063 Betrothal a Cat (Part 1)

Gong Shu Wu noticed early on that Shen Tang's gaze towards him was one of surprise and admiration, her fatigued face revealing a rare hint of smile.

Caught off guard, Shen Tang awkwardly averted her gaze. 

"Ahem, I've noticed that Master Gong Shu is truly tall," she humbly inquired. Among the four present, she had the lowest altitude; even Di Le was half a head taller than her. This made Shen Tang uncomfortable having to look up while talking to people. She modestly sought advice, "Is there any secret to growing taller quickly?"

If there were a secret to muscle training, that would be even better.

Muscles developed through such training would undoubtedly possess tremendous explosive power, not easily concealed even under ordinary clothing, sparking envy in others. If she had an imposing altitude and muscles capable of knocking someone out with a single punch, even the most ignorant individuals would instinctively behave with civility and respect in her presence.

Qi Shan: "…"

Di Le chuckled impolitely.

Gong Shu Wu was first startled, then revealed a faint, relaxed smile, glancing at the flower-patterned sash around Shen Tang's waist, and tactfully replied, "Miss Shen is still young; it will take a few more years before you soar."

Shen Tang asked, "No tips?"

"No tips."

Except for a few exceptions, most martial practitioners were taller and stronger than ordinary men because only a powerful physique could unleash formidable strength. If the body couldn't withstand the power brought by martial practice, instead of defeating enemies, one would end up injuring oneself.

Martial practice was the best tip.

Unfortunately, Master Shen was a man of letters.

Shen Tang: "…"

She directly displayed her disappointment on her face.

Qi Shan said, "Master Shen has reminded me. You should conceal your appearance and martial token a bit to avoid trouble."

The physique wasn't a concern; after all, it wasn't just Gong Shu Wu who stood out in a crowd. As long as the martial token passed inspection and the appearance wasn't recognized, it wasn't difficult to get through the checkpoint. This happened to be one of Qi Shan's specialties. The only trouble was—

"This technique needs to be used once every seven days."

Gong Shu Wu: "Once every seven days?"

Qi Shan was embarrassed. "Yes, I'm not very skilled, so it can only be maintained for seven days. Once the seven days pass, it will revert to its original appearance…"

Gong Shu Wu sighed lightly, feeling regretful but not resentful. He knew his troubles too well. If someone else got involved, it would be inviting disaster, with life at stake. He was grateful to Qi Shan and the others for their help.

"In that case, I'll trouble you with the procedure, Master."

Gong Shu Wu respectfully clasped his hands, and Qi Shan smiled softly.

He waved his hand repeatedly. "It's a trivial matter, not troublesome."

Shen Tang raised her eyebrows in confusion.

While Qi Shan disguised Gong Shu Wu's appearance and martial token, similar to helping her conceal the flower-patterned sash, wasn't it a similar approach? She didn't know there was a time limit on these things. Since the last time she was disguised, Yuan Liang hadn't mentioned anything about having to redo it every seven days… If there really was a time limit, he would have definitely reminded her to avoid exposing any flaws. Shen Tang's eyes flickered, neatly organizing these thoughts and tucking them away in her heart.

She was willing to bet that Yuan Liang was brewing trouble!

"Master, could you also help me make some changes?" Di Le wanted to join in the fun after seeing it, aiming for the "skyrocketing in one step" kind. "I'm thinking, why not change it to a 20th-degree Transcendent Marquis! When I use it to tease my brother later, it will surely give him a shock!"

A 20th-degree Transcendent Marquis was the lifelong goal pursued by all martial practitioners! Holding a pass that could withstand any obstacle was truly stirring!

Qi Shan: "…"

He couldn't help but think that Shen Tang had once mentioned "First-Rank Exquisite Flower," and now this one wanted "20th-degree Transcendent Marquis." Why weren't these two ascending on the spot? Just daydreaming!

Though he mocked inwardly, he fulfilled Di Le's small wish—when he used this disguised martial token to tease his brother, he guaranteed that no matter how he was beaten, he wouldn't know.

The events of last night had not affected Xiao Cheng.

The queue of people waiting to enter the city was still endless, and the city gate guards behaved as usual—arrogant towards ordinary people, but flattering towards those with flower-patterned sashes or martial tokens, making every effort to please them, with inspections being merely symbolic.

After entering the city, the four split up.

Di Le was going back to the inn to meet his brother, not returning all night, worried his brother would go out looking for him. He exchanged living quarters with Shen Tang and arranged a time to go out together. Most importantly—knowing when Shen Tang would set up her wine stall, he wanted to support her business.

As for Gong Shu Wu—

Due to the seven-day time limit, if he wanted to stay in Xiao Cheng, he couldn't be too far from Qi Shan. At this time, Qi Shan "kindly" told him that he could rent a nearby civilian house, so Gong Shu Wu couldn't brush off the kindness and agreed. Shen Tang, as a bystander, witnessed everything.

She increasingly felt that there was trouble brewing in Yuan Liang's mind.

The three returned to the inn, and Qi Shan asked the old woman to help solve Gong Shu Wu's housing problem. Shortly after, Chu Yao returned with several packs of lotus leaves, followed by a sturdy child. The child had two little pigtails standing straight up, with rosy cheeks.

Carrying a bundle wrapped in cloth, he bobbed up and down.

He asked Shen Tang, "Is Young Master Five awake?"

Qi Shan impatiently said, "If he hadn't woken up by now, would I dare bring him back? He would've been cleaned out in Xiao Cheng!"

Chu Yao teased, "Did Young Master Five retrieve the treasure?"

Shen Tang awkwardly blushed, stammering, "Uh, wasn't he just drunk? Words spoken under the influence can't be trusted; it was all a misunderstanding."

Qi Shan said, "Master Shen brought back the 'treasure.'"

Chu Yao was surprised, "Wasn't it said to be a misunderstanding?"

"Last night, while chasing after him, he saved someone over twenty miles outside the city." Qi Shan thought of last night's events, reigniting his fiery emotions, his tone becoming more intense, "After putting in so much effort and taking such risks to save him, how can he not be called a 'treasure'?"

Chu Yao: "…"

He was curious about the person Qi Shan brought back.

Although before yesterday, he and Yuan Liang were only acquaintances, and it was only yesterday that he saw the real person, but from past rumors, he knew well that this guy was an early bird who didn't act without benefit. Although there were enemies everywhere, he disliked

 getting involved in trouble. Once he did, there must be benefits to be gained.

Let him see—

Was it the unfortunate one who had attracted unwanted attention again?

Chu Yao didn't speak, but his expression betrayed his inner thoughts, and Qi Shan, who understood him, frowned deeply.

With a sweep of his eyes, he noticed the chubby child behind Chu Yao and asked, "Whose child is this?"

Chu Yao replied, "He's the son of the butcher from that meat shop. His father made a deal with me, so I can't neglect his son. Besides, Young Master Five will be staying in Xiao Cheng for a while longer, so I brought him over to teach him a few things. It's always beneficial to learn some skills in this world."

After speaking, he patted the chubby child's head.

Looking at Shen Tang, he said to the child, "Don't be nervous. This young lord is Shen Family's Fifth Young Master, my master."

The child nervously lowered his head and awkwardly performed a not-so-standard greeting. Despite his plump appearance, his voice unexpectedly sounded crisp, "Greetings, young lord."

Chu Yao looked at Qi Shan again.

"This is Yuan Liang, you can call him Master."

The chubby child obediently said, "Hello, Master."

Qi Shan's complexion improved slightly as he nodded in acknowledgment, considering it a proper introduction. Just as he was about to enter the room to rest—after a night of rough sleep outdoors, with mosquitoes disturbing his rest—he heard an extremely faint "meow" sound beside him, halting his steps.

Then, he heard Shen Tang asking the chubby child, "Is there a cat in your arms?"