The Dinner and The Beginning of Change

I star quietly at my father and brother. I expected them to say something about my clothes when I stepped into the dining room, but they didn't even seem to see me walk in. It put me a bit on edge, as I had expected father to say something about it.

Another thing that bothered me was that both of them had started eating shortly after I entered the room, even though Adela wasn't here yet.

I know why they didn't, but it still bothers me now where I see it in person. The reason is quite simple. Adela won't arrive until the food has gotten cold, as she doesn't start getting dressed until called... and by getting dressed I mean as though she had to go to a party.

Adela was consistently late, and Lily used to be as well. Perhaps that's why the servants can't stop glancing at me... or it's because of the night gown.

Lily's father is a tall man with rugged features. He had shiny deep blue hair brushed back. A line of foxy silver hair shone from each of his temples and he was neatly dressed in a navy tuxedo which stood in contrast to his pure white shirt underneath. A single red brooch on the collar of his tuxedo stands out. Lily didn't know what it was, but I was pretty sure it was important, as it was the one thing he always wore no matter the day, time or event.

Right now he is just calmly eating the creamy golden soup in front of us without a word.

Lily's brother, Eric, sits across the table with an air mimicking our father. He is 11 years old and almost has the act down at this point. Still, unlike father it was clear he was displeased with the situation. His eyes, though looking down at the food, are narrowed in irritation. His hair was a deep ocean blue, but under the warm candlelight a few strands shone golden. Like lanterns in the night sky on obon.

While not the time for it, I have to admit I'm curious about the weird hair colors. That aside, my problematic relationship with Eric would require my full attention. I couldn't do it halfheartedly across the dining table, so instead I look to father while testing out my grip on the spoon.

"Father," I call softly. Lily had tried this before, but he usually never answered or told her to mind her manners. Today he went with the former of the two actions. Thus I will make the assumption that I can go on. 

"I would like to study commerce." I can feel the eyes of the maids and servants turning to me. I, of course, ignore their misbehavior. Father doesn't reply though.

I clench a hand under the table to work off some discomfort at continuing. He hasn't refused, so I'll try to push the matter a bit further. Lily did just get poisoned, so he might be willing to indulge me in this.

"Surely, if we sell every pink dress in my wardrobe then that would make up for the cost of lessons? I have gotten a bit too old for them as well..." I inquire carefully and tie the two things together.

After selling all those horrid dresses there might just be enough to a couple of reasonable dresses and some commerce lessons. While I do know my basic commerce, I need Lily to know it as well so her father trusts that she knows it.

I watch father carefully, but his expression doesn't really change. Meanwhile the servants look shocked and Eric is giving me a hard stare from across the table. 


No answer?

"The Crown Prince will be visiting tomorrow, it can be discussed after that." An answer came out. An actual answer came out, and with the promise of further discussion. While the relief of that made the staring tolerable... I still have to appear in front of the crown prince in that... I don't want to. I grit my teeth and feel my appetite diminish and the thought as I try to swallow down my pride. I can't demand anything more.

Still, it appears father was listening. This means he could be reasoned with.

I watch him quietly and take a breath.

"Thank you..." I replied politely, partly to prevent him from backing out.

This meant I could circle a couple of my goals. Sensing a suspicious stare from Eric I'm about to inquire about it when the door to the room opens loudly. A woman with hair the color of roses walks in... and yet, all I could think was 'father, bringing that kind of entertainment while there are children present is not proper'... and then to my horror... I remembered that the 'entertainment' was Lily's mother.

The maids pulled away to make room for her skirt. They had to. If you put four chairs in a square you'd have the amount it took up.

"Lily!" She squeals out as she sees me. It's a mirthless smile.

I felt a sense of dread as she moves towards me hastily with her arms spread out for what could only be that... a hug. An uncomfortable tradition these foreigners have.

That said, judging by the amount of gemstones near her mostly exposed chest, it will be rather painful and unpleasant experience that might just and up scratching my face or throat. I don't want to be touched, but she wraps her puff sleeve covered arms around me and pulls my small frame into a suffocating embrace, shoving me into her bountiful chest roughly.

Just... hold it in... just because she's dressed like a whore she could still... be a proper parent.

I put my small hand on her stomach and then attempt to push away with a shudder as the overwhelming scent of perfume makes my lungs burn.

Lily may have been used to it, but I've never seen anything this exposed in my former life. Something like this is... no, it is worse than what I've ever seen from a prostitute. Perhaps the harbor hookers I've heard of is a better comparison. If not for the useless gems that draw your eyes only to her chest area then she would truly look like nothing more than that kind of entertainment. The sins of desire and greed are radiating off of her like light from the sun.

"I am so glad you are okay!" She continues and pulls me back in. Of course she hadn't visited me during my recovery so her words now sum up to theatrics. None of Lily's family had visited her. If nothing else send flowers or a get well letter, all of you!

I end up giving in and patiently for her to pull back, only to hear a shrill squeal that cause my ears to ring violently. I resist the urge to cover my ears as my patience dwindles. Greedy, improper, loud and insincere. The thought of calling this woman 'mother' makes my throat burn. To even compare her to my honorable mother in my previous life would be an insult.

"L-Lily! Why are you in a nightgown?!" She finally pulls me away from her chest by still has her hands on my shoulders. I give a small gasp for air now where I'm somewhat out of the perfume zone. Meanwhile Adela glares to my maid like an unforgivable sin has been committed, and you can see the clear intent to get rid of the maid. The maid seems to be shrinking under Adela's vicious gaze. Is Adela trying to protect her daughter from looking 'improper'? If nothing else it's one positive thing about her.

"I insisted on not wearing them." I interrupt them and take Adela's anger from the maid.

If I can convince her that another style of clothing is needed, then that should ease up the process considerably.

"I have decided to work hard to be a good and proper adult, and thus it is inappropriate to wear such childish dresses. Thus only the nightgowns were reasonable..." This should do. It's selfish, ignorant and stupid, but I can't think of a better excuse without truly lying. Thankfully the expectations for Lily are quite low. Adels stares at me wide eyed for a moment... Though, for some reason not into my eyes, nor above. Her gaze was fixed on my chest instead, making me want to cover up...

"Well, I understand why you'd want to go in that direction, Lily, since the prince is coming tomorrow... but you do not quite have the shape for it yet... though, perhaps if we use padding."


I stare at her in disbelief as I digest the words she just spoke... Forget about protecting her daughter from being 'improper' in a night gown, she is fine with showing off her eight year old daughter's chest?! The thought that she would dress her daughter as a prostitute sends my mind into a heated rage. What in the world is Lily to her?! No, what is wrong with this woman?! I feel nausea fill my stomach. This behavior of hers is no different than a prostitute trying to sell off her daughter to get more money!


"I meant proper adult clothing, no ribbons, no frills, no gems, properly covering the arms and collar bones. Quite the opposite of mother's prostitute-like, wasteful clothing, which visually makes her look like a useless spoiled concubine rather than a decent wife. No, I take that back, in those clothes mother looks like a bejeweled pair of breasts, nothing else, it's only a prostitute worthy."

Had anyone appeared as Adela in court in my previous life, that would have been the last invitation they ever got. She would have been shamed for life and kept out of any social circles. I know she would never be treated like that here, and the frustration makes my blood boil. How could a woman like that be allowed to have a child in her care?!

I glance to Lily's father in spite, and just barely keep from lashing out at him as well.

I glare back up at Adela's empty and shocked expression. Her porcelain white skin slowly began to tint red as she takes in my barrage of insults. Her chestnut brown eyes narrow in rage while she covers her chest with a hand, without warning and slaps me hard enough to not only fall off the chair but also hit the carpet quite hard, but I can't feel the pain and just end up looking back up at her. This woman has apparently never heard any words for her indecent behavior... and by the gods, I will not endure being dressed as a whore!

"Take her to bed! She's not to come out until her meeting with the prince tomorrow!" She screamed at my maid on top of her lungs. The maid grips my arm hastily and lifts me to my feet roughly, pulling me out of the dining room hastily.

I glance to father and brother, but they are both keeping their heads low. None of them speak up, so I take it as a sign of their untold agreement with my harsh words.

I grit my teeth as I get pulled back without making anymore of a fuzz. The maid shoves me into the room and locks the door behind me with a heavy clank.

I take a few deep breaths as the silence around me lets me calm down a bit.

I screwed up.

I lost my temper. A slow creeping feeling of worry fills my stomach as I begin to consider the consequences of my actions. The agreement I wanted with father likely won't go through now...

I did not want to meet the crown prince either... that overly kind prince.

I shake it off and sit down on the bed to meditate and set my mind on something else.

I close my eyes and begin to sum up what I know about the magic of this world.