Raging Dragon Technique

"Yes," The system replied.

"(Ding: Transfering Ling Xui properties

First: A third grade sword technique Raging dragon

Second: A second level sword

Third: Four mid level healing pills and three blood pills)

Liu Wei looked at the scattered harvest on the floor with excitement. He knew inner disciple were rich but this was beyond his expectation. The cost of one blood pill is over 300 points and the mid level healing pills were over 500 points. In short, a outer disciple can't compete with an inner disciple in terms of wealth. But there were exception.

"This technique the raging dragon was his signature move and always his last strike. If he had used it earlier I would have been killed. But one mistake Ling Xui made was underestimating his opponent. I will never do that," Liu Wei thought inwardly.

If Ling Xui had been serious, Liu Wei would have little chance of winning even if he is using two high level technique.

"System is there a way for me to be linked as the one who killed him?" Liu Wei asked.

"Yes, your Qi could serve as a trace as no two people have the same qi," The system explained.

"So, is there anything you can do about it?" Liu Wei asked.

"Yes, but masking your Qi print would cost you 1000 points," the system said.

Liu Wei was not in the mood to argue with the system, he couldn't risk getting caught and punished. He was a mere Outer disciple killing a inner disciple which were cherished by the sect was something he wouldn't want the sect elders to know about. And the massive harvest in front of him was mouth watering and they are definitely above 1,000 points.

"Do it," Liu Wei ordered.

"Yes host," The system voice replied.

"And mask it with Long Chen," Liu Wei said with a wicked smile.

After it was done Liu Wei quickly picked up the pills and sword before rushing back to his room.

He infused little amount of his qi but it immediately got repelled. It didn't fused with the sword like the way Ling Xui did.

"What could be the problem?" Liu Wei asked looking at the dark sword in his hands.

It seemed to have recognised Ling Xui as it master and only accepts his qi.

"(Ding: System has sense host is in confusion

Here is some clarification and what to do.

The sword is a low grade soul sword, it has accepted it previous owner as it master. For you to become it new master you must tame it)

"Tame it? How?" Liu Wei asked with a confused look.

"Infuse your true Qi into it," The system said.

"True Qi? What that?" Liu Wei asked.

"True Qi is a special kind of Qi, it is removed directly from the datain which stored Qi without circulating the body," The system said.

"Okay," Liu Wei said as he sat down with a focused expression. He followed what the system said.

He first release Qi from his datain and transferred it without letting it circulate.

"Failure," On his first trial he almost got it but as he was about to transfer it, it vanished.

Consecutive trials were also failures. He hadn't fully master his body which made him not been able to fully control the flow of Qi in him.

"Shing," A small golden light came out from his hands and infused with the sword. On the 73rd time it finally work but it was so little that it almost had no effect on the sword but it was a big accomplishment for him.

He continue it till the sword dark colour fades and it turned into a bright red colour.

He was surprised by the change, "System what happened?" Liu Wei asked.

"It shows you have successfully tamed the sword," The system said.

"Good, good," Liu Wei said with a smile. He swiped the sweat on his forehead and exhale.

Now I will master the scripture for the raging dragon teach.

Liu Wei merged his consciousness with the scripture and found himself in a strange place. He was in a wide spacious environment with high volcanoes and fire element stones. The whole place seemed to be ablaze by a red flames which devoured it.

Liu Wei's clothes were instantly burnt leaving him naked. He looked around trying to figure out how he got here

"System! System are you there?" Liu Wei asked out loud. The temperature here was so hot that he felt the inside of his boiling.

But unknown to him his consciousness was only here and his body was still in his room, all that was happening to him was his imagination.

*Boom* The volcano erupt spilling lava. Liu Wei covered his face with his hands. He had no idea what this place was or what he is doing here and the nonresponse he got from the system made him wary of his surrounding.

As he opened his eyes, he saw what looked like a dragon in front of him. It body spread out covering miles.

"What going on?" Liu Wei asked as he felt his himself fading. He turned into a streak of white light and combine with the dragon.

"First path of raging dragon stance, Arise from ashes," He heard a deep voice said in his mind and he saw various body postures.

He studied it while feeling the increase in the temperature.

"Ahh," Liu Wei said as he felt himself back to reality.

"What happened to me? Where is the dragon?" Liu Wei asked looking at everything with a confused gaze.

"System has noticed host abnormal behaviour. You were here and there where no sign of dragon. Apart from the body temperature increase there were no abnormalities, you might be hallucinating," The system voice said.

Liu Wei looked around confused, it felt real and vivid. It doesn't seem like an hallucinations as even the heat burnt his clothes just like in that world.

"It might be the technique," Liu Wei thought. He stood up and grab his sword while mimicking the postures he saw in his mind.

He squat down with his knees forward, his hand squeezed into a punch and his eyes tightly closed. Anyone who saw him would think he is doing some kind of punishment but Liu Wei was engrossed in it. In a flash he changed his stance, this time his right leg was stretched backwards and the sword pushed the sword forward in a swift stabbing motion.

He continued to stab, slice, cut and dice the air.

He practised with the sword all through the night trying to master the basics of raging dragon technique.