Stroke of bad luck


 "The Young Duke has summoned her lady," One of the servants that attended to Izekiel informed Marine. Marine held unto the door knob, Rain was on her bed, waiting for her to come and finish washing her feet.

"Can he wait for a moment, the lady takes her bath." Marine lied.

"No, if she doesn't come now, he will be forced to come here." The servant narrated in the same words the Young Duke had used. Marine suck in her lips together in disappointment, this was the reason she waiting until this late before she started performing the ritual.

Rain had urged her because she was desperate.

"I want to boost my luck a little bit, please Marine." Those are the words she used.

"Alright, I will tell her lady." She said. "Please tell the Young Duke she will proceed to his office at once."

Marine closed the door, and she turned back towards Rain whose head was leaned backwards, and she clutched the bed sheets.