Eyes of Death


It was a small but quiet room, the bulb which was emitting the dim yellow light was about to die. The atmosphere of the room was quiet, almost as if no one was there.

A man who was wearing a black suit was standing in front of two black and white photos, his eyes showed no tears, but he was showing a sad expression almost as if he would shed a tear. 

The photos were of a happy couple and the other one was of a lady, the first photo was of his parents but they did not look similar to him, except for the lady in the photo. It might be because the lady was his sister.

The black-suit man had ash-grey hair, he looked beautiful, he looked well fed, his physical body was healthy, but his mind was not. He had Blue and Green eyes, and what he had was 'Heterochromia'. His eyes also had a pattern of a circle.

He then went out of the room, opened a door, and went to his room. His room consisted of a bed, a desk, a lamp, some posters on the wall, and a wardrobe.

His wardrobe contained black shirts, black pants, black jackets, and black sweaters, everything he owned was black.

All the clothes were plain not a single one contained any logos, he was mostly buying cloth pieces and then giving the measurements to his tailor to make custom clothes to his wishes.


The man was sitting on a rocking chair, the chair was made of wood, and it was made up of Guios wood.

Guios was the name of a type of tree which was famous for its condition to save people, if it was killed and burnt, its ash could be used to save a person from any disease. 

But it too had a limit, death was not a type of disease, it was an endless sleep.

The man as he was sitting silently on the rocking chair, started to dream of his childhood.

THe man was small, he was a child, and he had no memories of anything, he was busy playing with his friends who had no face, who were like pieces of soulless creatures with no life, thinking and acting as if they were humans. 

Slowly faces started to form on their faceless faces. It started forming from a smile to an actual face.

Suddenly everything stopped, now the child was in middle school, the boy had no friends, his classmates had no faces, and the middle school boy was an outcast. Slowly they started to form faces, it started with a mocking smile, to an actual face.

He was getting kicked and made fun of, he had no friends because of his ash-grey hair, and because of his two-coloured eyes.

The man could remember a certain memory, it was of a classmate asking him why he was dying his hair.

In truth he was not dying his hair at all, it was his natural colour, the doctors had said that it was because of some nutrient deficiency.

The boy then said that it was because of nutrient deficiency, to which the classmate replied, "Ahhh, must be nice being an attention seeker, then why do you have two different coloured eyes?".

The boy then replied, "Because of Heterochromia".

The classmate then asked, "Hetero? Hetero-what?"

The boy then said, "Heterochromia is when a person has different coloured eyes or if a person has two colours in the same eye."


The man slowly got up from the rocking chair, he then took the newspaper page which was kept on his desk. He then picked it up close and started reading, the page was all about the death of a Journalist called Suzie.

Death of Suzie Mozkot, is it Suicide or Murder?

The man was reading it, and after finishing reading it, he kept it back on the desk.

He then went out of his house, on the streets were many tanks, on them were soldiers, the man then ignored them and started walking, on the opposite to his path were soldiers carrying weapons.

On the collar of his suit was a badge attached, the badge showed that he was a citizen of the newly conquered country, if he did not have the badge then the soldiers would have killed him, as the queen of Syuix had ordered open fire on the citizens of the country Qert.

As of the war, both sides had lost a lot of troops, including kids who were forced to be in the war.

Orphanages were set on fire, hospitals were set on fire, and both countries suffered losses because of the war.


The man was in a government office, he was looking to file a case, it was against a hospital, the hospital was Suzie Deoret, in recent times the hospital was involved in selling the data of its clients, selling the dead bodies, selling the organs after killing its clients, etc.

His wishes were not fulfilled and he could not file a case, he returned with an empty hand.


As he was walking to his home, he got hit by a stone, it was the kids, they were the citizens of Syuix. They hated the living of Qert.

The soldiers who were nearby came to the protection, the kids did not run but instead stood with no fear. The soldiers hit the man, treated him badly, and shouted at him, their reasoning was the man was the one who was bullying the kids.


The man finally reached his house, in the mailbox there was a mail with a royal stamp. It read something along the lines that his house was acquired by the government for the better use of its citizens.

He tore the letter and threw it on his dustbin.

The man then went to his room, took a bath, and changed into a new pair of Shirts and Pants. The man then took care of the pain from the situation.

The man looked miserable.


The red-haired boy named Gustav was shocked, he was shocked as Gustav was not his name.

He then closed the book and opened the single door. In front of him were seven other rooms on the opposite side, so in total on that floor there were fourteen rooms, and on the right was a staircase, the boy then started climbing the stairs. On the next floor were again fourteen rooms, he then went to the next floor by using the stairs, there was a large and empty space, a large bath, and a kitchen.

On the next floor were some canons on the window-like structure using which the boy saw that the building was in an ocean, suddenly the boy realised that someone might be there. He hurriedly went down to his room, this time he observed his room carefully, his room had no windows.

He then took a pistol and carefully loaded it with some ammo. As he was loading it with ammo his hands were shaking. As the boy was about to climb the stairs he saw a trapdoor, under the carpet of the floor.

He decided to explore the upperparts and then to go down. He then went back to the floor with canons. He then saw that there was a locked room too. He then left it and went to the next floor. 

It was the last floor. The boy then saw that he was on a ship, the floor was the deck of the ship, and he saw that the ship had no sails. The boy thought that he was trapped in an unmovable ship.

The boy thought it was enough exploring for the day, as he saw the moon was taking the place of the sun. 


The boy was in his room, he was hungry and thought of going to the kitchen to get some food to eat. But thought it would be a good idea to do it the next day.


The boy thought of exploring the trap door.

He carefully opened it, to find a ladder, he climbed down, slowly but steadily, on the wall it was written as D-5, he saw that there were many rooms, one was filled with books, another was a kitchen, another was a small bath, the next room was collected with clothes of a different variety, and the last one was a pantry.

He saw that there was a stairway, it was to go deep down.

The boy went down, he was on a floor, with a glass-filled room, there was a farm, there were many crops and seeds, the glass was to reflect the sunlight, he thought.


Suddenly there was a loud sound, and the red-haired boy did not know where the sound came from, He climbed the ladder and went to the floor, where his room was. Because of the sound he did not want to check out the ship but wanted to find the source.

He climbed the stairs and entered the deck. In front of him was a large sea creature, it looked like a snake, and it had a pink body, with spikes. It did not seem like it had eyes but had a huge nose. It had a circular pattern all over its body. 

As the snake-looking creature was about to attack the ship, the boy fired a shot, as he fired it, the canons of the ship turned to the snake-like creature. 

The canons pierced its body with bombs, which blasted its body to shreds.

The boy learned that the gun that he had was the controller. He then went to his room, and took the book out, On the page written 'Tales of Captain Gustav' there was an index, the first was named 'Against the Blood Worn'. The page was indicated as 1-1

It meant that the chapter was finished on a single page. He checked it and read it.

The book describes what he learned, what he did, and how he defeated all in the format of a novel.



Somewhere on a northern island.

It took a while for the snowstorm to get less intense, the group then observed that the deep hole had stairs, it looked like the path to hell.

If heard carefully voices were crying and begging, saying things like 'Don't come, not further, close it, CLOSE IT!!, etc'.

The group then recorded it and then went back to the base. Their base was located about ten kilometers away from the hole.


Leon was listening to his lessons, and the class was Religion Study, all of them had a book.

The book was named, 'The Fruits of God'.

His Religious teacher who taught Religion was Mr. Ivion [can also be written as Evion]

As it was the last period he was very happy.


The bell rang, the students went, and Leon had to return to work too but because of some situation, his employer and his wife could not return, because of which he did not have to go there but could go straight home, but his employer had said with him that if he wished he could go to their place.

Because of this, he carried his ID along with his employer's house key. The key was in the bag while his ID was in his pocket.


Leon reached his home, he opened the door and was welcomed by his little brother, his cat riding the dog.

His parents were not there they were at their jobs.


His father returned first, to take Leon to the new office, as Leon had wished to see it.


Shank was thinking hard, about whether to buy Chips or chocolates, Shank had a sweet tooth as he liked to eat sweets, but he also liked potato chips. He was in a dilemma.

He wanted to buy both, but he was broke. He then after careful consideration decided to buy two chocolate bars, both of which were milk chocolate, with additional sugar.

Shank was also suffering from diabetes but still ate sweets. His doctor had advised him not to have sweet things.