019 Shame and Humiliation (Part 3)

Shen Tang nearly choked on the tea she hadn't swallowed yet.

"Ahem, so... this is the truth behind the destruction of the Gong family?" Listening to what Qishan had said, Shen Tang felt that the Gong family couldn't really be considered innocent. "Knowing that Zheng Qiao was treacherous, they still let the tiger return to the mountain. Did they never think there would be a day of retaliation?"

Not everyone in this world reciprocates kindness.

Zheng Qiao's experience in Xin Country was truly a humiliating disgrace. Back then, in a position of weakness, he had to compromise. Now, as the esteemed Lord of Geng Country, with power and resources, the hatred buried deep within him erupted like a volcano. His dark past had become an urgent matter to be erased.

Qishan remarked, "As for that, I have no idea."

Shen Tang teased, "I thought you knew everything, sir."

Although it was a transcendent journey with a hellish beginning, Qishan, the "guiding NPC," was very conscientious. Five stars!

Pretending to be surprised, Qishan said, with feigned humility, "To have earned the esteem of Miss Shen is a great honor."

Shen Tang, faced with his thick skin, tactically lowered her head to sip her tea. Meanwhile, Qishan discreetly observed her reaction. He had always been curious about Shen Langjun's relationship with the Gong family. Upon hearing that the Gong family's destruction stemmed from Zheng Qiao's revenge, Shen Langjun showed neither indignation nor resentment, appearing indifferent, as though the matter had nothing to do with him.

But how could it not?

If Shen Langjun were truly indifferent, why did he risk his life last night for a chance encounter?

His reaction completely defied conventional logic.

With Geng Country soldiers still lingering outside, and Shen Tang unwilling to attract attention, she asked the teahouse owner to bring another pot of tea. They continued to pass the time inside the teahouse, while Shen Tang casually inquired about the identities of the prisoners on the cart.

The teahouse owner, looking timidly towards the Geng soldiers outside, whispered, "It's said to be... the Vice Minister of the Imperial Censorate..."

Shen Tang, puzzled, looked at Qishan. "Vice Minister of the Imperial Censorate?"

Don't blame her for being illiterate; as an amnesiac, she truly didn't know.

Qishan replied, "The Vice Minister of the Imperial Censorate, named Tian?"

"It seems to be surnamed 'Tian'? Those soldiers were cursing and muttering about 'Tian' and 'Vice Minister of the Imperial Censorate.'" The teahouse owner didn't understand these things. Even if they were just guarding the city gates, they could easily kill them, small fry like them. He sighed as he brought another pot of tea for Shen Tang, saying, "You two young gentlemen better not be too curious, lest you lose your lives!"

The conflict between Xin and Geng countries had the greatest impact on their citizens. The Geng people fared slightly better; although burdened by heavy taxes, making it difficult for them to breathe, at least they weren't starving. The Xin people, on the other hand, were worse off.

The main battlefield was in Xin Country.

The Xin people not only had to provide military supplies for Xin's war effort, but also faced the looting and pillaging by Geng soldiers.

One would have thought that once the war was over, things would calm down. But who would have expected that the Lord of Geng, upholding the principle of "not allowing brothers to suffer," would allow his subordinates, who had helped him conquer the world, to run amok.

The citizens trembled at the sight of Geng soldiers.

Seeing that the two young gentlemen were handsome and dashing, the teahouse owner couldn't help but remind them, lest these two young men recklessly lose their lives.

"Don't worry, we know our limits." Qishan smiled in response to the teahouse owner's concern. When the teahouse owner busied himself elsewhere, the smile faded from his face, replaced by a grim expression. "The Vice Minister of the Imperial Censorate is the chief official of the Imperial Censorate, tasked with impeaching officials and investigating complaints against them."

Shen Tang's eyes sought answers. "So, what happened next?"

More humiliation, renaming Xin Country "Chongtai," and forcing people to cede their positions to Wang Ji. Zheng Qiao was quite the schemer, with plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

Qishan's expression was complex as he continued, "Then... Wang Ji led the officials and the citizens in surrender, wearing mourning clothes and pulling funeral carts..."

Shen Tang's expression was perplexed. "So..."

"Wearing mourning clothes and pulling funeral carts means having both hands bound behind the back and a jade tablet in the mouth, a gesture of surrender."