| 156 | Heavy Retaliation

Somewhere in the Port of Dawn was a particular sector connected to the military of the United Navy. It was riddled with Naval Guns, Multi-Mission Launchers, and C-RAMs' scattered throughout its well-defended perimeter. It was known to many as the defense sector.

Deep inside the defense sector was a dome-shaped buildings 75 meters tall and 375 meters in diameter. It was the Central, Strategic, Command, of the United Navy. Generally called as the Command Center. 

The office of the fleet admiral in the branch office building was where important decisions of the United Navy were made. On the other hand, in the Command Center, it was in this place where the fleet admiral's important decisions were done. 

And now, the current, troublesome issue they were tackling was the southern revolt perpetrated by the recently liberated slaves. The situation was complicated, and it was a mark of hostility towards the United Navy.