
Is a life worth saving with nothing for you?

 -The Wishper's Question for God: Teaching. 46:7

There was an announcement, the announcement was to let us know that we would die.

Everywhere one could see blood spilling, Be it north, West, East, or South, blood was spilling all four directions, one could see kids crying on the streets, kids without parents, who left a bad taste for others, dogs with no eyes, kids with no eyes, and adults with no eyes, in place of eyes was blood.

About a year had passed, after the announcement, societies started to enter life, along with the addition of underground clubs, which were formed to fight against the new god.

Societies like Banter clubs were also made, which were underground societies only in name, all the members of the club made, was the situation worse than before.

On that day after the announcement, the sun was no longer there, and the world was surrounded by darkness, on that day we saw the moons getting broken to pieces, and all of the million pieces fell into our realm.

While the moon was falling, the elders, and the youngsters, were scared, and all the tales of the moon protecting our realm from demons came to the mind of the people.

 The elders started to chant, they tried their best, but as the fallen pieces started to break inside them revealed huge sealed capsules.

There were more than a hundred capsules, each fell in a different place.

The youngsters went near them, hoping to see, what was inside the capsules. As a large number of young people gathered around the capsules, suddenly split open, beings looked similar to humans, but sadly they were not one of us. 

We were of the same structure, we had the same eyes and anatomy, same language but they seemed to think of us as worthless beings. 

According to the legend, the god who was responsible for creating the two moons was Fues. In the olden 'Suprean', Fues represented the word 'Love', 'Peace', and 'Health'. Fues was the title given to the god representing Love, peace, and health. 

In the mythology, Fues was depicted as having two sons, who acted as his eyes.


A year earlier just when the announcement happened.

A boy with red hair stood in front of a door as the world was changing for bad or good.

As his hand had already held the handle. He pulled it open as the announcement was happening.

The door which, was not connected anywhere, which should have, shown the other part, did not show it, but instead was connected to an ocean.

With the commotion, the red-haired boy fell. It was almost as if he was pushed. As he was falling, he saw the vibrant ocean, the birds flying in the sky, and the warm weather which was not too hot but not too cold.

He closed his eyes, thinking how much longer he had to fall? as he was thinking he felt pain in his shoulder, and suddenly he was in a room, sitting on a bed.

He slowly got up from the bed, he looked around, in the room there was nothing much, but a simple bed, an oil lamp, a desk, with three drawers and a half-torn paper on top, the sheet of paper was in so good condition that no human could use it properly if it was touched it would fall apart.

The oil lamp was not lit, it seemed like, the lamp had no oil left, as it had finished up all the oil. Yes, it was true, it truly had no oil left, and the boy did not bother to check it.

The boy then checked the drawers, the first drawer contained two flintlock pistols, along with some boxes of ammo. The second drawer contained a book, it was a cooking book, it had many recipes for food which used, mostly ingredients sourced from the ocean or water sources.

The book was handwritten and there were no illustrations of the foods. As he was reading the book, he noticed how beautiful the handwriting was, compared to it his handwriting looked like a crow's leg.

He then closed the book and kept the pistols in the first drawer and then kept the book safe in the second drawer. As he kept the two items, he suddenly realized something important, it was the language, what he had read was not 'Jepwsn' nor was it 'Suprean'.

It did not bother him, he thought he was transported to a different place for going against his teachings. In the world, there can be many important things for a person, be it his or her parents, be it their family or friends, be it their dogo or kitto.

After taking a sigh, he opened the last drawer, the third one, he opened it to find a compass. He had seen it but never had the chance to use it. His face looked like that of a kid who had found a toy.

As he was happy to play, he suddenly realized that the compass was a decoy, the drawer had a secret compartment, he put his hand and tried to remove the wooden layer, and after trying for a few seconds, he got it out.

The compartment had a book which was sealed with chains and written cursed. The book which was cursed, the boy being curious slowly removed the chain, and after removing the chains his hand was covered in blood. 

He held the book up high, it was now covered in his blood. As soon as he turned to the first page of the book, as his blood touched the page, it started to flash. His eyes were blinded by the bright shining light.

Soon on the first page, was his name written, 'Tales of Captain Gustav'.




Somewhere on a northern island.

A group of explorers, they were having leather layered clothing, their clothing was too thick, and it did not allow the cold air to enter their bodies, even though they had heavy clothes they were still cold, but it was better than wearing light clothes.

The group consisted of fourteen members, all of them were males except for a woman, who had short hair, which was not typical for young ladies of that time.

In front of the group was a large hole, it was too deep to measure, as they were inspecting it the group was faced with a snowstorm. 


A lady with a particular dress was sitting on a stool, she was in a cafe. She was drinking black coffee, she was sitting near a window, and the others could observe her.

As she was enjoying her black coffee, she wanted to ask for muffins along with another cup of black coffee. A shot was fired, and a bullet flew straight to her head, as the bullet was about to pierce her head, a person fell, it was the person who shot her.

Abyth got up and paid for her black coffee.

She exited the cafe, the name of the cafe was 'Thief's Storage'.