At first, there had been fractured skies and land. A forestry of jagged trees and hoards of monsters to fight through. Too many monsters. They went deeper and deeper and fought until they reached their limit. They decided to go to enter a cave.
After what seemed to be weeks, they reached its end too.
Marta Kowalski stood at the edge of oblivion. The cave was smaller than they had hoped. It had an end—and the strangest kind of end too. A bottomless pit of despair. Marta had tossed some torches. Let's just say they never help.
Walking corpses walked everywhere in this cave. They were teaming with death and this peculiar aura of death. But the corpses never attacked them. It was these other monsters, these birds and half-dead tanukis and kitsunes that attacked Marta and Sasaki Kojiro. Marta pursed her lips as she stared down at the bottomless pit, then over her shoulder at the platform she was on.