unmoving. Steam and smoke rose from the cracked skeleton. Its head half destroyed and its innards burned from the fire and lightning. The water around the creature stilled. The storm clouds had dissipated.

Lake Shinji peace.

Kazi lowered his hands, the golden aura of Gargantua Super Strike flickering out of existence. His breathing was heavy, his fingers spasming like aftershocks, but his expression remained calm and his hair and clothes flicked colours. He was different. He could feel it. Something had changed within him.