

"Triggered?" Rain muttered. "But I haven't even done anything."

"For all the days of your life shall be filled with anguish, and you shall walk upon thorny roads," The old lady continued and gripped Rain's small smooth hands this time. "Red as your hair will be the sun on the days of your glory, every single thing you hold dear will perish right before your eyes."

Rain gasped slightly as she disengaged from the woman, and she walked away with her heart beating frantically in her chest. Marine had said she couldn't see but somehow she knew the color of her hair, and she even spoke which was insane.

"You did good," Marine said with a small smile as Rain neared her. "I didn't expect a beginner to be as perfect."

"D-Did you see that?" Rain shook visibly. "Did you see the priestess grab me?"


"She spoke to me," Rain confessed in a small whisper. "She held my hands and told me horrible things."