The Phoenix vs The Whale

Feenie burst through like a golden god, her wings ablaze even under the pouring rain. Dimming yet alive and well. Her claws slammed into the skull whale, a clash of titans, and the phoenix won out. The phoenix forced the humongous skeleton whale countless feet back. 

Jules sat perched on the back of the phoenix, the reins naturally connecting to her gloved hands. She could not grip or ball her hands into fists after all. Behind her, Matty held onto the saddle, shield raised.

"Good girl," Jules said, the reins flickering. She pet Feenie's flaming neck as if she wasn't hot enough to sear steel. "I know this rain is hard on you. Please, bear with it."

Feenie whimpered and nodded. 

The Red Bake-kujira recovered. Amongst the churning waves, movement was difficult for it unlike its Blue Counterpart. Steam poured from its open mouth.
