085 Where is your treasure (Part 1)

"Have you found those two young men?" inquired the leader.

"Boss, they're not here," replied one of his underlings.

"Nor here," added another.

"No sign of them in the east district either..." As the reports from his men came in, the leader's complexion grew increasingly grim. Eventually, he could only vent his pent-up frustration by angrily pounding the earth with his fists. Spitting out a thick, viscous glob of bile at the base of the wall, he snarled, "Let's go. We'll catch them next time!"

His underlings chimed in, eager to curry favor, "Yes, indeed, boss! Xiaocheng is our territory. They won't escape!"

The leader's expression softened slightly as he addressed his comrades, "You've all worked hard running around today. Let me treat you all to a drink."

The other thugs brightened up at this good news.

With business declining for the vendors, these thugs, who relied on extorting them for their livelihoods, weren't faring well either. They couldn't even collect enough "stall taxes." In the past, they could at least enjoy some food and drink with their ill-gotten gains, but now, their mouths tasted as bland as a bird's chirp. So when someone offered to treat them, how could they not be pleased?

Speaking of drinks, someone cleverly brought over two familiar round-bellied wine jars, the same ones that Shen Tang had displayed on her stall before it was overturned not long ago.

The leader asked, "Were they all smashed?"

The crafty underling replied, "No, we managed to grab two jars in the chaos."

Even if it was low-quality rice wine peddled on the streets, it wasn't something they could drink at will if it was all smashed. Wanting to take advantage, he quietly grabbed two jars before the stall was overturned. Now, bringing them out was a way to curry favor with the boss and leave a lasting impression, hoping for future benefits or opportunities to rise in the ranks.

As this group of thugs made their way to their favorite tavern, merchants on the street dodged out of their path, fearing they would be targeted for "stall taxes."

The tavern owner spotted them from afar.

Cursing their ill luck inwardly, he put on a fake smile of joy as he approached. Clearing his throat, he asked, "What brings you here, sirs?"

The leader plopped down in a seat, gesturing dismissively, "No need for pleasantries. Bring out your best wine and dishes for my brothers today. I'll foot the bill."

The tavern owner's eyes lit up at the prospect.

Having seen these thugs come to drink so many times, he had noticed a pattern—while other thugs liked to run up tabs and often left without paying, when their leader came and said "I'm treating," he always paid up. And when he did, he liked to slam the table with every payment announcement, his voice booming, ensuring everyone in the tavern heard.

"Very well, I'll bring out the drinks," the tavern owner said.

Though called "good wine," it was in fact low-proof, slightly sour rice wine. Murky and slightly bitter, it wasn't something preferred by those from better-off households.

The leader took a sip and found it lacking in flavor.

Then he remembered the wine they had overturned.

Rich in aroma and dominant in flavor, just a whiff was enough to induce a slight intoxication. So he uncorked one of the jars and took a sip.

"Excellent wine!"

Almost as soon as he praised it, a familiar face came flying into the tavern, rolling on the ground several times before hitting a table corner and coming to a stop. The thugs turned their attention to the commotion, only to see a slim youth standing at the entrance, accompanied by another young man in black. The former still held a sword in his right hand, dragging it along the ground, while his left hand was casually raised, ready to retract a kick.

Clearly, the kicker was the one with the sword.

Seeing this, one of the thugs quickly stood up and pointed at Shen Tang, "It's him, boss! We've found them!"

"Thwack!" The accompanying Zhai Le almost burst out laughing.

"Very well, you dare to come looking for death!" the enraged leader shouted.

With a swift motion, he grabbed a ceramic bowl and smashed it onto a table. Picking up the shards, he rose to his feet, and the other thugs followed suit, the atmosphere in the tavern turning tense in an instant. Normal customers, sensing the impending violence, wisely retreated to a corner to avoid getting caught up in it.

Seeing the situation, the tavern owner hurried out to defuse it.

If they wanted to fight, they could do it outside, not in his tavern!

But before he could say anything, a substantial sum of silver taels came flying towards him—thrown by the black-clad youth. Zhai Le said, "Get out. If you get hurt by mistake, don't blame me for not warning you."

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving!" The tavern owner, quick-witted as he was, grabbed the silver taels and ran out of the tavern.

How much could the tables, chairs, and drinks in his tavern cost? Even if they were all smashed, a fist-sized silver tael would be enough to cover the damages. More importantly, people who threw around money so casually were undoubtedly from wealthy families and not to be trifled with. It was best to take what he could and not stir up trouble.

The leader of the thugs spat disdainfully.

"Just you two?"

Zhai Le replied, "Strictly speaking, it's just Shen here."

"Yes, to send you two to reincarnate, one of us is sufficient." Shen Tang pointed his sword at them, his voice calm. "Are you going to come at me one by one, or will you all go down together?"

The thugs thought they were hearing a joke.

One person against their group?

And he wanted to send them to reincarnate?

The leader, furious, laughed mockingly, "Even at your young age, you're already pretending to be a hero! Fine! Since you seek death, I'll oblige! Let's go, beat them both to death! If we can't kill them, I'll hold you responsible!"

With his arms crossed, Zhai Le watched the scene unfold.

"???" he exclaimed as he dodged the thugs charging towards him, yelling, "Why? If Shen wants to fight one-on-one with you lot, why involve me?"

Before he could finish complaining, Shen Tang's long sword thudded into a nearby wooden pillar, narrowly missing his nose. Startled, he instinctively leaned back, performing a backward somersault to avoid it. Meanwhile, the thug chasing Zhai Le barely stopped himself, the edge of the sword just half a finger's width from his neck.

Shen Tang, expressionless, beckoned with a crooked finger.

The long sword obediently returned to her hand, just in time to block the wooden tables, chairs, and sticks hurled at her. Zhai Le shouted, "You have no honor!"

Saying this, he picked up a wine jar and hurled it out.

A resounding crash.

Two wine jars collided in mid-air, shattering with a resounding crash, and murky wine splattered across the floor. Zhai Le grabbed the largest shard of pottery and hurled it out with brute force.

With sheer strength, kicking and punching ensued, the fighting style as chaotic as that of the thugs.

Shen Tang watched silently.

As she fought, Zhai Le offered guidance, "Shen, your approach to swordplay is flawed. Dealing with these ruffians requires fists meeting flesh, mano a mano. That's what makes a true man, a real warrior."

With that, he suddenly crouched down, catching the two thugs off guard who were preparing to attack from both sides, causing friendly fire among themselves.

Taking advantage of the moment, he swept his leg out, jumping onto one of the men and delivering a hefty blow with his massive fist.

Shen Tang observed quietly.

She put away her sword.

A punch landed squarely on another thug's nose.

The tavern echoed with the clattering sounds of the brawl.

The commotion attracted attention from half the street.

As wine jars continued to shatter, the tavern owner alternated between grimacing in pain and clutching his heart in anguish—such was the cold cruelty of reality, only the large gold ingot in his embrace offered him some warmth.

Not just passersby, but also residents from neighboring streets couldn't resist stopping to crane their necks and watch the spectacle. Even those from blocks away hurried over upon hearing that these thugs were being taught a lesson.

With the tumult resembling a demolition, one by one, the thugs were sent flying, prompting applause and cheers from the onlookers. The bolder ones edged closer, hoping to catch a glimpse of the true visage of these righteous knights.