A boy


There was no light, only darkness all over the land. In the sky, there was nothing, it seemed like an empty void. The ground was cold, the sky was cold. On the world, there was no wind, no air as well as no life. 

There were no elements, there was no space, no earth, no fire, no water, and no air. It was as if the gods of the five elements were dead.

The god of Space was Lord 'Forsen', Lord 'Wonve' was the name of the god of Water, Lady 'Quera' was the name of the God of Earth, and Lady 'Nishva' was the name of the God of Fire.

What had seemed like a utopia had turned into a lifeless void.

In the distant past the sky was filled with flying machines, the sea was conquered, and the beings were excellent, they could heal a person, heal an animal, heal anything they wished.

The life, the beings, had traveled to other worlds, other planets. They had occupied the nearby planets of their solar system, they were efficiently using the energy of their Star. They were using something like a sphere, to suck the energy out of their solar system's star.

They, the beings, had traveled deep down to the surface of their planet, they found the hidden land underneath.

But the species, the beings who dominated the five elements, couldn't escape their death.

In the lifeless void if one were even alive, then they would go mad from the darkness surrounding it.


The reason for their death was a space eater, a creature that destroys everything, they eat anything in their path, and they are approximately around the size of two stars namely WOH G64.

In the year of 2798, an amateur scientist named 'Jorge Linken' [Given name, mostly written as George Linken] proposed the idea of two beings, named, 'Forkell', the mind and brain of our universe, and 'Chrolo Murphoses', which was the name given to the idea of a Space eater.

Forkell also known as the brain or mind of our universe, was an idea of a singular being in our universe, it proposed that our mind affected the laws and reasoning of our universe, by being connected to the brain of our universe.

For example, if a person believed that he would die, then he would die if a person believed that he would win the lotto then he would win.

Like If Jeorge Linken, the scientist had truly believed that there was no brain then they would have died as of it, but if he truly believed that there was no brain and if he truly believed in the understanding of their universe then there would be no consequences as of having no brain in the universe.

Before the idea of the two creatures was proposed by Jorge Linken, [Given name mostly written as George Linken] they had already appeared in the media like movies, comics, novels, etc.

Forkell remained as an idea. However, Chrolo Murphoses, the name of the species of Space eaters, was taken a look into. 

After Jeorge Linken and the other scientists worked on proving it, suddenly one day it happened, on the day they finished their project, something had happened, they had discovered something.

What they had realised, and discovered was that they were living inside the stomach of a space eater.

Because they realised that they were living inside a space eater, their world was destroyed as of because it.

This type of broken world is called as 'World of Hollows'.

The stomachs of Space eaters are considered to be hollows.


Leon woke up in complete darkness, he remembered that he was going to his father's office, as he wanted to see it.

He got scared and thought of all the horror stories he had read, things like Sea Vant, and Maze of Luhoria, came to Leon's mind.

Leon then closed his eyes and did not move, slowly he started to suffocate, he felt as if the oxygen near him started to get sucked.

Leon did not know what to do, he wondered if it was a dream. But he clearly remembered the events before this.

He then tried to move, at first he shook his legs to check the environment, then slowly he started to forward his hands and kept them at the level of his shoulders. 

Nothing seemed to hit his hands or legs, so Leon thought that he was standing on an empty field. He then started to walk, he took short breaks over small distances, as he was afraid of stumbling over things on the ground.

After a while of wandering with nothing in sight, he stopped and realised that he was hearing a little sound.

Leon then tried to concentrate on the sound, after a while he slowly started to walk, he was moving toward the sound, like how an insect flies toward the light, just to get trapped inside.

After moving toward the sound he felt something, and he felt the need to run, Leon did not know what it was, but his mind was screaming at him to run, suddenly he remembered that something similar had happened before.

Before he could run, he sensed something on his skin, he felt his eyes getting turned into a mush, and he could feel his eyes flowing out as if they had melted, he thought his skin started to ache, but it wasn't his skin it was his bones and organs, he had never sensed something like this before.

He could not move, he cursed at himself for being this naive, his mind burst into a thousand thoughts, "Is this a dream?", "How did I come here?", "Was I kidnapped? But why did someone kidnap me?", "Is this afterlife?", "Wait am I dead?" things like this came to his mind.

In the sky, something slowly came out, it was the moon, and the gold coloured light, from it came down to the ground.

Leon couldn't see, but felt the light?, he could hear the light? He could not understand how he could not see the light but could feel it.

He opened his mouth, and muttered to himself, "What is happening?", as soon as he said it, he could sense his surroundings.

He could sense the objects near him, but he could not sense the colour.

Leon understood that as long as he was making noise he could 'see', so he started to make small sounds for the time.

After some time, he shifted to talking to himself instead of making noise, as making noise was harder for him.


Gustav did not say anything, he simply kept the book and found a pen that he had taken from one of the rooms, he then scratched his name as Gustav, and then added ^, as he took his pen close to it, then as he was about to write his name, suddenly, the ship started to move.

Because of this, he turned his attention to the ship.

The red haired boy named Gustav went to the deck of the ship. He then started to enjoy the view, he was not afraid of creatures like that as he believed in 'his' ship. 

Soon the ship came to a halt, it was near an island.

The red haired boy named Gustav wanted to go and explore the island but he could not as he had not seen the exit, so he could not just jump out of the ship as he still needed to come back.

The red haired boy named Gustav suddenly remembered something, it was the locked room.

He thought that the pistol would be the answer for the lock. He saw the pattern of the lock and saw that it had no hole, he saw that it required a password. He saw the question engraved on the lock.

The question was, 'If there are seventeen apples and three oranges how many fruits are there?'.

Using the dial he wrote, twenty fruits. He had to spell it like T-W-E-N-T-Y F-R-U-I-T-S as the dials had gaps between them.

After he wrote it seemed like the door got opened.

Inside the locked, but now unlocked room was a wheel, alongside many buttons.

In the room, there was a cupboard, a table, and other niche items.

Suddenly a hand pressed one button, and the hand came through a portal the size of a palm.

Somehow the hand had managed to press the correct button, the hand had pressed the button to open the back of the ship, Gustav, the red haired boy wanted to go near it and saw a map kept on the open cupboard. Gustav, the red haired boy took the map kept in the cupboard, and then he started to read it.

The red haired boy named Gustav then went through the trap door and took an elevator which was on the farm, he had not seen the elevator being there before.

Finally, the old elevator stopped, it was in a place, Gustav had not seen before on the ship. He saw that there were many boats of various colours and sizes available, they were all made with wood, metal, or both, along with other materials.

The place was the back of the ship, it was where the ship had opened an exit, by the 'unknown hand' which pressed the button to open the exit.

On the back of the ship, Gustav, the red haired boy, chose a small boat and then pushed it to the water.

He then sat on it and used the wooden paddle to move.


The island was huge, he did not exactly know how big it was, but seeing it he thought that it was humongous.

Gustav then parked the boat and got out of it, he stepped on the sand with nothing but his bare feet.

The red haired boy's feet sensed the amazing sensation of the sand. Soon Gustav thought he should buy a new pair of slippers.

The red haired boy named Gustav chose slippers because, if he had wanted to get boots or shoes then his feet would be too uncomfortable in the hot weather.

After walking for some time, Gustav the red haired boy, saw a young boy. The boy looked ten at best, or the child might been even younger. Gustav the mighty red haired boy went towards the child.

The child(the boy), was wearing shorts, and he had no shirt on, his skin was tanned, no it was brownish. The boy looked like he was unconscious.

The red haired boy named Gustav then did not know what to do, he panicked and took the boy to his ship.


Somewhere in the Island.

A couple was searching for someone, a man aged about twenty five to twenty eight and a woman aged about thirty, were searching for their son who got lost.


Shank had a happy grin on his face, as he came to his room from the shop, his roommates asked him why he was so happy when he had gone out to buy groceries for his room.

Shank's face turned grey, and he then started to make excuses, later he decided to settle the issue by handing over the newly brought chocolate bars to his roommates, but his heart could not give up on them, by making a hard choice of eating it. Or by licking it before giving, he chose the second, which made his room mates uncomfortable.


His roommates also had to make the hard decision of fighting Shank or to ki*l him. They chose the latter- I mean the first option of fighting him.

His roommates were trying to punch him, they had closed their hands so, with their knuckles were punching him.

In that instant, Shank snapped his fingers, being the powerful person he was a portal the size of a palm appeared in front of him.

A punch landed on Shank's stomach and the other landed on the portal.


"Fu*k, It fuc*in hurts bro," said Shank calmly, with water in his eyes.

He was eating the white chocolates which he had brought from the store. 

His two roommates cum friends were tending him stomach, with pissed faces.