080 County government

In the afternoon, the sun hung high, casting oppressive heat like the autumn tiger. 

The golden sun hung aloft, its rays drenching people in languid fatigue, rendering them unwilling to move. Shen Tang, resembling a wilted leaf under the scorching sun, reclined with half-closed eyes, succumbing gradually to drowsiness.

Soon enough, customers arrived.

Knock knock knock! 

Someone lightly tapped the wooden bench, impatiently calling out, "Wine seller, wake up! How much for your wine?"

Shen Tang shook off her drowsiness, lifting the brim of her hat to reveal a charming and elegant face. The customer, upon seeing her face, instantly softened his impatient demeanor, instead, gazing at her with a hint of oily charm.

"Miss, how much for this wine?" he inquired.

Shen Tang lazily replied, "Grape wine is priced at four hundred and fifty wen per jar, while other wines are three hundred wen per jar. Fixed prices."

Despite her lack of enthusiasm in rising to greet the customer, he wasn't displeased, charmed perhaps by her demeanor. However, upon hearing the prices, he was taken aback. "My, you, a wandering wine peddler, dare to charge four hundred and fifty wen for a mere mouthful of wine? Are you truly selling grape wine? A rustic like you probably hasn't even seen a grape!"

Unperturbed, Shen Tang retorted, "Buy if you wish, leave if you don't."

The customer, taken aback by her response, exclaimed, "Do you know who I am?"

Shen Tang, with earnest sincerity, shook her head. "I don't know."

Upon realizing that Shen Tang was unfamiliar with him, the customer's demeanor softened slightly. "I am in the service of the county government," he declared, with the steward in charge of procurement being his uncle.

Shen Tang nodded, acknowledging his status.

Expecting some form of gratuity, the customer persisted. Not willing to let the opportunity slip, he expected at least a discount or a complimentary item to foster goodwill. However, Shen Tang's lack of response left him irked. "You ought to know who I am!"

Shen Tang, with a light smile, remained silent.

She couldn't predict her future wealth, but—

Before she could utter a retort, an unusual gaze fell upon her, diverting her attention. Shen Tang instinctively followed the direction of the gaze, noticing a conveniently closed window. Frowning, she dismissed her extraneous thoughts and continued tending to her wine stall.


Gu Chi stood by the window, observing his roommate remove the supporting rod from the window with a meaningful glance. "It seems we've been discovered."

"You've regressed, Gu Wangchao. Is this your way of a literary scholar?" The person removing the rod bore an ordinary appearance, the type that could easily blend into a crowd, with a voice as unremarkable as his appearance. If there was anything distinctive about him, it was his demeanor.

"Qi Yuanliang, why not reveal your true self? This is a private space, not the public square. No need for continued concealment; it's as if you're avoiding being seen." Gu Chi's face turned slightly green upon hearing "literary scholar," but he soon relaxed.

He also had leverage against Qi Shan, unafraid.

Yes, Qi Shan.

Qi Yuanliang manipulated his literary talents, brushing his hand across his face to reveal Shen Tang's familiar visage, accompanied by a change in his voice.

"Habits die hard, sail cautiously through the ages."

Upon receiving Gu Chi's unfriendly letter, he disguised himself to meet as "friends." While the term "friends" was used, they had little acquaintance, and he wasn't sure of the other's intentions. Fearing complications in their tax collection scheme, he hesitated but ultimately opted for a direct confrontation.

He just didn't expect—

Shen Xiaolang to be selling wine downstairs nearby.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

How deep was Shen Xiaolang's obsession with peddling?

If not for knowing it was a coincidence, he would have suspected the fellow was tracking him, coincidentally rambling on and standing out among the common folk with his loquaciousness, leading to Shen Xiaolang's discovery by Gu Chi.

Truly unexpected.

Even more surprising was Shen Xiaolang's rapid progress, discerning Gu Chi's scrutiny. If it weren't for Qi Yuanliang's quick reaction with the rod, he would have been exposed.

"With such caution, what brings you to Xiacheng?" 

Qi Yuanliang retorted, "I could ask you the same question."

The conversation diverged into two streams.

As they engaged, smoke filled the air, and there was unrest in the county government.

The county magistrate was an unexpectedly young middle-aged man, appearing to be in his thirties. Without a solid background and being of the Ten Wu ethnic group, his rise to such a high position at this age was commendable!

Truly someone else's child.

At this moment, however, this child of another was respectfully entertaining a distinguished guest—although 'distinguished' in appearance only. Clad in a patched coarse linen robe, bearing the fatigue of a long journey, with graying hair and weathered features, accompanied by a six-year-old boy.

The boy, though innocent in appearance, was truly cunning.

Recalling how the county gatekeeper, wanting to push the guest down the steps, had his leg broken by the boy's swift action and a warning shot at his temple, the magistrate couldn't help but feel a chill.

Gatekeeper: Doorman.