What kind of beast is it

Getting out of the car, Eugene shivered, as if he had suddenly entered an icy cave during summer.


The key was, it was windy outside, the wind was strong and piercingly cold.


Eugene hurried into the station.


The road was slippery, and he almost slipped.


Fortunately, he steadied himself.


And he was wearing thick gloves; even if he touched the ice, it wouldn't burn his skin.


The main door was slightly ajar.


Eugene pushed it, but it wouldn't budge.


Because the door was completely frozen shut.


He exerted all his strength to push it open, and finally succeeded.


Of course, Eugene didn't want to open it fully; he wanted to close it.

Closing it kept the howling cold wind out.


Instantly, it felt warmer.


Just a bit, without air conditioning or underfloor heating, the indoor temperature could drop to minus 30 degrees Celsius in such severe cold.


Fortunately, Eugene was well-prepared for the cold; he could endure 20 to 30 minutes at such temperatures without any issue.


He began searching room by room.


Empty office, empty office, empty reception room, empty—

Eugene suddenly froze because this room wasn't empty.


There was a corpse.


Specifically, a human corpse that had been partially eaten.


The face was gone, so it was unrecognizable, the chest was hollowed out, making gender identification impossible. However, judging by the waist and hip curves and a piece of a torn skirt, it was undoubtedly a woman.




That was Eugene's first thought, but he quickly shook his head.


Would people eat others while holding and gnawing their faces?


Moreover, the chest seemed to have been emptied by sharp claws. Due to the cold weather, the flesh was in its original state. It was definitely not cut by a tool but by a wild or fierce beast.


Eugene imagined the scene—a massive beast tackling a woman, tearing at her face, then ripping open her chest and devouring her insides.


Why the insides?


First, they contain more water, and second, they are warmer, which fits the current eating habits.


—Cold weather, no clean water.


So, after devouring the insides, the beast likely discarded the body.

In this city, humans were easy prey.


With tools, humans dominated the world, but unarmed, many beasts could easily kill them.


"Could it be an escaped tiger from the zoo?"


Eugene pondered.


Or maybe a Siberian wolf?


Why guess like this?


Because other beasts like lions, leopards could kill and eat humans, but they lived in tropical regions; they'd freeze in such extreme cold.

Snow leopards were possible.


But were there snow leopards in the zoo?




So, the most likely were Northeast tigers or polar bears.


But the zoo was several miles away. How did this beast make it through the poisonous hailstorm?


Eugene found it unbelievable. But saying someone nearby kept such a beast was even more unlikely.


" who can keep a lion or tiger at home?"


So... something's off.


"Or perhaps, I've got it wrong."


"It's not one beast, but multiple?"


"In that case, the size of the beast could be smaller."


But that doesn't make sense either. Besides the face, only the insides of this corpse were hollowed out. If it were a group of beasts eating, why wouldn't they eat the limbs as well?


Were they taking turns?


With doubts, Eugene exited the room, his alertness heightened to the extreme.


Step by step, cautiously.


Perhaps... that beast or group of beasts hadn't left and was lurking inside the police station.


He mustn't let his guard down!


He was retrieving his bulletproof vest, riot helmet, and other gear to enhance safety, not to put himself in danger.


In this state, Eugene felt adrenaline pumping rapidly, feeling an urge as if something was about to burst out from within him.


He continued his search.


Two rooms later, Eugene saw another corpse lying horizontally.


This time, it was two men, both policemen. However, just like the female victim earlier, their insides were hollowed out, but their faces weren't gnawed. Their necks were twisted off.


One could imagine they encountered the beast, got slapped in the face, and then had their necks snapped, instantly killing them.


Both men died the same way.


This confirmed Eugene's suspicion: it was either one incredibly powerful beast or a group. A single slap could break a person's neck.


Eugene's heartbeat accelerated, thumping loudly, clearly audible.


If the beast attacked head-on, Eugene was unafraid.


Whether using spatial doors to escape or shooting from another dimension, he believed he could handle even an elephant.


But not knowing where the enemy was, possibly right behind him, naturally made him nervous and fearful.


Fear wasn't always a bad thing; it heightened caution and released potential.


Eugene didn't want to die.


So, if the beast tried to attack or eat him... he'd fight back with all his might!


Thump, thump, thump, his heartbeat raced faster, and Eugene seemed to enter a strange state.


After entering the police station and finding the first corpse, Eugene's adrenaline surged. He felt as if something was brewing inside him.


Now, his tension and unease intensified even more.


Before he could process it, suddenly, a strong gust of wind attacked from behind!


At that moment, Eugene entered an incredibly mysterious state.


He... or rather, saw from behind!


No, not just behind, but it felt like he had a god's eye view from a game, seeing everything around him!


Front, back, left, right, up, down!


From behind, a massive black and white creature lunged at him.


It was incredibly fast!


Eugene knew he wouldn't dodge in time. However, his reflexes were faster than his body. As soon as he "saw" the creature attacking, he opened a spatial door behind him.


5x5 meters, enough to shield him.


In his mind's eye, the god's eye view existed for just a moment before disappearing. Eugene immediately turned around and caught a glimpse of the creature. It was the size of a lion, covered in thick fur, predominantly black with less white.


Eugene could now be certain, even if the creature was the size of a lion, it was definitely a hyena!


But how could a hyena grow so large?


The size of a lion, and a male lion at that!


The hyena didn't charge into another dimension. It seemed to sense and recognize the spatial door. Suddenly, it halted, not just stopping its charge but also taking a few steps back.


With its mouth open in a threatening manner, it emitted a low growl towards Eugene, yet its feet kept retreating step by step.


For a moment, Eugene didn't have time to ponder how a hyena could grow to such a massive size. He believed that the three people he had found earlier were all killed by this hyena and had been its meal.


—With such a large size, its strength would naturally be immense.


Breaking a person's neck with a single slap was entirely possible.


Faced with such a dangerous creature, how could Eugene hesitate?


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, bullets immediately poured out from the spatial door.


The hyena clearly hadn't expected Eugene to use such a move.


Although it sensed something was amiss and started to dodge, Eugene was relentless. Hundreds of bullets were unleashed in a dense barrage. How could it possibly dodge them all?


The hyena was hit immediately, and surprisingly, it was only struck once!


What astonishing speed!


The bullet hit its rear. What shocked Eugene was that the bullet only penetrated about 2 centimeters, as he could still vaguely see the bullet lodged in its behind.


 is your skin made of body armor?


He was hurt by the bullet and felt extremely angry. He roared at Eugene, bared his teeth and grinned. The fangs were about 7 centimeters long. If he bit down, he could easily bite through a person's throat.


It just looked at Eugene deeply with its dark eyes, then immediately turned around and ran away, at an alarming speed, and immediately disappeared into the darkness.


Even during the day, there are many dark rooms in the police station, and the rooms without windows are even darker, which is very convenient for hiding.


Eugene backed up against the wall and opened the door of space in front of him, almost close to his body. He gasped for air and sweated profusely.


The case has been solved. The three people were killed and eaten by this beast before.