Dual Cultivation Sect

"What if I passed the test?" Liu Wei asked.

"Then you get to stay in this world.

Liu Wei read the screen again and found some things that caught his eye.

"Shop? Lucky wheel? How do I use them?" Liu Wei asked.

"Due to your low cultivation level, there are a lot of things which are locked and unavailable for you. The Lucky Wheel is for the beginners. You get one try, once a year"

"Do you want to try it out now?" The System asked.

"You bet," Liu Wei said as he tapped the spin button.

"This world is different from his expectation, where is the room full of beautiful young ladies, I have a death warrant instead" Liu Wei thought inwardly.

It immediately started spinning and Lui Wei held his breath in anticipation. "Please be something good" Liu Wei said inwardly with his fingers crossed.

The speed of its rotation slowed down and the arrow pointed at a skill.

"(Ding, you managed to unlock the five in one gift. I will list out your gifts now)"

1: Alchemy mark (low grade)

2: Spell caster mark (low grade)

3: Astral void trek

4: the path of the sword

5: Divine hand of pleasure

Liu Wei wiped the imaginary sweat on his face as he sight.

"I am lucky, I have two professional marks, a sword technique, a speed technique which will help in emergency escape and most importantly, I have a special dual technique. This will come in handy for my path as a dual cultivator" Liu Wei said with a smile.

"With the system in hand, I will take the world by storm and build a harem of my top-notch beauties" Liu Wei said with firm determination.

With the memory of the past Liu Wei, he knows that he is in the Lingyue kingdom and a famous dual cultivation sect known as the Blooming Petal. There, both male and female dual cultivators coexist.

They were all separated into three divisions. Outer disciple, inner disciple and core disciple. They are represented by their robes and badges. Outer disciples wear white robes and a pentagonal-shaped badge, inner wear a blue robe and hexagonal-shaped badge and core disciples wear a violet robe and an octagonal-shaped badge.

The sect gives its disciple a chance to get a partner. Makes are given chances to seduce the female by using any dual technique they can muster.

Liu Wei's major reason for remaining in the outer sect for so long is his inability to raise his dragon.

"I will start with Liao Mi," Liu Wei said with a wicked smile. She was the major reason why the former Liu Wei committed suicide by destroying his marital core.

She is the goddess of the outer disciple. After meeting her for the first time, Liu Wei was captivated by her beauty and vowed to have her no matter what.

He spent most of his monthly allowance in the sect buying cultivation resources to win her over. But all this was not repaid, she was a betrayal who was only interested in what he could offer at that time and later, she showed her true self.

She became the woman of Zhang Jie, a handsome young cultivator and an inner sect disciple. Out of anger Liu Wei decides to confront them but is beaten half-dead with just a move

Liu Wei destroyed his marital core due to shame.

"First I have to rebuild my marital core, then I can cultivate the technique" Liu Wei said as he stood up.

His other roommates have gone out leaving him alone.

"First I need to rebuild my marital core, that is the only way I want to cultivate it," Liu Wei said.

The pill shop should have pills that can help me but I need more points" Liu Wei said as he looked at the badge.

Points are given monthly by the sect and the amount varies by the disciple's level. Outer disciples get 10 points per month, inner disciples get 100 coins per month and core disciples get 1,000 coins per month.

Points are a form of money in the sect and can be used to buy cultivation resources and pills.

Another way to get coins is by completing missions.

Liu Wei looked at the badge in his hand which records his point. After being an outer disciple for a year he has saved a good amount of points. On the badge, a bold 100-point was there.

"I will go and buy some cultivation resources" Liu Wei said as he got up and got dressed wearing his long white robe and pinning it to his chest.

As he got out, he felt countless stares directed at him. They contained disdain and contempt but Liu Wei was not affected. In both lives, he is used to this and it was not a new thing.

With the former Liu Wei memory he easily located the pill pagoda which was in the middle of the outer sect.

As he got there, the plaque which had the name Exlirs store was bold. As he walked in, the refreshing scent of pill invaded his nostrils making all the cell in him feel relaxed.

He walked to the deal where a young beautiful lady in her early twenties stood with a welcoming smile.

Liu Wei returned the smile as he walked over. She is the pill mistress in the outer sect. Many would come here to impress her with their amount of points in hopes of having her as a partner but no one have ever succeeded.

"What would you like to get" She said with a bright smile.