The Mother Bake-kujira: capable of steam that countered any and all threats, bringing down the plague upon people, a strong echolocation and magnetic sensing, a natural ability to boil the water around them, immense speed and strength, and to top it all off, it had been giving birth.
The brother Bake-kujira was obscenely fast—likely as fast as his mother if she had not been pregnant—and possessed a spewing mixture of the plague and steam. No monsters could be birthed. A pure offensive-based monster, its echolocation and magnetic sensing made a bull who did not miss its targeting. Crushing all those within its path with its sheer weight and momentum.
The sister Bake-kujira was slow and methodical. Defensive in nature, its primary method of attack was through swarms of steam missiles and monsters. Both methods were reliant on her echolocation and magnetic sensing. Both methods were near impossible for an ordinary fighter to deal with.