

Willy was relieving himself (Peeing). He was in a small room, it was a washroom, and as he was finishing up, he started to talk to himself.

"Hey don't scold me I am not going to do that because I like to do it."

"No, why are you even bothering me about it?, you are the reason, I did it".

"I won't do it, yet, I should have ended your life that time itself why did I even save you? Ahhh, it's all my fault"

If someone had come to the washroom at that time then they would have thought that something was with that boy.


When Abyth asked Leon, "How are you, Leon?", Leon did not seem to hear her words. The young boy could not concentrate. His mind was still stuck on the events, he was hearing a voice talking to him, or he thought.

Boys of his age would have dreams of saving their school, being a hero, and all, but the dream which Leon had was to live peacefully, he had no grand dreams like others his age had.

Leon had no trouble, he was from a loving family, he had good meals every day, and his family made enough money to lead a good life.

Looking at the dazed face of Leon, Abyth snapped her finger. It made Leon look at her. His mind was being filled with unnecessary thoughts.

Abyth said, "Leon are you ok?". While feeling that his head might get split open, he muttered, "Yes", after waiting for her reply, he muttered again, "Yes, I am fine, why?".

His words may have said that he was fine, but it was not the truth as his voice, his face, and his gestures showed something else, they showed that he was not fine.


The boy named Leon's face started to form a smile, but it was not enough for others to notice. 


On the carriage the boy woke up, he was on the lap of an adult, it was the father of that boy, the boy woke up and said, "Have we reached yet?".

The father, with a smile, said, "Not yet, It would take about three hours, it has only been like ten minutes, sleep some more son."

The boy named Leon's pupil started to change to light red from the original colour.


Abyth being the Abyth she is, casually asked, "How is this side?", to which the boy replied, "It feels bad, the burning sensation is filling my body".

"Can I run to you, in case of trouble?", asked the boy who was not Leon.

The body looked like it belonged to Leon, but it was the boy from the other side, the other world.

Slowly he vanished, it was as if his body was burning, like from a fire. At last, there were not even ashes of his body left.


Leon fell asleep, his father did not think much about it.


Abyth closed her eyes and started to chant,

"Ruler of the blue sky,

One who oversees us,

One who blesses us,

The one's heart that is of no desire,

Bless the poor soul,

the one who has entered your garden,

the one named Leon"

Abyth chanted it while forming an image of Leon in her mind. What she had chanted was not the orthodox script, the chants were formed by her on the spot.

Mostly every person would say that it would work because the chant did follow the structure of a proper prayer.

The structure of prayer is simple, the first rule in the structure is that the first line should refer to whom a person is praying to, in this context, Abyth was Praying to the 'Ruler of the Blue Sky', so she first mentions the ruler of the blue sky, his title.

The second rule is to chant about the god or goddess good things like a person could praise, could chant about kindness, etc. In the chant prepared by Abyth, she says about the ruler of the blue sky overseeing us, he blesses us, how he has no desires. 

The third rule is, about the reason for the prayer. For Abyth, it was to help Leon, so she asked the god to help him, to keep him safe.

Now for the actual rules, they will vary, depending on the god or the goddess, but, for a person this is the bare requirement, first is to believe, the second is to try and stop thinking negatively, and the third is to chant it with a clear goal, with nothing other than it.

Her head was a little down, her eyes were closed, and as she chanted it her mind was being clear with the worries being washed away. 


Leon was in a place with short green grass. For some reason, he could remember nothing. He had forgotten how to speak, his name, his parents, his family, his life, he had forgotten all of it.

About some distance away from him was a gate. The gate was not exaggerated, it was plain and simple, it was for the entrance. 

The gate was painted black, they looked simple but pleasant.

After a while, Leon realized that he was in a garden, he did not think anything.

From a distance came a pleasant sound, it was a voice, a voice of a young boy, he thought.

Leon looked at the place where the voice came from. He started to walk near it.

Leon saw a boy, who looked similar to Leon's age, the boy was surrounded by animals, animals like deer, cats, dogs, cows, horses, and more.

The boy had black hair and blue eyes. He had white teeth.



The boy looked at Leon, and said, "Leon, here take my hand, and I will escort you" While saying it the boy held a smile, it was to make sure that Leon was not feeling weird, and unhappy.

Holding Leon's hand the boy escorted him from the garden, as the boys started to walk while holding hands, Leon started to recover his lost memory. And both of them reached a large lake. 

The lake was surrounded by land on both sides, the lake was reflecting the sky with the white clouds, and one could see dark green trees forming a shape on the land which was to the side of both the boys. 

The trees were in a line. If the lake and the trees were to be painted then Leon thought that it would calm any man down. Seeing all this formed a smile on Leon's face.

The boy looked at Leon's face and found a smile, he then asked, "What?, Am I seeing a smile?", saying it then continued, "If you like this place then you can come here anytime you wish".

Leon started to think that he was in a dream.

"Leon, you may find yourself wanting to escape but it will never be a good thing", with a short pause, the boy continued saying, "Leon, in the future don't believe her".

Her? Who is it? Whom should I not believe, I thought 

The boy continued, "Leon, never trust people with multiple faces, they might act as if they are your friends, but are just monsters waiting for their chance"


On the lake was a small boat, it could only carry two, the boat was made of wood, there was nothing more in it, just old plain wood. It was not painted, so it still showed its raw state. To move the boat, it had paddles (oars). 

The boy held the paddles and made Leon sit in front of him. Slowly he started rowing rowing.

Leon's eyes started to become heavy, Leon needed some sleep while rowing the little sounds it made, the birds singing, the time, and the weather were making Leon more sleepy.

The sun was up even though it was early in the morning, Leon had got to know that it was still early because as the two boys walked, the boy had informed Leon about it.

The weather was a little chilly, and the clothes the two boys were wearing were not suitable for the weather at all.

The cold, the time, the scenery, the singing of the birds, the little sounds made when rowing, the weather, and all made Leon fall asleep.

Watching Leon fall asleep, the boy chuckled and continued rowing, he did not stop rowing.

The boy was not angry that Leon was sleeping, the boy was not sad, and he did not care about Leon sleeping. The boy understood that Leon was sleepy, the boy knew that Leon was tired and needed rest.


Leon woke up, his eyes were still heavy but compared to before it was better. He opened his eyes and saw he was in an unfamiliar place.

Leon was sitting on his seat, on the boat, and in front of him was the boy, still smiling. Till here everything was correct with no problem, but behind the boy, the whole space had been changed.

The vision before Leon was breathtaking, Leon was mesmerised by it.

It was a symphony of colours, and for a second Leon thought that he was seeing a canvas filled with colours.

It was as if a black canvas was painted with emerald, ruby, and sapphire, were stretched across the vast canvas, like a celestial canvas.

Leon saw planets, some big, some small, some had beams of light coming out, while some were gloomy, some were being destroyed some were just starting their story. Countless stars were being glittered, shining like a diamond.

The lights from the stars reached out to them, falling on their faces, Leon thought he might become blind because of it.

Leon spotted a large disk, it looked as if it was surrounding a vast space, it had colours like orange, blue, and purple.

Seeing it Leon thought that it was trying to suck him. He thought it was pulling him towards itself, Leon saw that the water was slowly moving towards it. But the boy was not rowing.

Leon's first thought was that it was a gateway to another world.

He had read novels about gates to other worlds. To name a few, 'A Lonely Gate to a New World', 'Gate of Will', and 'Journey through a Gate'.

All of them were novels written hundreds of years back.

But the ones Leon had and read, were rewritten and re-published by the respective estates.

Looking at Leon's amazed face, the boy chuckled and said, "Do you want them?", to which Leon replied, "Sure, I guess". As Leon was thinking that he was in a dream, he accepted it.

"You will have them once you return to your world", he said with a smile.

"Return to my world?" asked Leon

"Yes", he said.

"What is your name?", Leon asked, to which the boy said, "My name? It is Meara".

"Mear-", Leon's eyes closed, he opened them again on...


I woke up, and I looked and realised that I was sleeping on my father's lap.

I sat on a seat and said, "Thank God". 

My father looked at me and said, "What happened?", as I was about to say, the carriage was stopped, and we had arrived at the office.


Willy was sitting in a room, he was on a chair, while eating his meal all alone. As he was eating he said, "Don't keep on shouting my ears are going to bust", "What do you mean you won't? Please shut up for a moment".

He took the empty ceramic cup and threw it at the wall, and then started to shout saying, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU SPEAKING, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOO". 


Shank was in a dilemma...