Battle And Level up

Normal cultivation is good, but finding a sparring partner to harness your skill is better. Ling Xui is a good choice of sparring. Ling Xui is ranked 146 in the inner disciple and he is a 10 star awakener. He is regarded as the Mad cultivator.

Liu Wei came out in the night from his apartment heading to the east direction which leads to the exit of the Sect.

He purposely headed to the opposite direction of Ling Xui. He moved neither too slow or too fast.

After walking for sometimes, Liu Wei stopped. "I know you are following me, just come out," Liu Wei said looking as he turned back. He got no respond.

"Do you want me to come get you?" Liu Wei asked.

"Whoosh," A cold ice blade fly towards him at a speed that defies order.

"Boom," Liu Wei dodged it and it crash to a nearby tree.

Ling Xui came out from the darkness holding a black sword with the tip covered in ice layers.

"You are quit fast, you manage to dodge my attack," Long Xiu said as he trail the edge of the sword with his hands.

"Senior Xiu, why did you attack me?" Liu Wei said playing dumb.

"Someone paid for your head," Ling Xiu said as his eyes turned sharp.

"Someone, you mean Long Chen?" Liu Wei asked with a hint of mockery.

"That all you need to know," Long Xiu said as he channel his qi activating the inscription on the sword making his glow with blue light.

"Wait, remember that the sect prohibits killing except in the hall of doom," Liu Wei said reminding him the law.

"Ha, you are an insignificant disciple. No one would even notice you are gone. Save those talks," Ling Xui said with a sadistic smile.

"I hope it the same for you," Liu Wei said getting angry, he felt his body been controlled by an inside force. Called an insignificant disciple seemed to trigger the rage in him.

"You think you can kill me?" Ling Xui asked.

"I know so," Liu Wei said as he closed his eyes.

"First mistake, don't let your guard down," Ling Xui said as he move in a flash holding his word tightly.

"Astral void trek, path of sword," Liu Wei muttered softly not bothered by the impending danger.

"Ding: Host has use two skill.

Warning: Host body and cultivation can't handle the power contained in the skill.

"Is there something you can do about it?" Liu Wei asked.

"If you use them, 2 health points would be deducted,"The system said.

"Use it," Liu Wei said as he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Access granted, two hp deducted, the your body will be able to perform the skill for 5 minutes," The system said.

Liu Wei eyes suddenly glowed with white light, in a flash he disappeared. Ling Xui slash nothing as Liu Wei removed from his line if sight.

"What?" Ling Xui asked with a confused expression.

"Danger," Ling Xiu said as all the hair in his body stood up, he held his sword in a defence posture. A flame-red Qi in the shape of a sword strike him pushing him 10 feet back.

"Hiss," Liu Wei hissed, he had use a total of ten seconds to prepare that strike, it was annoying that it only pushed him back 10 steps back. He had to admit Ling Xui is a formidable fighter.

He would have love to continue fighting but he had few minutes left, he had to end it fast before he runs out of time and suffer that backlash.

"Strong, only by getting strong can he handle pest," Liu Wei said. He hates his weakness.

"You are quite strong, stronger than I expected. But you will need more than that to kill me.

"There is more from where that came from," Liu Wei said coming out from the darkness. His long hair was loosed and his his handsome face was revealed under the night sky.

"There you are," Ling Xiu said as he channeled more win into his sword awakening more inscriptions. The sword weight increased by 100 pounds.

He made a slash and a wave of qi flew to Liu Wei. He was wise not to go near to Liu Wei and not attack from a close range.

Close combat was not his specialty as he focused on speak attacks.

"Boom" A loud noise erupted as Liu Wei send his wave of Qi clashing into it.

"Yes, more," Ling Xiu said with a maniac smile. The more intense the fight is the more happier he gets.

"I need to end this soon," Liu Wei said.

"System, how much time do I have left?" Liu Wei asked still keeping his focus as a slight mistake can cost him his life.

"You have 1 minute and 24 seconds," The system said.

"Again, Again," Ling Xui said with his eyes filled with excitement. He doubled the qi he infused into the sword causing the swords weight to increase sharply.

With difficulty he slash the sword releasing a blast of Qi.

"Bingo," Liu Wei said with a smile.

This was what he has been waiting for, the mistake of the other partner. This move cost Ling Xui a lot of Qi and he would need some seconds to recover. This was more than enough time for Liu Wei to seize the opportunity.

"Void trek," Liu Wei said activating his skill. He disappeared from Ling Xui sight and reappeared at his back.

"Path of sword," He muttered as a wave of Qi formed a small sword shape Qi flew from his finger tips and entered Long Xiu head. The whole process didn't last 10 seconds.

Liu Wei Qi blash his datain which stored his qi causing his Qi to blast up from the inside killing him.

The wave ripple was absorbed by the system which had created a barrier, the whole area was sound proof and the whole fight happening here was tightly sealed.

(Ding: Host has killed a 10 star awakener. You have received 10,000 experience point.

Congratulations on levelling up, you are now a 5 star Awakener.) The system voice said.

"Really, I can level up by killing people stronger," Liu Wei asked excitedly.