| 155 | Southern Revolt

Somewhere in the broad land of the southern colony...


*This is UNS Guardian of the High Seas, awaiting reports!*

*Contact, this is SRU 55 Reporting! Quadrant 23, northwest city! The liberated slaves have started a revolt and are assaulting United Navy forces. I repeat! The liberated slaves have started a revolt!*

*Guardian, this is SRU 77 Reporting! Quadrant 16, southeast city! The scattered slave markets are burning. The city is currently in chaos as the slaves who had recently been liberated have ambushed our forces in the city!*

*This is SRU 44, situation is dire in the northern port. Requesting reinforcements... They have captured several of our teammates, awaiting further command!*

Chaos consumed the entirety of the southern colony when the slaves liberated by the United Navy unexpectedly revolted against them, their liberators. Casualties of SRU were climbing, and it wasn't planning to stop.