033 Mr. Chu

The sound of a motorcycle bell gradually drew closer.

Shen Tang returned from his inquiry, feigning mystery. "Why didn't Yuan Liang ask me? Aren't you curious about the news of that person?"

Yuan Liang remained composed, calmly uttering words that could harden one's fists. "Yuan Liang is not someone who can hold back words."

Shen Tang inwardly wished to perform a cranial surgery on Yuan Liang.

"With such a big mouth, you've managed to live this long in peace. Truly remarkable," Shen Tang teased, but Yuan Liang didn't even furrow his brows, leaving her no choice but to continue, "According to the butcher, that old gentleman is a 'celebrity' in the vicinity, with the family name 'Chu.'"

Yuan Liang inquired, "Which character?"

There are not few surnames with similar sounds.

After inquiring with the butcher, Shen Tang replied, "It should be the 'Chu' from 'take the clothes and dress.'"

Upon hearing this 'Chu,' Yuan Liang's brows subtly furrowed, though Shen Tang, two steps behind him, did not notice.

"Chu... this surname is rare in both Xin and Geng countries."

Shen Tang asked, "In which country is it more common?"

Yuan Liang shook his head, avoiding the question, and changed the subject. "Apart from the surname, did you find out anything else?"

Shen Tang recounted, "The butcher also said that this Mr. Chu was sold as a cheap slave at the market five years ago. At that time, more than thirty slaves were brought in. It was said that there were originally over two hundred slaves, prepared to be sold elsewhere, but a plague broke out halfway, leaving only a few alive, and they had to be sold nearby in Xiaocheng. Because of the plague, the price of the slaves was very low..."

Yuan Liang asked, "Five years ago? Are you sure about this time?"

Shen Tang carefully recalled the butcher's words. "The butcher couldn't remember very clearly either; it might have been five years plus a few months... Mr. Chu was bundled up and bought by Yuehua Tower, and it has been like this until now. I even specifically asked what Yuehua Tower is..."

Before she finished, Yuan Liang interjected, "It's the Elephant Pavilion."

Shen Tang paused in her steps, looking at Yuan Liang's back with a strange expression, muttering, "How do you know this so clearly?"

What is the Elephant Pavilion?

A place where both men and women can seek pleasure.

Yuan Liang did not directly answer, but in a tone of admonishing a child, said, "Yuan Liang has not yet reached the age to understand such things."

Shen Tang thought in her heart, flipping him off mentally.

I've been an adult for eight hundred years, thank you very much!

Yuan Liang said blandly, "This gentleman is somewhat peculiar, with many contradictions. It was evident from our previous conversation. His proficiency in literary skills is not low, at least not below mine. Xiaocheng is indeed full of hidden talents, quite interesting."

Shen Tang was surprised. "Not below yours?"

"Perhaps even above mine."

Shen Tang was puzzled. "With such talent, even if he has fallen to the destitute state of being bought by the Elephant Pavilion, he shouldn't be doing so many odd jobs in the kitchen. At his age, what else could he do?"

Even if he's a slave, he should have some skills.

Yuan Liang narrowed his eyes and chuckled coldly.

"Who knows what he's thinking? However, speaking of the surname 'Chu,' it reminds me of an old case."

Shen Tang's gossip spirit was awakened instantly. Following the usual routine, the so-called "old case" most likely had intricate ties with Mr. Chu.

He might not be directly involved, but certainly, he is related to someone involved.

It's all part of the scheme!

"What old case?" Shen Tang inquired eagerly.

Yuan Liang smiled and continued with the story: "In the hundred nations of the world, marriages among them are common. A few years ago, the Kingdom of Xin was flourishing, and the surrounding smaller countries offered their princesses to the King of Xin. Among them was a princess surnamed 'Chu' who became a concubine."

"Ah, and then?" Shen Tang prompted.

Yuan Liang continued his storytelling, "This princess from another country, surnamed 'Chu,' just entered the King's palace when she received the favor of the King of Xin, overshadowing even Zheng Qiao, the favored concubine at that time. It is said that this favored concubine was well-educated, gentle, and kind-hearted. Soon after, she became pregnant, with great potential to become the queen. However, she tragically miscarried after five months of pregnancy, dying in a mysterious manner."

Shen Tang listened attentively to every word, fearing to miss the key points.

"I bet there's more to this than meets the eye," she commented seriously.

Yuan Liang nodded, "Of course, it's not that simple. There were numerous rumors circulating. Some said that the favored concubine had an affair with a palace guard, which was discovered by the King. Others whispered that the unborn child was actually Zheng Qiao's. Shortly after these events, Zheng Qiao returned to her country, and the Kingdom of Xin launched an attack, massacring the concubine's homeland. It was rumored that during the massacre, the King of Xin secretly ordered the slaughter of the royal family and nobles of that small country... Considering the King of Xin's attitude, those rumors may hold some truth. Of course, it's also possible that Zheng Qiao plotted it, orchestrating the murder of the concubine to facilitate her return home."

Shen Tang pondered, "..."

Is this what they call 'what goes around, comes around'?

The Kingdom of Xin has also committed massacres, tormenting the royal family of another country, denying the captives any dignity. Now it's Zheng Qiao's turn to destroy Xin, not only copying Xin's past deeds but also playing out new tricks, forcing the royal family of Xin to surrender in the nude.

This is what they mean by 'the student surpasses the master.'

Shen Tang speculated, "Does Yuan Liang mean that this Mr. Chu might be a member of that small country's royal family?"

"It's hard to say. It's possible, but it's also possible that he's not." The largest surname in that annihilated country was 'Chu,' so it's difficult to determine his identity, but it's certain that he has grievances with the Kingdom of Xin.

Yuan Liang exhaled slowly, suppressing the complex emotions churning in his chest. "Let's not dwell on these matters for now, Shen Xiao Lang, let's settle down at our lodgings first, and we'll take it from there."

The next period of time would have to be spent in Xiaocheng.

Shen Tang shrugged nonchalantly, "I'll follow Yuan Liang's lead in everything."

Being unfamiliar with the place, one could only rely on this "guiding NPC."

Yuan Liang led Shen Tang to a secluded small house.

Although small, the house was well-equipped, reflecting the owner's meticulous care. The owners of the house were an elderly farming couple, both appearing to be around fifty. As soon as they appeared, the old woman smiled and greeted them, leading Shen Tang to her room.

The room was near the courtyard, and by opening the wooden door, one could see the courtyard. Yuan Liang stayed in the next room. After the elderly couple left, Shen Tang asked, "Does Yuan Liang know these two?"

The old couple's familiarity with Yuan Liang indicated that they were old acquaintances.

Yuan Liang replied casually, "We've known each other for about five or six years..."

Shen Tang raised an eyebrow.

Whether it was her suspicious nature or not, she couldn't help but wonder about the phrase "five or six years."