062 Have a full meal

The two of them, with their persuasive arguments, finally convinced Gongshu Wu.

After they finished speaking, Zhai Le spoke up, "In my opinion, Shen Xiong, why don't you consider finding a way to leave the northwest and head southeast?"

Shen Tang asked, "Go southeast? Isn't the southeast not at war?"

Expecting Zhai Le to mention something about the stable situation in the southeastern states, she was surprised when he said, "Of course there's war. Why wouldn't there be? Are there any vassal states left that haven't been at war? But the southeast is slightly better than the northwest in one aspect—it doesn't suffer from frequent droughts."

Qishan, hearing this, couldn't even be bothered to lift his eyelids. He chuckled, "It's true that the southeastern states receive plenty of rainfall and aren't prone to frequent droughts, but they do experience floods. Some floods are natural disasters that can't be avoided, but some are man-made. The vassal states upstream control the waterways, diverting rivers before the rainy season, causing droughts downstream. Then, when the rainy season arrives, they release water to prevent flooding and ensure stability upstream..."

There are even more cunning maneuvers utilizing geographical advantages. According to what he knows, there's a vassal state that became wealthy by "selling water." If the downstream vassal states don't comply with their demands, they cut off the water supply. If they still resist, they intentionally release floods to inundate the disobedient vassal state, all while profiting from "protection fees" to fill their own coffers.

Because they went too far, they incurred the wrath of the heavens and the people, leading to a joint retaliation by the downstream vassal states, resulting in their destruction.

The situation is similar in various parts of the continent. Qishan would rather stay in the northwest than go to the southeast.

Most importantly—

He's hydrophobic; he hates water!

Zhai Le pursed his lips, seemingly disappointed that his suggestion didn't resonate. But upon further thought, he could understand. There's no place like home. He was born in the southeastern borderlands, where he has good water skills and talents for hunting and fishing, without experiencing much hardship.

So even if the homeland is chaotic, it's still better than elsewhere.

Presumably, Mr. Qishan feels the same way.

Zhai Le persisted, continuing to persuade, "Even if you're unwilling to head south, Geng Kingdom is not safe either. Either go to a vassal state where the political situation is relatively stable or simply retire from the world, away from the fires of war... Ah Xiong said that Geng Kingdom's remaining fortune will last at most five years."

Qishan's brow furrowed, "Your Ah Xiong?"

"Same clan cousin, we're close in age and grew up together, more like brothers than cousins. He's quite capable. He plans to enter government service after this journey. He also said that Geng Kingdom's ruler, Zheng Qiao, is a narrow-minded man with lofty ambitions but lacking in virtue and wisdom. He's like a tiger trying to skin itself; he's bound to perish. I think he makes sense..."

Qishan subtly observed Gongshu Wu's expression.

Seeing that he appeared to be absent-minded but was actually paying attention to the conversation, he spoke, "Your Ah Xiong seems to have a good insight into Zheng Qiao. This person, with little virtue but holding high position, small-minded and ambitious, will surely not have the traits of a wise ruler."

"To you, sir, what constitutes a wise ruler?"

Gongshu Wu, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke up.

"Is it a ruler with outstanding achievements, expanding the territory?" Qishan didn't answer but turned to Shen Tang and asked, "What does Shen Xiaolang think?"

Suddenlcy being addressed, Shen Tang exclaimed, "Me???"

Qishan clarified, "Yes, I'm asking you."

She casually replied, "A ruler who ensures that the people are well-fed, clothed, and live in stability is a wise ruler in my opinion. With full granaries, they know propriety; with sufficient food and clothing, they understand honor and disgrace. When the people live in prosperity, with surplus in hand and stable hearts, the country will naturally be stable, with a clear political situation. A wise ruler, well, isn't all the toil and trouble aimed at achieving this result?"

Gongshu Wu: "..."

Qishan: "..."

Shen Tang felt a bit awkward under their gazes.

She added hastily, "Even if it's about expanding territory or having remarkable achievements, for the monarch, martial prowess might look good, but how much benefit does it bring to the common people? Not only is there no benefit, but to raise military funds, the court will increase taxes, burdening the people. For every extra bit of tax collected for military expenditure, they go a bit hungrier, maybe even starve to death. Look at how many refugees from Xin Kingdom still long for their old country. They just move on and continue with their lives..."

If Geng Kingdom were to be destroyed in the future, the people would likely react the same way.

Perhaps they would celebrate a bit, relieved that the tyrant weighing on their heads has finally gone, and they can catch their breath.

Gongshu Duan remained silent, and Zhai Le didn't speak.

Qishan shook his head, "The ways of the world today are different."

Such as Shen Xiaolang's "way of the vassals."

While other vassals use the "way of the vassals" to recruit talents, gather military forces, and expand their territories, Shen Xiaolang is all about "agriculture." No matter how proficient he is in farming or how plentiful his granaries, what's the use if he can't defend them? It's not appealing to talents, nor does it benefit them.

Grains can be seized with military force.

"Yuanliang has a point. As the saying goes, 'If you only farm and don't store weapons, your home becomes a granary; if you only store weapons and don't farm, everywhere is a granary.' The food grown in one's own fields can never match the fragrance of the food in someone else's granary." Shen Tang considered the current situation and expressed her understanding.


Why should adults have to choose?

Naturally, they should have both weapons and fields.

Forget about emperors; feed the people first.

Shen Tang said, "If I were to seek employment with a vassal state in the future, I would definitely not consider those that delay payment or offer low wages."

Working is just about eating well.

If there's no idealism, then let's talk about full stomachs.

A good boss is one who ensures the company runs smoothly, pays salaries on time, gives raises, doesn't feed you empty promises, and pays you for the work you do, allowing employees to support their families. That's what makes a good boss.

Forget about 996; even 007 can be accomplished.

"You want to seek employment?" Qishan's expression deepened slightly.

Shen Tang: "..."

She felt this question needed careful consideration.

She shook her head and said, "I was just saying. Why work for others if I don't have to? It's not like I can't feed myself..."

In this era, doing a good job doesn't necessarily lead to promotions and raises, but doing a bad job can definitely lead to the loss of one's head and family.

The input doesn't match the output.

Starting a business with others is not a good choice; it's better to go solo.

She can still conjure up food with her words.

Perhaps she can't help others, but she won't starve herself.

Qishan's expression softened slightly.

"In that case, it's also good."

Shen Tang looked at him in confusion, "What's also good?"

"Working hard to eat well is also good." Not just ensuring one person eats well, but ensuring millions eat well.

Maybe the "way of the vassals" related to "agriculture" could also lead to a prosperous path. This is a path that previous generations have never taken. Without trying it out, how would one know if it works?

Shen Tang: "???"

Although she didn't quite understand what schemes Qishan was brewing, her intuition told her it wasn't a bad thing, so she stopped paying attention.

Gongshu Wu, on the side, glanced at Qishan and then at Shen Tang, vaguely sensing something, but he felt his guess was absurd.

The bonfire was dying down, and dawn was breaking.

With their rest almost over, the group prepared to enter the city.

Shen Tang, Zhai Le, and Qishan were fine, but Gongshu Wu stood out a bit. As the day broke, Shen Tang realized that this sturdy man was nearly two meters tall, robustly built with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, muscular and powerful, equivalent to the strength of two people!

Standing out in a crowd, he was unmistakable.