079 Come

Shen Tang, like a curious schoolchild, raised her hand quietly.

Qi Shan and the others watched her peculiar behavior in silence.

Chu Yao asked with concern, "Is something bothering you, Wulang?"

Seeing her gaze directed towards an empty space, he wondered, "Did you spot something dirty?"

Otherwise, why would she be gesturing towards nowhere?

In this world, raising one's hand often signifies a farewell rather than a desire to speak.

Shen Tang, feeling embarrassed, lowered her hand reluctantly and said, "I wanted to mention that I know how to distinguish between the genuine and fake tax money convoy."

Upon hearing this, Qi Shan raised an eyebrow with interest and said, "Please, Shen Xiaolang, go on."

Shen Tang continued, "It's quite simple. We need to gather some information first—how much copper, silver, and gold coins are in this batch of tax money? What is their total weight? How many carts and horses are needed for transportation? Since gold, silver, and copper of equal size have different weights, we can make a rough estimate and then observe the load on the wheels and the speed of the horses to discern the authenticity."

Even if the fake convoy is filled with sand and stones, the weight would reveal the deception.

This is indeed a relatively simple and effective method.


Gongsuwu interjected, "I'm afraid we'll need access to the account books to know this."

Even if Qi Shan and the others have some connections, they wouldn't have access to such confidential information, so they might need to find another way.

Contrary to expectations, Chu Yao found this quite straightforward.

"We don't need to check the account books. We just need to consult the county chronicles from previous years to learn about the harvest in good and bad years. Then we can compare the situation from the past three years. As for other tax items, we can estimate approximate numbers. However..."

While he was speaking, Qi Shan had already begun calculating something.

After a while, he spread out the contents of the paper for everyone to see.

He said, "It's pretty close."

Shen Tang didn't quite understand, and although Chu Yao and Gongsuwu had different reactions, Chu Yao's gaze hinted at a touch of disdain, while Gongsuwu seemed visibly agitated, clenching his teeth.

Chu Yao raised doubts, "Zheng Qiao attacked Xingguo, and Sibao County was one of the first to be conquered. Since then, his troops have been allowed to plunder everywhere, causing untold suffering to the people. How could they collect so much tax money?"

"You don't understand the county magistrate of Sibao County." Qi Shan mentioned their enemy with a contemptuous smile, "This person is extremely ambitious and cannot tolerate defeat. To please Zheng Qiao and demonstrate his achievements, the amount of tax money collected will only increase, not decrease, compared to previous years. When we traveled to Sibao County, we heard about many unheard-of types of taxes along the way, all of which were privately imposed."

Shen Tang looked bewildered.

She asked, "Is that so?"


"Why didn't I know about this?"

Qi Shan rolled his eyes and said blandly, "Because whenever Shen Xiaolang has free time, he sets up a stall at the market selling green plum candies and big cakes, making those ladies tremble with excitement. Engrossed in flirting, where would he find the spare time to care about such matters?"

It's fortunate that Shen Xiaolang is still young.

If he were a bit older, goodness, how many romantic debts would he incur? His romantic exploits could probably fill a bookshelf.

For a moment, both Gongsuwu and Chu Yao envisioned similar scenes, casting Shen Tang looks of mixed emotions.

Chu Yao didn't doubt the truth of Qi Shan's words.

Wulang's words were indeed sweet; regardless of gender, his praises flowed freely. He was warm and talkative, making acquaintances as easily as becoming part of the family.

Shen Tang said, "...Your words sound quite sour."

What did he mean by saying she was "engaged in flirting"?

Was he complaining that her popularity with the same sex was too good, stealing his limelight and causing those young ladies and wives not to spare him a glance?

She was single and trying hard to change that, so why blame her?

Chu Yao coughed twice, steering the conversation back on track, hoping these two would remember that they were having a serious discussion about "robbing tax money" and not chatting idly. He said, "Once we have the plan in place, where should we lay our ambush?"

Qi Shan and the others expressed their opinions, refining the plan as much as possible, while Shen Tang occasionally pointed out oversights and filled in gaps.

By the time they finished, the sun was already high in the sky.

Shen Tang asked privately, "Are you sure we shouldn't find a few more reliable helpers? Since Yuanliang has connections, there must be people we can use."

"Do you know the saying 'the fewer, the better'?" Qi Shan replied. "Too many people can lead to leaks and the division of spoils. Instead of risking more by adding more people, I'd rather take the risk myself. It's the same pit, but I only fall into it once."

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Shen Tang went along with it.

Watching Shen Tang's light and brisk figure, Qi Shan sighed inexplicably, playing with Su Shang in his arms, who lay on his back, exposing his belly, stretching his body lazily. He murmured, "I hope this time it goes as planned."


Su Shang lightly nibbled on Qi Shan's finger with his teeth, barely exerting any force, causing a slight itch. Qi Shan smiled and withdrew his hand.

"Do you also think Shen Xiaolang is capable?"

With no target for play, Su Shang looked up at Qi Shan, meowing as if accusing him.

Qi Shan had no choice but to offer his sleeve.

"Here, play with this."

Su Shang found a new toy, pawing at Qi Shan's sleeve, trying to climb up. The diligent figure was quite familiar to Qi Shan, causing a slight curl of his lips. After a while, a soft sigh dissipated into the air.

[End of Scene]

He was about to go back to his room to fetch some dried fish.

A slight tremor ran through his literary heart, and he suddenly felt a sense of danger coming from behind.

He swiftly dodged to the side.


An arrow embedded itself deeply into a wooden pillar, carrying a letter.

An hour later.

Shen Tang woke up from her nap and found a lone kitten lying at her doorstep. Su Shang was staring intently at his own tail, occasionally reaching out to swipe at it. When he failed to catch it, he continued staring, waiting for the next opportunity. If he did catch it, he would yowl in fright, jump up, and puff out his fur.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Why are you the only one here? Where's Qi Yuanliang?" Shen Tang bent down to pick up Su Shang. Qi Shan had been clinging to her side for the past few days, carrying this "new bride" given by the "bride price" wherever he went. Why

 would he leave it here now? Wasn't he afraid it would wander off?

Su Shang naturally couldn't understand human language.

He wriggled restlessly in Shen Tang's arms.

Helpless, she could only return him to Qi Shan's room. It was better to have him wreak havoc there than risk him getting lost or bullied by other stray cats.

Neither Qi Yuanliang nor Chu Yao was present.

As for Gongsuwu?

Shen Tang wasn't familiar with him.

Feeling bored, she went out again to set up her wine stall.

This time, she chose a special location.

Just under a hundred meters from the center of Xiaocheng, at the intersection.

Surely there wouldn't be any accidents this time!

With a clatter, she planted the signboard with the character "wine" into the ground with one hand.

Benches were lined up with over a dozen rounded wine jars, arms crossed behind her neck, legs crossed, wearing a straw hat to shield herself from the sun. Leaning back, she rested against the wooden cart next to the neighboring vendor—who didn't mind her leaning against it after she paid for her spot.

For a long time, no customers came by.

The vendor chuckled, "The young lady's beauty is a beacon. If you're willing to shout a little, perhaps business will pick up."

Shen Tang replied, "Jiang Taigong fishes, willing fish will come."

Just like selling wine on a stall, it was destined for those fated to buy it.

The vendor didn't understand, just smiled.