Kill Eugene

"Seth spoke up, "I just received a message from my cousin. He said that the fog outside is too thick right now, and the troops still can't move. So, it will take a few more days for the convoy to arrive." Seth had used this excuse several times already, so the nine people showed impatient expressions.


Seth hurriedly continued, "Food is getting scarcer and scarcer, and we need to find a way to survive! My cousin said that it's a special time, and we need to take special measures! Everyone, I told my cousin about the recent situation in the neighborhood, and he suggested that we take down Eugene!"


"This person has extremely antisocial tendencies. In this extraordinary period, he will cause great harm to society. So, he must be stopped!"


"My cousin said that in this extraordinary period, after taking down Eugene, we can handle his resources ourselves."


Instantly, several people showed signs of interest.


Why did they trust Seth so easily?


Wasn't it because they wanted to survive?


And why were they anxious now?


They were worried about starving, thirsting, freezing to death.


So, ultimately, it all boiled down to one reason.


They wanted to survive.


If they took down Eugene and seized his resources... they could buy themselves some more time until the government rescue arrived.


They weren't really stupid, they just hoped to cling to that glimmer of hope, no matter how faint.


And Seth understood human nature very well. He was just conveying orders on behalf of his "cousin", but who was his cousin?


A government official.


So, taking down Eugene and seizing his resources turned into a righteous act.


As the saying goes, with fame comes power. Now that they had a name, they were the righteous ones!


"Yes, Eugene is a terrible person."


"He flaunts his wealth in the group but doesn't share with everyone."


"He even ruthlessly killed Christian, he's a criminal."


"We're taking him down for the good of the people!"


All nine of them spoke, filled with righteous indignation, self-brainwashed.


Seth took advantage of the moment and said, "Everyone, grab your weapons. Myra, Myrna, you two go knock on the door. Eugene is a very lustful guy. There's a rumor going around that as long as you accompany him to sleep, you can get food and water. So, you two act a bit flirtatious. As soon as he opens the door, we'll take him down."


"No problem." The only two women among the ten replied confidently, patting their chests.


"Let's go!"


Seth waved his hand, looking confident.


He was actually a salesperson, good with words. He never expected that one day he would be able to persuade nine people to follow his orders to go commit robbery and murder. It's not like they were going out for dinner together.


So, the leadership quality he displayed was quite impressive.


They arrived at the garage, using a flashlight to illuminate and clear the way.


After the power outage, even during the day, the garage was pitch black, and without a flashlight, nothing could be seen, especially at night, when even the entrance of the garage was shrouded in darkness with no light at all.


There was only one flashlight among the ten people, so the people behind had to hold onto the ones in front, or it would be difficult to walk.


Finally, they arrived under the villa.


"Myra, Myrna, it's up to you two," Seth said to the two women in the team.


Then he said to the others, "Let's find a place to hide first."


He shook the flashlight, searching for a hiding place.


In fact, in such darkness, did they need to find a place to hide?


This was simply based on empirical experience. After all, it had only been six days since the disaster began, and not everyone could adapt and change immediately.


"Huh!" Seth suddenly shook, "Damn!"


What did he see?


He saw many people standing or squatting between the two cars!


Were they also lying in wait for Eugene?


It's important to allocate benefits first to prevent conflicts later. Seth smiled and said, "Are you all here to rid the world of evil? Haha, let's first decide how to distribute the spoils after taking Eugene down." He waved his hand, signaling his men to follow him.


Allocation must be discussed beforehand, or there would surely be fights later on.


"We have roughly the same number of people on both sides, so how about splitting the resources fifty-fifty?" Seth suggested.


However, there was no response from the other side.


This was a bit too much.


Not to mention that Seth was secretly furious, his nine subordinates were also very displeased.


Even if you're not satisfied with the distribution, you could at least say something. But to remain silent?


Seth frowned, "Everyone, my proposal should be taken seriously. Even if you're not satisfied, we can communicate properly. Is there any need to remain silent?"


He had already walked quite close, shining the flashlight over.


Oh my!


In that instant, Seth and his nine companions were shocked beyond belief.


It wasn't a group of people lying in ambush there, it was clearly all corpses.


Some had obvious fatal wounds, blood oozing from their foreheads and chests. One person's neck had been slashed open, their face completely disfigured.


"Ah!" All ten of them were so scared they sat down on the ground, and the two women directly wet themselves, a warm sensation spreading across their backsides.


No wonder they had such great endurance, lurking silently in such a cold place. It turned out they were all corpses.


Can corpses feel cold?


But why were there corpses here?


Wait a minute, wasn't this underneath Eugene's house?


Could it be?


All ten of them had the same thought, and they shuddered, cold sweat rolling down their backs.


"Maybe... let's forget about it," someone said shakily.


What were they here for?


To kill Eugene, to steal resources.


Of course, killing was secondary. If Eugene cooperated obediently, there was no need to kill him.


After all, aside from psychopaths, who would be keen on killing?


But now, the risk of killing Eugene seemed too great.


They would die!


In that case, who wouldn't have cold feet?


Seth hesitated. If they retreated now, they would face the desperate situation of lacking water and food again. He would once again become the target of everyone's blame for being trapped here. They might even beat him to death.


So... they couldn't retreat!


To shift the conflict, they had to take down Eugene.


So what if a few people died?


If he didn't die, he would be the winner.


"There's no turning back once we've set out. We must take down Eugene today. Otherwise... we'll starve, we'll die of thirst!" Seth said coldly. "If we don't fight now, then we'll truly be waiting for death!"


"Summon up your courage!"


"Eugene is just a person, and he's alone. Do we need to fear him?"


He asked loudly.


"You'd better fear me." However, a voice came from not far away, and then a strong light shone over. Compared to that, the flashlight in their hands was like a star compared to the bright moon, utterly insignificant.


The bright light dazzled them, and all ten of them closed their eyes at the same time. It was too blinding.


Then, they reacted suddenly.


It was Eugene!


Why on earth was he in the garage at this late hour?


"Growl!" The leopard growled low, baring its teeth menacingly.


Dogs were sensitive to malice, and they had a strong sense of territory. Eugene had marked this area as his own territory. In the dead of night, these people sneaking over were obviously up to no good.


A dog that would bite wouldn't bark, and the leopard only let out a low growl, silently approaching the ten people, ready to launch a sneak attack.


Eugene didn't stop them. In this darkness, dogs were far more agile than humans.