Chapter 4: Man, you have successfully piqued my interest_1

Although the bodyguards could not comprehend the situation, they did not dare to defy Emily Taylor's order. They immediately left to pursue Ethan Smith.

At this moment, Ethan Smith aimlessly walked on the street, looking exceptionally desperate.

He didn't even know where he should go.

Home? That was definitely not an option. Would he end up being homeless?

"Dad, I have failed you," Ethan Smith lamented as he recalled the man from his dream.

Just then, a Bentley sped over, blocking Ethan's path!

Four strong bodyguards jumped out of the car.

"Don't go!" The bodyguards blocked Ethan's way.

"Our miss asks you to come back," they said, their faces almost expressionless.

Apparently, they were still immersed in the anger over Ethan touching their goddess.

When Ethan saw the figures of these people, he knew that he was no match, so he returned to Emily's home with them without struggling.

In no time, a burly bodyguard grabbed Ethan Smith's arm and dragged him before Emily Taylor.

"Miss, we've detained him as per your order!" The bodyguard pushed Ethan in front of Emily.

"Bastard, how dare you make our young lady vomit blood? You're done!"

With a fierce expression, he just wanted to tear Ethan into pieces directly.

Emily's eyebrows knitted slightly.

She slowly stood up and walked over to the bodyguard.

"Who told you to treat him like this?" Emily asked coldly.

The bodyguard was taken aback, stammering, "I... I..."

"Apologize to Mr. Smith," Emily said coldly.

"Miss, I..."

"Don't make me repeat myself!" Emily Taylor chided before the bodyguard could finish his sentence.

The bodyguard's face turned beet red.

He was incredibly reluctant to apologize to a dork like Ethan Smith.

However, none of them dared to go against Emily Taylor's command. So, he bit the bullet and bowed his head.

"I, I'm... sorry, Mr. Smith." The bodyguard bowed, not even daring to lift his head.

Ethan quickly said, "Miss Emily, it's okay, it's not his fault. Please let bygones be bygones...."

Emily then nodded, saying coldly, "Leave the both of us alone."

Upon hearing that, the others got out of the room hastily.

Emily opened a bottle of red wine, poured a glass for Ethan, and then smiled, "I really didn't see it coming, you actually know medicine."

Ethan was dumbfounded. Surprised, he queried in elation, "Miss Emily, do you mean... your illness is cured?"

"yes." Emily answered in slight confusion.

"That's great, that's great!" A seed of hope sprouted amid Ethan's despair!

That's not a dream! These medical knowledges are also true!

"But I'm curious, I've looked into your background, why would a person of your medical skills lead such an unimpressive life?" Emily asked with a bit of amusement.

Hearing this, Ethan sighed slightly.

"Miss Emily, I don't know how to explain it to you..." Ethan stated with a wry smile.

Still, there was no way Ethan Smith could tell her that he had gained all his medical skills and knowledge in a dream. Should he utter such words, she would think he was out of his mind.

Nevertheless, Ethan Smith seemed to be a humble person in Emily Taylor's opinion. Thus, his reaction only added to her good impression of him.

"No chance to display your prowess?" Emily Taylor asked in jest.

After chuckling, Ethan Smith remained placid.

"Alright, since you don't want to say it, I won't force you. Now tell me, how do you want me to repay you? Money? Or something else?" Emily asked with a hint of playfulness, as if suggesting something.

Ethan quickly waved his hand, "No, Miss Emily, I don't need anything. You saved me, so this is the least that I can do for you."

"Really don't want anything?" Emily asked with a faint smile.

"You know, I can fulfill whatever request that you may have. You just have to say it." Emily said, her eyes filled with a bit of anticipation.

Ethan still shook his head, "I really don't need anything, thank you for your kindness."

Hearing Ethan's response, a flicker of intrigue passed through Emily's eyes.

It seemed that this Ethan was at least a kind and sincere man.

Just then, Ethan's phone suddenly rang.

His expression turned glum upon seeing the caller ID on the screen because the person who called him was Sylvia Johnson.

That shameless woman who betrayed himself.

As soon as the call connected, Ethan heard Sylvia's voice in a harsh tone, "Are you dead yet? If not, get your ass back here right now!"

Ethan Smith was burning with rage upon hearing such abrasive words.

Gritting his teeth, he riposted, "Why makes you think that I will go back after what you've done?"

Sylvia Johnson burst into laughter immediately at his words.

"Oh, poor Ethan Smith. Do you think that I wanted you to come back? Oh, please. I'm fucking telling you to come back and sign the divorce papers," Sylvia Johnson jeered with a sneer.

"You'd better not pull anything funny! Otherwise, I will ask Gary Brown to send you to the netherworld!" Sylvia Johnson snorted.

Having heard that, Ethan Smith clenched his fists involuntarily.

Clamping his teeth together, he bellowed, "Sylvia, rest assured, I'll not cling to you any longer! You will regret what you did one day!"

"Hmph! The only I regret most in my life was marrying a useless scum like you!" Sylvia Johnson retaliated.

She hung up the call.

Ethan Smith appeared to be troubled as he had mixed emotions.

After all, it would be impossible not to develop feelings for someone after spending three years with them.

But more than that, there was humiliation and anger drowned out other emotions.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked.

Ethan Smith shook his head and responded, "Miss Emily, I-I need to go home now. There's something that I have to deal with."

Emily Taylor winked her eyes and uttered, "Divorce?"

Ethan Smith was stupefied for a moment, "How did you know about this?"

"Just a random guess," Emily Taylor answered half-heartedly.

"I can help you deal with these things. I'll go with you." Emily Taylor came to her feet and said.

"I-It's okay. I'm good," Ethan Smith declined, waggling his hands.

Emily Taylor ordered in a domineering tone, "I will send you there! Quit whining!"

Feeling resigned, Ethan Smith left together with Emily Taylor.

As soon as they stepped out, Emily's secretary immediately ran over.

Moving close towards Emily Taylor's ear, he whispered,"

He whispered in Emily's ear, "Miss Emily, the Chuzzle Province governor and the commander of the Chuzzle Battle Zone have arrived and invited you to a dinner..."

Emily Taylor had a slight headache upon hearing that.

Rubbing her temples, she murmured,

She rubbed her white forehead and muttered, "What a hassle... Tell them to wait, I'll go over later."

"Yes, miss," the secretary nodded in agreement.

Following that, Emily Taylor's car came to a halt in front of Ethan Smith.

"Get in," Emily Taylor gestured with her finger.

Seeing that declination was not a wise option, Ethan Smith got into the car submissively.

Soon, Ethan arrived at the Johnson family's entrance.

"Miss Emily, I'll be leaving now. Thanks for the ride," Ethan Smith stated courteously before getting out of the car.

But to Ethan's surprise, Emily also got out of the car.

She flipped her hair and said generously with a smile, "I'll come with you."

"Ah?" Ethan Smith was in a dazed state.

Emily Taylor donned a smile on her face. "I want to see what your family looks like."