
Leon woke up in front of a factory and a small room used as the office. That is what Leon thought, but he quickly realized when he saw Abyth in place of his father.

While forcing his rationalisation, and calmness he asked, "What is going on? I thought you removed the curse".

Abyth was still in her weird suit. The one with many pockets. The carriage had turned into the air the moment Leon had seen Abyth.

Slowly the figure of Abyth started turning into a dog. It was the dog Leon and Abyth had rescued before. The one that had come to Leon's home.

Something happened, something that was changing things, but is it the one that disappeared, Kishan?


Leon was suddenly in his class, and in front of him was a new teacher, Leon had never seen him before. Info started to flood the mind of Leon, named Hughie, age forty nine, was their new teacher, he was there to teach the kids, problem solving skills. 

Leon felt it was a little fun, as he could do whatever he wished if it was a dream, but he did not want others to pry on him.

On the blackboard, the title of their first new lesson was written, 'Morse code'.

Leon stared at it, he did not know and had never heard about it before.

The teacher was already halfway through the lessons, Leon whispered to the boy who was next to him.

The boy was named Stoker, he was always quiet.

Leon whispered, "What is today's date Stocky?", "Don't give me nicknames, and today is the seventh of oc-"

A piece of chalk came and hit the heads of the two kids, Leon and Stocker after getting hit on the face, looked at their book. Both of them did not speak for the remaining time.

The colour of the chalk was white, it was a little piece. But it gave the two boys a little pain.

During the class the boy named Leon did not understand a single thing.


The teacher, Mr. Hughie, called Leon in front of everyone. Leon went near the blackboard, the teacher gave Leon a small piece of chalk and asked him to decode. on the blackboard there was nothing, the teacher then took a new chalk and wrote some dots,dash, and some slashes on the black coloured board.

In the blackboard, the teacher wrote, .----. .. / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / . -. -.. / - .... .. ... / -.-. ..- .-. ... . --..-- / .-.. . --- -. / -.. --- -. .----. - / .-- --- .-. .-. -.-- .-.-.- .----.

Leon who had no previous experience could not solve it. 

About a minute passed and the classroom got dissolved into a slimy liquid, it was white in colour.

The kids and the teacher also got dissolved.

While leon remained traumatised by all the things which happened in front of him.

This time Abyth was not hear him, for her to use her pendulum and calm the young boy down and put him to sleep.


Abyth was standing near a cemetery, on it was a tomb, it was that of the butcher, in front of the tomb was a little girl crying, it seemed like she was the daughter of the butcher.

The one who died by the bullets of Abyth.

The little girl was wearing a dress which narrator does not know the name of. The colour of the dress was pink.

"Haaa, looks like the thread is going to be cut", said Abyth, with a sigh in her voice.

She then took out her pendulum and she touched the crying little girl, Abyth touched the little girl's shoulder. The little girl wiping her tears away looked at Abyth.




Abyth kept the pendulum back on one of her many pockets.

Abyth in a calm voice said, "Dear, why are crying?", saying this Abyth hugged the little girl. Abyth came to the level of the little girl by crouching.

The little girl who had just wiped her tears, got emotion from the warm hug, she started to cry, Abyth continued, "Dear, cry as much as you want, I will stay here until you are satisfied" saying this Abyth patted the little girl on her back(Like her shoulder area).

The little girl's eye started to change, she stopped crying and started walking, it was like a dead animal walking under the command of an necromancer.

Abyth cliched her tongue and she shot the girl in her head.

Blood started to spill out.

The poor girl fell, Abyth took out her pendulum and went near the fallen girl and said, "Oh, Lord of Life, with your holy name, I ask you to return the soul of this little girl and take away the unholy spirit which is eating the pure body of her", the pendulum was acting as the medium for Abyth to ask the Lord of Life.

She then started laughing, and said, "Useless narrator, 'The True God' did you really think I will pray?"


I look down from my throne and snap my fingers.


Leon was in his home in front of a mirror, on the mirror was a figure which looked like Loen but was not his reflection, it was something else. It was from the 'other side', but Leon did not know it. He closed his eyes, and opened them again, this time he was in a playground, surrounded by pillars, in the middle was a boy walking near him, Leon blinked again and now he was standing in a cemetery, he was in the body of a little girl.

Leon did not know the girl, in front of him was a demon, at least to his eyes the figure seemed like that of a demon.

Leon did not know what to do, he started to run, at least he tried to run, controlling a body was hard for him.

Leon who was in a girl's body, fell down and saw blood flowing out. He was afraid. He could not feel any pain but still was afraid.


As he was feeling scared, from another tomb a woman wakes up like a zombie an walks out of the mud, it was none other than Abyth, She then takes out her gun, and then shoots, all the bullets which came from her gun hits her target.

Abyth had shot three bullets, all of those were made from no fancy metals, they used the common materials. Meaning they were normal bullets.

Abyth then uses the hand of the other Abyth and takes out the other Abyth's pendulum and uses it using the other's hand.

Abyth chants in her inner voice, and as soon as it gets completed the body of the other Abyth starts to rot, it starts to smell, as soon as Abyth left her hand, it starts to burn.

The little girl's body, which had the soul of Leon slowly starts to release the soul of Leon.


In front of Leon was Abyth, they were in the same room as when they slept.

Abyth then slowly asks, "How are you Leon?"

  1. If any one of you even dares to even think of them like that, then remember that I will personally make sure that you will end up in hell