William's Pen

The boy named Leon suddenly woke up, he seemed upset over something, he was acting like he had died, he looked around and then calmed down.

Leon then looked out the window, the sky still had the blue moon, and on his right side was his little brother, on the right side of his brother was their mother, and on Leon's Left was their father, all of them except for Leon were sleeping peacefully.


A four-legged figure was disturbing the peace of the great cat, the great cat woke up and jumped straight at the four-legged figure, the figure was the newly added member of Leon's family.

Leon watched it happen as he chuckled and got ready for his school. He wore the dress which was given to him from work.

Leon stood in front of the full-body mirror, the mirror was attached to the wardrobe.

Leon then went to have his breakfast, he had oats, and even though he did not like oats he ate them with no complaint.

As he was having his breakfast, from behind him came, both the cat and the dog, both sniffing something, they had something sensed on him. The cat then jumped on top of Leon's shoulders and tried to bite Leon's neck. Before getting stopped by the dog.

Leon then carefully dropped the cat on the floor and quickly finished his breakfast, both his mother and father were not home, only his little brother and the two cute animals were home.

After getting out of the house, Leon took out a key from his pocket, the key was for the main door of his house, it was a spare key, all the members of his house had a spare, except for the cat and dog of course, Leon then carefully locked the door, if he had rushed, the lock might have gotten spoilt, as the quality of many products had dropped quite a lot compared to the products made before 1647.

He then carefully kept the key in his right pocket, his left pocket contained some IDs, a small diary, a pocket watch which was sewn to his left pocket, and a fountain pen.

Leon had the fountain pen from when he was just a year old boy, it was gifted to him by his uncle who sadly died during a fight between two groups. His uncle was a business owner so he was making a good amount of money with which he was leading an amazing life.

When Leon's uncle was going to Seflenc, on a direct train from Glorya to Seflenc his coach was attacked.

Some people wearing white gloves, red boots, grey vests, and grey suits and trousers attacked the coach Leon's uncle was in, and because of it, all the people who were in that coach along with him got killed.

The pen had a golden nib and a silver barrel, its cap was made of a metal called Azure and the cap was black.

 Azure was a metal that could withstand a high temperature and if it was in a cold temperature then it would start to get hot. If it was under high pressure then also it could maintain its form.

On the cap, the finial was left blank, the clip had a golden finish, the center band too had a golden finish but this also was included with a word written on it, the word was,' Roy Fughs', he was the creator of Roy brand.

The nib was of nothing special, it included the basic things like an imprint of a beautiful pattern, a breather hole, etc. The other parts also were common, but the pen had a specialty, and it was that the pen could be even used in freezing cold places, as the ink reservoir was also made up of azure.

The pen that Leon had gotten also was customizable, he had replaced all the parts and the only original parts left were the barrel and the cap, the remaining parts were left at home, it was because he wanted to take his pen to school, but also was afraid that someone would have stolen it, so he purchased a normal cheap pen for 48 medium coins, at the time he had purchased it, it was a lot of cash for him as he had not started work.

Leon then started to walk to school, he then checked his pocket watch from time to time to check whether he was getting late, as he did not want to use any shortcuts or wanted to run.

On his way, he spotted an odd-looking door, it was not on the side but was in the middle of a market, but some people were not bothered by it and were passing it like it was not even there.

As he was thinking about it he suddenly remembered that he would be late for school, so he ran as if he had not run and walked as he wished before, he would have definitely been late for his school.

As he started to run he sensed something behind him, suddenly he remembered his dream about the white figure.

He stopped running and checked his surroundings, trying his best to make it not obvious that he was checking his surroundings. After looking for some time and realizing that he was near the time tower, he was a little afraid as it was a place that people left using as it was simply too far to use.

If someone or something had followed him then he would be in danger, he realised it.

Leon then spotted an old person, it was Elrich, Leon ran towards the old man and started to have a small talk.

After saying bye and confirming that nothing was following him, he ran from the place.

Leon then finally reached his destination, which was his school.

Breathing the old smell of his school, Leon went inside, the gates were open, almost as if the gates were open for just him, he went inside, just to see that the class teacher had started the roll call.