Chapter 8- Seducing a stepson

Mechelle's POV:

"How could this happen? How could it be like this?"

I stared at the laptop screen in front of me, feeling like I was plunging into hell, experiencing a fear and dread I had never known before. My mind went blank, except for one voice swirling around, it's him! It must be him, sneakingly recording when I wasn't paying attention.

My hands clenched into fists so tightly that even the tips of my fingers embedded into the flesh of my palms couldn't feel any pain. I knew that once this video leaked, all eyes would be on me.

I would be dug out from the sea of people by internet users, condemned by the world as a shameless woman.

No, it can't be like this. I still want to live well, I still want to love, grow to be twenty, I haven't even experienced what it's like to love someone...

Endless panic and fear almost engulfed me completely.

I forcefully threw the small camcorder to the ground, causing it to emit a dull thud as it shattered into pieces. I rushed out of the room, not foolish enough to confront Alexander Duncan.

That would only bring disgrace upon myself. I suppressed the hatred and anger in my heart and went downstairs to the dining table, where Daniel Duncan and Alexander Duncan were already seated, the atmosphere strangely tense.

"Mechelle, today is your father's funeral. Elder Daniel has arranged everything for you. Elder Daniel will personally escort you there later." Daniel Duncan said with concern.

"Thank you, Elder Daniel." I forced a smile, trying hard to conceal my hatred and loathing towards Alexander Duncan. It's him! He completely ruined my life!

"After your father's funeral, we will be a family, you don't have to be so polite." Daniel Duncan smiled and glanced meaningfully at Alexander Duncan.

"Mmm." I nodded slightly, keeping my head down. Alexander Duncan beside me smirked slowly, deliberately letting his gaze linger on me, a hint of disdainful mockery flashing in his eyes. But I'm not the kind of weak miss.

However, if I were to make a big deal out of this, he would make me wish I were dead... Throughout the meal, I didn't even glance at Alexander Duncan. When Daniel Duncan spoke to me, I occasionally replied, but most of the time, I was just eating my sandwich.

"Ah!" I suddenly exclaimed, pulling my feet back as if a cold snake had coiled around them.

"Mechelle, are you okay?" Daniel Duncan looked at me suspiciously, asking in confusion.

I seemed shaken, someone had clearly kicked my foot just now. I lifted my gaze and met those deep, dark eyes, and my heart immediately panicked.

I quickly looked away, seeing a playful smirk tugging at his lips. It's him, indeed!

"I, I saw a cockroach just now, that's why I got scared." I muttered, my cheeks flushing crimson, almost as if blood could drip out.

"Cockroach?" Daniel Duncan furrowed his brow slightly and quickly called the nanny over, instructing, "Get someone to clean the entire villa inside and out later, so that Miss Diaz won't be scared by any more cockroaches."

The nanny hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Yes, sir, I'll do it right away."

The breakfast incident quickly passed, and Alexander Duncan didn't tease me anymore. After breakfast, he left in that sultry red Maserati.

I got into Daniel Duncan's car, and we headed towards the funeral home.

The afternoon sun poured down without reserve, and the air was filled with a faint floral scent. A gentle breeze swept through, occasionally causing petals to fall from the branches.

I lazily sat on the swing, the day after my father's funeral, Daniel Duncan gave me a grand wedding, and the entire Red Blood Pack knew that Mechelle Diaz was Daniel Duncan's new wife. Although it was all fake, I still felt repulsed by this identity. The villa's servants no longer called me Miss, but instead called me Madam.

I thought the first person to mock me after becoming Daniel Duncan's wife would be Alexander Duncan, but he hadn't appeared in the villa since that morning.

It's better if he never appears in front of me again! I hate him, I've never hated anyone like this before, wishing I could tear his tendons and drink his blood, wishing he would get hit by a car as soon as he steps out...

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice someone approaching from behind.

Louis Duncan smirked, giving the swing a strong push. I was suddenly terrified, gripping the ropes tightly, twisting my head to see a perfect and delicate face intruding into my view. The corner of his lips lifted with a faint smile, like the sunlight of the season suddenly shining into the depths of my heart.

For a moment, I was dazed, but I didn't forget the awkward situation. I asked coldly, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"And who are you?" Louis Duncan raised an eyebrow, smiling ambiguously at me.

"I, I'm..." I stuttered, my cheeks flushed. How should I introduce myself? Should I say I'm the mistress of this villa? I bit my lip tightly, lowering my head in silence.

"Are you a thief?" Louis Duncan teased deliberately, his clear eyes staring at me unblinkingly, reinforcing the answer he already had in mind.

I quickly raised my head, trying to explain, "I'm not a thief, I'm..." My mouth opened and closed, but I couldn't say the last sentence, so I just lowered my head in defeat.

"Alright, I was just joking with you. If you don't want to say, you don't have to. No one will force you." Louis Duncan said softly, suddenly feeling a twinge of pity at my flustered state.

I breathed a sigh of relief, giving him a faint smile. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me." Louis Duncan smiled faintly and said, "I saw you sitting on the swing with a heavy heart. Is something wrong? If you don't mind, I can be your listener. It's better than keeping everything to yourself."

"I'm fine, thank you." I pressed my lips together, gazing at the fallen petals on the ground. Nobody can help me now, all I can pray for is that the devil can spare me.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I won't push you. After all, we've just met, and I was a bit presumptuous just now. I should apologize to you." Louis Duncan smiled gently, his smile hitting me straight in the heart.

I slowly lowered my head, a wry smile creeping onto my lips. "It's okay."

"Are you unhappy? How about I take you somewhere?" Louis Duncan didn't hesitate, simply taking my hand. Never before had he wanted to protect someone actively, but this girl who inadvertently entered his heart was the first.

"Stepmother, are you trying to seduce your stepson?" A voice dripping with mockery and disdain felt like a heavy blow, hitting my shattered heart mercilessly.