
"What would you like to get" She asked with a smile.

"I would like to get core rejuvenation herb, fire core exlirs with Snow exlirs," Liu Wei said.

His exorbitant request surprised the pill mistress but she didn't show it on her face. "I am sorry, out of what you ordered we only have Core Rejuvenation pill the others could be gotten when the next batch of pill arrives next week," The pill mistress said with a professional smile.

"Next week, can it arrive any sooner?" Liu Wei asked.

"Unfortunate no," She said with an apologetic look.

"Okay, so how much is the core rejuvenating pill?" Liu Wei asked.

The pill mistress was about naming the price when the door was banged open with a loud noise. A young handsome man wearing bright blue robes with an air of overconfident entered. He was followed closely by three other guys wearing similar robes and they looked like his minions.

Recognising the face Liu Wei felt anger surge within him and he felt the urge to suddenly pounce on him this feeling surprised his because it came with high intensity that he almost gave in.

"System what happened just now?" Liu Wei asked.

A blue screen materialize in front of him and he heard the familiar emotionless voice in his head.

"It was the remaining pieces of the former owner of the body which contain resentment and anger.

"What? His soul is still in me? Shouldn't it have dissipate by now?" Liu Wei asked.

"It has, there is only 10 percent of his soul in you. It will fully dissipate when it intention have been accomplished," The system voice rang in his head.

(Ding: Mission Triggered)

Mission information: Disgrace Long Chen in front of the pill mistress.

Reward: 1,000 point

Penality: Loose a random skill.

Reading the mission on the blue screen Liu Wei suddenly felt an urge to cry. Disgracing this guy is equivalent to waving hi in front of death. He really needed the reward as point is would help in purchase cultivation material he needed but the penality was also great and he surely didn't want to loose any of his skill. He instantly regretted asking the system about Long Chen.

"Hi pill mistress," Long Chen said with a charming smile on his face ignoring Liu Wei who was first in line.

"Hello inner disciple Long," The pill mistress said with a returned smile.

"I am flattered that you know my name," Long Chen said with a proud and flirty gaze.

"I am sorry, there seemed to be a misunderstanding. I recognise you by the name on your collar," The pill mistress said.

Hearing this a frown settled on Long Chen face. She might not know it but her sentence was an indirect embarrassment to him.

"Hahaha," Liu Wei chuckled silently but was heard by Long Chen sharp ears.

"And what so funny?" He asked Liu Wei with a sharp gaze.

"Nothing, forget I am here," Liu Wei said avoiding eye contact with him. Thinking Liu Wei said that out of fear and respect he returned to his flirting.

"I was hearing tales of the great goddess, do you mind being my cultivation partner?" Long Chen asked with a smug look.

"I am sorry but I am not accepting any offer for being a cultivation partner now. But I will inform you when I change my mind later," She said politely rejecting his offer.

"Miss Mu, do you mind showing me the way to the herb I will like to get going now. My ears are hurting from hearing a poor grade pick up line," Liu Wei said with a lazy yawn.

"Okay, Mr Liu," Miss Mu said with a small giggle. Feeling embarrassed for been ignored by the Pill Mistress and been insulted by a mere Outer disciple Long Chen got annoyed. He channeled his profound qi into a mesmerising ice blade before shooting it at Liu Wei. Caught by suprise Liu Wei finds it hard to dodge the sneak attack and was at a disadvantage.

"Woosh," A snake-like fire flew out from the pill mistress snow white hand immediately neutralising Long Chen attack.

Long Chen was shocked by her fast reflexes and her strong attack. She easily neutralise his attack with eas showing she is much more stronger than him.

"Liu Wei?" Long Chen said with a mocking look. It turned out that the person who seemed to annoy him was non other than the trash.

"Shit," Liu Wei curse silently.

"Oh, it out little loverboy," Long Chen said with a grin on his face.

"You know your pimp girlfriend was always chasing after me," Long Chen said.

"Yeah, that whore didn't deserve me. Both of you fit in perfectly," Liu Wei said.

"I see you have a death wish annoying me. Seemed like the beating you got from the last fight didn't leave a warning on you," Long Chen said releasing a terrifying aura that froze Liu Wei in one spot and making breathing difficult.

"Hmmmm," The pill mistress suddenly interrupted. "The pill pavilion isn't a place that allows fighting. If you have matters you can settle it elsewhere," She said again with a smile.

Knowing fully well it was better to not annoy her and face her wrath and the whole pill pavilion for breaking the rules Long Chen buried his anger and let out a fake smile. He took back his aura freeing Liu Wei. He had to swallow his pride and wait for an opportunity to teach Liu Wei a lesson.

"Ding Host has completed the mission. 10,000 points has been transferred to host point account," The system voice said in his ears.

"Sorry for the the problem and back to the transaction. The herb is worth 5,000 points," She said.

"Ha, biting more than he can chew, he can barely afford 500 points, don't make me laugh with your cheap tricks. Soon you will leave this place with your tails in between your legs in shame" Long Chen said with a mocking laugh.

For a outer disciple to be able to afford 5,000 coins was almost impossible. With low points they are given per month, it will take them half a decade to save up to that.

"Why are you so sure I can't afford it?" Liu Wei asked.

"Because you can't?" Long Chen said.

"Why don't we make a bet?" Liu Wei proposed.