084 Disaster coming

"Cease this at once—why are you smashing my stall?" Shen Tang stepped forward, halting the violent actions of these men.

"Back off!" Reality wasn't a stage drama, and these individuals wouldn't stop their actions just because of Shen Tang's "brave" intervention; instead, they became even more enraged.

The leader of the group felt she was interfering and prepared to grab her shoulder with his large hand and shove her aside. Luckily, Shen Tang dodged swiftly. However, her wine stall suffered greatly; it was kicked over, and the barrels of wine on the bench shattered upon impact.

Zhai Le threw a wine barrel at one of the assailants, angrily exclaiming, "My wine! You people are truly wasteful of precious goods."

As the wine splashed, its strong aroma filled the air. Shen Tang, drenched with half her face soaked, felt dizzy from the fumes.

Shaking her head to clear it, she suppressed the discomfort.

As the leader of the group flipped the stall, he ordered, "Break the legs of these two pretty boys!"

"Agreed!" came the response as they picked up wooden stools and sticks.

The vendors had closed their shops and fled at the sight of these men, fearing their own stalls would be affected. Seeing the situation escalate into potential bloodshed, timid bystanders and stall owners screamed and fled.

Shen Tang, bewildered, muttered to herself, "..."

Zhai Le, agile as a black butterfly, darted up and down, evading the attacks of the men. With graceful movements, he avoided their blows, leaving onlookers astonished and applauding in awe.

The men couldn't lay a hand on him; instead, they ended up dirtied and disheveled.

Shen Tang muttered, "..."

This is outrageous! Is this a fight or a dance?

Why must he reveal this trick and make matters worse?

Gu Chi chuckled softly, "..."

Shen Tang's sarcasm was soon interrupted by the men attacking her, as she was their target as well. However, as they were ordinary people and Shen Tang hadn't fully grasped the situation, she hesitated to retaliate forcefully.

The nauseating sensation continued to rise within her.

Dodging was becoming increasingly difficult.

But she quickly devised a plan.

"Good sirs, look at me, a weak woman who can't carry burdens or lift hands, merely selling wine to make ends meet..." With a push against the wall, she leaped, dodging a flying wooden block, and added, "You've got the wrong person!"

Shen Tang's clear and penetrating voice echoed through the street, likely reaching half the block conservatively estimated.

In the second-floor private room, Qishan watched the commotion with confusion, "???"

Gu Chi couldn't help but chuckle, "Shen Lang's appearance is so delicate, with features more feminine, it's no wonder ordinary people mistake him for a woman. However, instead of trying to escape, he's pretending to be a damsel in distress and pleading with these people. It's rather unseemly."

Qishan's expression darkened.

Was Shen Xiao Lang being mocked in his presence?

"Achieving great things doesn't mean ignoring the small details," Gu Chi glanced at Qishan, saying solemnly, "I don't see this as 'pleading for mercy.' If Xiaoli is willing, with a sword in hand, he could dispatch them in seconds. But is it necessary? Aren't they just ordinary folks?"

This is clearly an act of benevolence!

What does he know about the advantage of appearance?

If one can resolve conflict with appearance, it's also a form of "winning without fighting." What's wrong with pretending to be a woman? It's a gift from his parents and an advantage; he's so handsome with feminine features! What does a consumptive-looking person, shunned on the streets as a tuberculosis ghost, understand!

Gu Chi's lips twitched, "I heard that."

Gu Chi's response, "I'm aware that you heard."

Gu Chi paused before adding, "..."

So, mind reading, a literary skill, is quite terrifying. For instance, if someone curses you in their heart, you're aware of it but can't address it. If you do, they shamelessly admit it, and then verbally curse you again. Isn't this inviting trouble?

Down the street.

Zhai Le was startled by Shen Tang's outspokenness.

"I didn't know Brother Shen was such a good actress?"

Shen Tang's glare at Zhai Le's skirt-like attire made her want to kick him and see if he dared to continue his nonsense.

Concerned about attracting attention and involving the county government, Shen Tang grabbed Zhai Le by the collar and leaped onto the rooftop. The thugs below couldn't climb up, and after a short while, they gave up. Just as they escaped danger, Shen Tang questioned Zhai Le.

"Where did you provoke these people?"

Zhai Le, naturally optimistic and eager to uphold justice, found the desperation of the men unable to catch him amusing. However, seeing Shen Tang's increasingly somber expression, he felt a bit intimidated. He let out a nervous laugh and stopped laughing silently.

"I was just being a chivalrous hero."

Shen Tang blushed, her tone icy.

"Do you call that being a chivalrous hero?"

Zhai Le awkwardly replied, "I've only recently arrived in Xiao City. When I saw these people bullying vendors, extorting them with 'stall taxes,' and forcibly taking goods, even harassing the vendors' daughters and shoving elderly people, I couldn't just stand by. I fought them and returned the money they extorted to the vendors... But they remembered me even after half a month."

Shen Tang sized up Zhai Le and nodded.

"For me, I'd remember you for a month."

She felt the urge to punch him.

He caused the trouble, but she's the one whose stall got smashed. Selling wine to support herself wasn't easy!

"Because I'm handsome?" Zhai Le joked.

Shen Tang smirked, "Because few people are as uniquely unconventional as you. Handsome faces are a dime a dozen; ugly faces come in all shapes and sizes."

Zhai Le didn't truly think he was ugly. He was confident in his appearance, but he sensed Shen Tang's dissatisfaction and resentment in her words. Driven by a survival instinct, he nervously promised to compensate Shen Tang double for the losses to her wine stall, ensuring she wouldn't suffer any losses, and finally managed to calm her down.

As her breathing steadied, a faint blush blended seamlessly with Shen Tang's complexion, hiding any traces of her agitation. With a finger supporting her brow, she asked, "I want to know, aside from extorting 'stall taxes,' did these people commit any other atrocities?"

Zhai Le, puzzled, asked, "Why do you ask?"

Walking in the direction she came from, Shen Tang replied, "To break their legs! If they've committed other crimes, drag them outside the city and deliver justice. Do you call this chivalry? Just beating them up? You've only caused trouble for the vendors and stall owners."

Zhai Le questioned, "If not beating them up, then what should I do?"

Shen Tang halted, her tone cold, "If you can't reform them, perhaps give them a chance

 to be reborn!"

Zhai Le was shocked.

The bustling street calmed down, and Qishan lowered the window.

Within less than a quarter of an hour, a dusty carriage emerged from the direction of the county government. However, the one driving the horse was a small-sized boy.

He stared blankly at the wet ground for a moment, and the elderly man inside the carriage asked, "Ayan, what happened?"

Ayan shook his head, "Nothing."

As the carriage passed through the street, it went by a certain tavern. The elderly man inside the carriage lifted the curtain, glanced at the second-floor window of the private room, then lowered it again, closing his eyes to rest.