
As soon as Leon entered his classroom, he saw that his class teacher had started the roll call.

His classroom was quite large, normally classrooms were small and packed with students while having seven desks and a window, but Leon's classroom had three windows, the classroom had fourteen desks, seven on each row, a large blackboard, and a desk for the teacher, on the desk were two boxes of chalk, each box contained twenty-one chalk.

In total the boxes contained forty-two chalks, all of the forty-two chalks were white and no other colour of chalks were used, chalks other than white were made but they were only used for special occasions.

On the floor, there were many pieces of chalk, left untouched, all of them were white and there was no chalk of any other colour.

The schools for the third tier taught subjects including history, religion, arts and crafts, basic maths, and some more.

His teacher saw him, took out her ancient-looking pocket watch, and without seeing the time, marked him absent on a book that she was holding.

The pocket watch had no emblem on the back side, it was bronze in colour, and it had no lid to cover the needle and the Crezman numerals, the size of the pocket watch was quite small compared with other watches that were sold in the standard shops.

Most of the pocket watches were run on springs, it was more prone to getting damaged, most of them were connected to waistcoats, pants, etc, but the teacher's pocket watch was not connected to anything.

The teacher looked dull and uninterested in teaching the young kids, she was Ms.Monelo, she had brownish grey hair, it showed she was getting old, the teacher was in her mid-forties and she was always tired. She was wearing her government-issued uniform, which was a simple black full-length dress.

Leon then quietly went to his desk and sat on his bench, without making noise.

He looked at the old blackboard and the noisy chalk, the teacher coughed a few times as she wrote on the board. It seemed she was unwell.

She wrote 'History 'on the blackboard, her handwriting looked beautiful compared with the other students, she then said in a thin voice "Now who can answer this question", after saying it she turned to the blackboard and started writing again, as she wrote the chalk split in half, she then continued writing on the blackboard using the chalk which was split instead of using the remaining chalks.

She wrote, 'Who signed the treaty of Viencdel'.

After writing it she looked at the students, Leon who was sitting on the left row and the third bench from the teacher's perspective was trying his best to ignore the teacher's eye.

She then called, Wilson, the poor boy who sat behind Leon slowly got up from his bench and then said with a low voice, "Ma'am, you did not teach us that", as soon as he said it the teacher's face turned to disappointed and said that she thought we would read our textbooks.


The time was 8:15, the history class had just finished, and the students were already exhausted, even when it was just the first class of the day after they still had maid/butler program, arts and crafts, basic math, etc.

Leon then took a deep breath and went inside the class, as he sat in his place, he turned towards his friend Willy, it was William's nickname, and smiled in a way that was used to annoy Willy.

Willy while looking annoyed took out his pencil and sharpened it, looking at it Leon turned around and sat without doing anything, Leon thought that Willy might stab him.

Willy was a twelve-year-old boy, he had short light brown hair and had short nose and ears, he was about a hundred and fifty centimeters or about approximately five feet.

Leon then asked William to say how he looked, while looking at Leon Willy thought for a moment before speaking, "Ahh, you have brown hair? With light goldy hair? Ahh, umm, you have a light body and look slim? And umm, you are a little weird and"

Leon then cut him and said, "No I was talking about physically, and how am I weird?"

The sound of the bell was heard, and the two boys stopped talking and sat quietly.


A teacher entered their class, it was none other than Mr.Ohen, their math teacher, and he was wearing a full suit. Mr.Ohen was in his thirties, he was well-liked by his colleagues, his students, and everyone, he was not known for being notorious for giving punishments, but was known for his cheerful attitude.

He started his class by asking the students what was Epilomon's Second equation. The lucky person who got the chance to answer was Willy, Willy was the target of the teachers, as most of the teachers did not remember the students' names, but for Mr.Ohen it was simply because he liked to tease William.

Willy stood up and answered confidently, he said "X+ao-wt=v\4", Mr.Ohen looked amazed, he had truly not expected William to answer it.

Suddenly the bell rang, Mr.Ohen looked confused left the classroom, and went to the office to check. After some minutes Mr.Ohen came back and announced that the students were to be advised to go home as soon as possible, as there was a murder on The Thief's Passage.

The students then packed their bags in a rush, and the teacher, Mr.Ohen said that after the next bell, we would be required to stay.


Later at two in the afternoon, the bell rang again, and the echoes of the bell filled the street.

Many bags came out of the rusty old gate, faces filled with mixed emotions, some happy, some sad, some angry.

Leon came slowly walking together with Willy, and then both, Leon and William left and went to their respective houses.