018 Shame and Humiliation (Part 2)

Upon hearing that the soldiers had no connection with her, Shen Tang felt her tense nerves relax, lowering her hand that had been holding down the brim of her sun hat. Sitting in the corner, pretending to sip tea, she tried to minimize her presence: "Soldiers from the Geng Kingdom... What are they doing here?"

As these words left her lips, Qishan nearly choked on his tea.

Shen Tang, true to form as Shen Xiaolangjun, never ceased to surprise him; every question she posed was beyond his expectations.

"If the soldiers from the Geng Kingdom are not here, then where are they?" Qishan inquired.

Shen Tang hesitated, her intuition telling her that she had asked a foolish question.

Attempting to salvage the situation, Shen Tang continued, "But shouldn't this be the territory of the Xing Kingdom? How could soldiers from the Geng Kingdom..."

As she spoke, she stopped herself, realizing the futility of her words. With one hand covering her eyes in embarrassment, she avoided Qishan's gaze, recalling his mention of the Xing Kingdom being destroyed, and the news of the Gong family's suspected concealment of the imperial seal. At that time, her attention had been solely on the imperial seal and the Gong family, never considering who might have been responsible for the destruction of the Xing Kingdom.

But now, upon further reflection, it was highly likely that it was the Geng Kingdom.

This question fully exposed her "naïveté," but fortunately, Qishan was accustomed to Shen Xiaolangjun's "unpredictability" and did not delve deeper.

Shen Tang, feeling embarrassed, replied, "I... don't quite understand these matters..."

"It's never too late to learn," Qishan said with a half-smile, tapping the tabletop three times with his finger, silently invoking the phrase "法不传六耳" (secrets are not shared with six ears), a subtle manifestation of his profound knowledge. "I can understand why you, being a noble scholar nurtured in luxury, may not be familiar with such affairs. You are fortunate compared to other idle heirs who are even more ignorant and fearless. They only know how to revel in pleasure and frivolity, oblivious to the enmities and sufferings of the people."

Shen Tang fell silent.

As long as she didn't identify with the accusations, what Qishan said did not concern her.

Summoning her courage, Shen Tang affirmed, "Mr. Qi is correct."

Qishan looked disinterested, having just experienced a momentary lapse of emotional control himself.

The massacre of the Xing Kingdom by the Geng Kingdom, a well-known fact even to children and peasants, seemed incomprehensible to Shen Tang, who had a significant connection to the Gong family. Qishan couldn't decide whether to be angry or amused by her ignorance.

Shen Tang, feeling guilty, lowered her head and sipped her tea.

"However, whether it's the Xing Kingdom or the Geng Kingdom, they are all the same. To the common people, it's merely swapping one tyrant for another..."

Shen Tang was astonished to hear this.

Glancing outside at the Geng Kingdom soldiers, she felt relieved that they hadn't noticed their conversation before continuing, "From Mr. Qi's words, it seems you have some opinions about the fallen Xing Kingdom, but earlier you said..."

When they first met, Qishan had harbored ill intentions towards her as a "Gong family descendant," implying that the Gong family was involved in the downfall of the Xing Kingdom and had hidden the imperial seal. Shen Tang had thought Qishan loved his homeland, but now it seemed otherwise.

Qishan lazily raised an eyelid.

"These are not contradictory."

Seeing that he had no intention of elaborating, Shen Tang had to change the subject herself, subtly trying to gather more information about this world. She pointed upward, "The gentleman from the Geng Kingdom... Why does he hold such a low opinion of him?"

While it was fitting to criticize the Xing Kingdom, whose rulers were incompetent and lascivious, the Geng Kingdom was powerful and had expanded its territories during the reign of its rulers. Qishan's characterization of them as "tyrants" was unexpected.

Qishan chuckled, "If they aren't considered tyrants, then who among the rulers can be called 'benevolent'? Mark my words, if Tyrant Zheng Qiao doesn't die within five years, the Geng Kingdom will surely meet its demise."

Shen Tang's curiosity was piqued.

"Where exactly does the 'tyranny' lie?"

Qishan was about to explain when the sounds of cursing from outside the tea house interrupted them. In no time, the only sounds remaining were the crack of whips and the agonizing screams. Peering through the bamboo curtains of the tea house, Shen Tang could vaguely see a corner of the prisoner's cart dripping with blood.

Another prisoner angrily shouted, "Even if you beat me to death, I'll still say it. Zheng Qiao, you treacherous scoundrel, you've made me wear mourning clothes and carry a coffin, mourning for your ancestors! I'll drum and gong and parade your disgraceful funeral!"

This gentleman, with his white hair and sturdy physique, spoke with vigor and thunderous voice.

Shen Tang witnessed for the first time the art of insults in this strange world.


Of course, the Geng Kingdom soldiers would not tolerate such insults.

They immediately lashed out with their whips, leaving bloody marks with every strike. But the gentleman stubbornly clenched his teeth, refusing to scream or beg for mercy. The more ferociously they beat him, the more vehemently he cursed.

Until he was on the brink of death, the soldier spat in disgust at the prisoner, "Wretched old fool!"

"Earlier, you asked where the 'tyranny' lies," Qishan gestured vaguely in the direction outside the tea house, concerned that Shen Tang might not understand. He then recounted the story, "Zheng Qiao is the current ruler of the Geng Kingdom. He was sent as a hostage to the Xing Kingdom at the age of five with his mother. It's said that he was intelligent and studious from a young age, and possessed unparalleled beauty. By the age of fifteen, he had become famous throughout the capital. The ruler of the Xing Kingdom was overjoyed and bestowed upon him the name 'Nü Jiao.'"

"Wasn't the ruler of the Xing Kingdom ill?" Shen Tang inquired.

Qishan replied, "Indeed, he was. Incompetent and lascivious, he took a fancy to the women of other countries, including Zheng Qiao's mother. He forcibly took her as his concubine and, as a bonus, sent Zheng Qiao as a hostage."

"Poor Zheng Qiao..." Shen Tang couldn't help but pity him.

But Qishan mocked her innocence, asking, "Do you think Zheng Qiao was coerced by the tyrant, forced to act against his will?"

"Isn't that the case?" Shen Tang subconsciously assumed that it was the tyrant's coercion.

Qishan shook his head regretfully, "If only that were true, then Zheng Qiao would indeed be pitiable. Unfortunately, that's