Sweet Revenge

You are not worthy of being on speaking terms with me," Long Chen said with a lazy look.

"If I can buy it, you walk out of the pill pavilion with your crocks," Liu Wei said pointing at the door.

Long Chen looked at Liu Wei with a strange look almost as if the person in front of him was a total stranger. The former Liu Wei was a coward who fears to look directly into his eyes, but all of a sudden he changed and became more daring amd fearless.

"And what if I you can't buy it?" Long Chen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You are free to do anything you want with me," Liu Wei said.

Seeing his confidence Long Chen had a second thoughts. He wasn't stupid to fall into a clear trap. He knew Liu Wei is purposely annoying him but what could be the reason? "He might have the points and wanted me to make a fool of myself in front of Miss Mu," Long Chen thought.

"What the matter...afraid? Liu Wei asked with a mocking tone.

"Afraid is a word that cannot be associated with me," Long Chen said with a deep angry voice.

Knowing fully well that as long as he is in the pill pavilion Long Chen wouldn't be able to hurt him made him more proactive.

Seeing that Long Chen refuse to take bait made him a bit annoyed.

"Anyway you can go, it not like you can afford it," Liu Wei said turning his attention back to the the pill mistress.

"Can you bring me the herb?" Liu Wei asked.

"Sure, I will go and...." she said she was cut short by Long Chen.

"You said you want a deal right, I got one for you. Why don't we do a little auction. Highest bidder wins the Herb and also take the other points," Long Chen said with a smirk. This rule favoured him, he is sure that Liu Wei hardly got the 5,000 coins but he had more. If he wins he not only win the herb but also the stupid Liu Wei's He money and show off in front of the pill mistress. "Maybe she would fall for me when she sees my number if points," Long Chen thought as he smiled inwardly. This situation is this sane as killing three birds with one stone.

"Sure," Liu Wei said without fear.

"You know the rules right?" Long Chen asked to be sure he heard well.

"I understand it," Liu Wei said.

"I just hoped you won't change your mind after I win," Liu Wei said.

"A fool will always remain a fool," Long Chen thought.

"Can you bring the herb," Long Chen asked looking at the pill mistress with a noble look.

"Sure I will go and get it," The pill mistress said as she hurriedly went to get it. She soon came back with a small box which was tightly sealed. She too was excited about the deal.

"I put in 5,000 point," Long Chen said.

"I put in 5,100 points," Liu Wei said.

"I put in 6,000 points," Long Chen said raising the bid higher.

"6,100" Liu Wei added.

"How did he get 6000 points?" Long Chen asked himself in shock. He knew Liu Wei hardly goes out from complete missions so how did he get it. "Is he pretending?" Long Chen thought with a slight frown on his face. He knew how much he worked to get his 7,000 points as he almost died in the hands of the red Rhino to get it horn.

But Liu Wei just called 6,000 casually almost as if it means nothing to him.

"Can you go higher?" The pill mistress asked after some moment when Long Chen didn't reply.

"7000," Long Chen said dropping his badge on the table. "It contains exactly 7,000 points" Long Chen said.

Then all eyes turned to Liu Wei. "Can he raise it higher?" Was the thought lingering in their minds.

"7,100 points," Liu Wei said after putting both of them in suspense.

"7,500 points," Long Chen said fast.

"7,600 points," Liu Wei said increasing the bid slowly.

"8,000 points," Long Chen said loosing composure. Sweat has already begin to form at his forehead but Liu Wei look calmed.

"Did I make a wrong choice? Am I gonna regret it? Can he raise the bid? I only have 7,000 coins if he raises it won't I be forced to hand him 8,000 coins?" Question filled his head.

"8,100 points," Liu Wei said.

*Bang* Long Chen suddenly hit the desk so hard that it cracked.

"I refuse to believe you can afford 8,000 points," Long Chen said with a disbelief look on his face.

"Is that a sign of you giving up?" Liu Wei asked.

"Anything you call it. If you can afford 8,100 points for the herb. I will surrender my 8,000 points," Long Chen said.

"Then look closely," Liu Wei said as he dropped his badge. The pill mistress placed it in her counter and a total on 10,100 points showed.

"8,100 points deducted," The pill mistress said as she herb him his badge and the box.

Long Chen looked at Liu Wei in shock and disbelief. "You...How did you.." Long Chen asked.

"That not what important. What important is for you to fulfil your part of the bet. Hand over the 8,000 points," Liu Wei said with his hand stretched.

"No," Long Chen said as he grab his badge clutching into it with a cold gaze. It should be him who gets the last laugh, what just happened.

"Tsk tsk tsk, going back in your word. You are really shameless. Isn't that right Miss Long?" Liu Wei asked.

Knowing fully well that Liu Wei wanted to use her to blackmail Long Chen. She kept quiet.

"You are not worthy of being called a man. You can't even keep your words," Liu Wei said.

"Take it," Long Chen suddenly said with a smile surprising them.

"It just 8,000 points I can get them back anytime I want," Long Chen said.

Something about what he said about getting it back whenever he wanted out Liu Wei restless.

Long Chen dropped another badge the pill mistress transferred the points to Liu Wei.

"Watch your back," Long Chen said as he walked pass Liu Wei. He left the pill pavilion with a cold look.

"Ding: System detect 70% murderous intent" The voice of the system warned him.

"You have this feature?" Liu Wei asked in suprise.

"Yes host," The system replied with a simple answer.

"That great, I can use it to detect dangers," Liu Wei said inwardly with a smile.

"Is there anything else you would like to get?" She asked.

"No nothing," Liu Wei said as he hurriedly left for his hostel.

The angry look on Long Chen face as he left felt satisfying. "Who knows that revenge could be so satisfying?" He asked himself.