Chapter 7- anguish

Alexander's POV

I intentionally insulted her with cruel words, watching her painful expression, it felt like I was transported back to a time when my beloved mother was still alive.

"No, you've misunderstood, I never meant to..." Her words were cut off as my burning lips sealed hers, Mechelle Diaz could only emit a choked sob. In the next moment, all sounds were swallowed by me.

The dominant kiss almost stole her breath away, it was passionate, tormented, but also viciously nibbling at her trembling lips, causing her pain so severe she wanted to scream, yet couldn't produce a sound.

"My dear, your body has already surrendered. Stop struggling, or I might just take you right now." My lips slowly parted from hers, softly sucking on her earlobe, breathing gently against her ear.

Mechelle Diaz's chest heaved, gasping for air, her eyes glaring resentfully at me, so close.

"Let go of me, I'm soon to become your stepmother, you can't do this to me." She spoke frantically, fearing I might do something else to her.

"Stepmother?" My eyes turned sharply dark, a mocking smirk playing on my lips, arrogantly wicked. "I've said it, I don't mind. How about I check out the goods for my father?"

"No, please..." She pleaded, tears rolling down her cheeks, dripping slowly from her face.

"No, please! I beg you, let me go, please..."

"Want me to let you go? Impossible!"

My inner wolf howled, it desired her.

Under my skilled teasing, she had already softened, her face flushed like she'd applied rouge, her trembling lips pressed tightly together, tears filling her eyes.

Terrified, she hurriedly shut her eyes, her face a pallid mask of despair, as if she'd fallen into an abyss.

"Alexander Duncan, I hate you, I hate you..."

"Hate all you want. Your hate means nothing to me." I laughed coldly.

She suddenly opened her eyes, glaring at me with hatred, teeth gritted as she cursed, "You'll go to hell!"

The smile on my lips was tinged with icy coldness as I casually replied, "Don't worry, if I go to hell, I'll definitely drag you down with me."

Turns out, she still hadn't mated yet. The scent of her daisies intoxicated me, clouding my senses.

Although still a virgin, this wolf was my type.

Sitting at the edge of the bed, I listened to the sound of water splashing from the bathroom, a smug and contemptuous smirk playing on my thin lips.

A miniature video camera lay quietly in the palm of my hand, and my deep eyes glanced at the closed bathroom door.

I stood up, my clothes already neatly worn. I took a few steps to the bathroom door and gently pushed it. Mechelle Diaz had locked it from the inside.

"Mechelle Diaz, if you don't want me to break down the door, you better come out obediently."

"I'll count to three. If you don't open the door, then I'll just barge in..." I smirked wickedly, starting the countdown. "One, two..."

Before I could finish with "three," she had already preemptively opened the bathroom door.

"Is there something you need?" she asked coldly, her penetrating gaze not concealing her hatred and disgust towards me. Her damp hair cascaded over her slender shoulders, droplets of water slowly rolling down from the tips.

This version of her, lacking innocence but possessing more allure, made her irresistible to men.

"Guess, is Daniel Duncan still at home right now?" I smirked deviously, my gaze lingering on her half-bared chest. A surge of electric tingles ran through the depths of my abdomen.

Shit! I cursed silently in my mind. I found myself liking this delicate body.

In the next moment, Mechelle Diaz's towel had slipped to the ground. She crouched down, her hands tightly wrapped around her bare body. She glared at me with gritted teeth, cursing, "Alexander Duncan, you're nothing but a complete lunatic..."

"You seemed to enjoy it just now, didn't you?" I pursed my lips, my alpha aura invisibly pressing down on her.


I reached out and firmly grasped her chin, forcing her to look up at me. With a contemptuous sneer, I said, "Dear, don't worry! We'll be living under the same roof in the future, plenty of opportunities to be together. Just make sure that old man doesn't find out you've cuckolded him."

With that, I shook her off and turned to leave the room.


Mechelle's POV

My body slowly slumped onto the cold floor, tears flowing freely without restraint.

In that moment, the tearing pain in my lower body almost made me faint. I don't know how long passed until I was brought back to reality by a "knock, knock" at the door. I stood up silently, wiped my body dry, changed into clean clothes, and looked at the haggard face in the mirror. Tears threatened to spill again.

Gathering my composure, I opened the door to find Nanny standing outside. "Miss, are you alright? The elder asked me to come and call you for dinner."

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry. I want to rest." I forced a faint smile. My father's death had plunged me from heaven to hell overnight.

Before Nanny could say anything else, I had already closed the door. Leaning against the cold wall, I heard Nanny sigh helplessly, followed by the sound of her footsteps gradually fading away.

Pulling back the heavy curtains, I noticed that darkness had descended. Large patches of darkness surged towards the European-style villa. Outside the window by the swimming pool, a few street lamps had already lit up, dispelling some of the darkness.

I lay back on the soft bed, still lingering with the scent of lust. Perhaps due to exhaustion, I soon fell asleep.

In the darkness, I felt as though someone was moving around in my room, but I couldn't seem to open my heavy eyelids...

When I woke up again, it was already bright outside. The rain was drizzling, and the sky was overcast, my mood sinking with it.

"What's this?" I looked at the miniature video camera placed by the bedside, furrowing my brows. Carefully holding it in my hand and inspecting it, I couldn't find any clues.

Suddenly, a black and white image flashed rapidly in my mind, stirring up an uneasy feeling deep within.

Who placed this here? Could it be that someone really entered my room last night?

The video camera almost slipped from my hand, my fingers trembling. I felt a fear and apprehension I had never experienced before.