

The red haired boy named Gustav kidnapped the boy. Who knows what will that monster do to him? Let's find out.

I hope that you will enjoy my narration, in case you have not enjoyed then I will find you and strip you alive.

 - The Narrator (that white figure from that chapter)


"Oi, don't say like that, kid," said the red haired boy named Gustav.

The young boy who was recently kidnapped, I meant, got saved by our glorious, brave, kind hearted, red haired boy named Gustav, who accused Gustav of kidnapping him.

The young boy who was kidnapped by our leader, our red haired baboon, said to Gustav, "Why did you kidnap me?", "My parents are nearby, they will kill you".

"Ok, Ok, calm down," said Gustav.

He was getting angrier, because of the child's screaming.

He then said, "Ok then go"

Before sending the boy on a small boat.


A story started to form in Leon's head.

A story about a broken hero.

- 'Countless Tales of Unknown Heroes', a book written by Foewr for Leon

 -Collected from Leon's Personal Library in the year 1740.

A boy was standing in front of the royals. He had been summoned from his homeworld. He was just a boy, whose parents were both dead and had a little sister whom he could call a family.

But fate had a different wish, I suppose?

He was summoned, as of which he had to see his little sister dying in front of him.

The summoners had used a spell in which a person could be summoned by using the remaining life of his dearest.

The queen of the country spoke, "Oh, hero will you not save a country from the barbarians?", "Oh hero, are you not happy that your life has a meaning?"

The boy who simply wanted to provide a good life for his sister, no, his younger sister, what does it mean for her to die?

The queen continued speaking, "Hero, let us check your affinity with the powers of our country".

The boy spoke, "Queen, if I saved your country can I return? Will my sister get her life back?".

The queen laughed and answered negatively.

The boy did not speak. He said, "Status", a panel opened in front of him. After reading it he said, Skill use:- Dance of Death.


The queen had lost her head, blood was spilled all over the boy's clothes.

The scene made all the other nobles run from there, from behind a door, came two kids, both kids were boys, around the age of seven at most, the summoned boy looked at them while having hidden the body in his box. [Skill use 'Box']

The boy asked with a cheerful face, "Who are you kids? What are you doing here?", the two boys answered uniformly, "Waiting for mother", the summoned hero took out the body of a demon [at least in the eyes of the hero]

The two kids screamed, "This had made them scared, seeing their own mother without her head".

The boy who was forcefully summoned then got close to them. 


Leon's heart was beating fast. It was because the story made him uncomfortable, and it was making it hard to sense his surroundings, his mouth was still talking to himself, but he was not giving importance to his words at all, he was talking gibberish.

He did not mind the fact that he was still talking even though he could not sense the surroundings because of the story that came to his mind.

Suddenly he remembered the first three lines, the book was from his library? from the yea-, wait the year was 1740?, now it is 1660 If I remember correctly.

Ok, let's leave it like that. Leon thought to himself.

Leon then tried to forget what his mind had shown him.

No matter what he tried, he could not remove the story from his mind at all. 

Suddenly his eyes got fixed, and he could see again, he did not have to use his sound?, or mouth, or whatever it was.

He saw that he was just a few hundred meters away from a castle, which was actually weird as there were no buildings in the whole place except for the castle.

He did not know what to do so he went near it, he did not mind about his steps and ran near it. As he was running a thought came to his mind, "How did his eyes melt and how did they get fixed again like a new pair of eyes?"

Suddenly Leon felt as if his body felt a little weird, it was like his body had changed.

Leon looked at himself, he was not the 12 year old boy anymore but was changed into a toy, which was about 149 cm.

Still without caring much, he rushed towards the castle, as while chuckling as it was somewhat weird.


Leon then entered the castle which had no gate.

Soon his eyes got closed.


He opened his eyes again, to see him sleeping over Abyth.

He saw that she was holding a pendulum, Leon swiped the pendulum and kept it on the table beside them.

Leon then shook her shoulders, he tried to wake her up.

With a yawn, "What's up little kid, do you remember me?", she asked with a smile.

Leon looked outside and saw that they were not in his region.

"Haha, don't worry I did not kidnap you, I just linked our consciousness", she said, "I was having a bad feeling about you, so I checked your mind, but thank me, kid, you would been dead if I had not seeing you."

"See the last time we met, the curse has marked you, along with me", she said.

"Curse? What curse? why did it mark me?" I said frustrated.

Suddenly the connection got lost, "Son stop sleeping, we have arrived" said Leon's father.

I looked outside, it was a small factory, and alongside it was a small room, that was used as his office.