Blood filled path



"Who do you belong to?" Izekiel yelled once more as he cracked the long whip in his hands against Rain's back. A small scream escaped her mouth soon after she pressed her lips together stubbornly, she would never agree to be his.

She was his sister and that's the only thing their relationship should be, they shouldn't be more than siblings, she would never allow it.

"The quieter you are, the angrier I will get." He warned as he sent the whip cracking against the pillar in the room, Rain felt herself jolt in surprise. Her clothes are torn at the back, from the merciless whipping she had to endure for the past ten minutes. Izekiel is truly heartless, she was experiencing the reason the maids hate him so much.

 Her eyes were blurry from the tears and her back was wet with blood, yet he wouldn't stop whipping her, he had promised not to stop until she conceded.