The Brother's Decision

At this point, Jack and Noah are in middle school, while Alan and Hendry are in high school. Alan approached his parents after patting his sister's head and said, "Mom, Dad, I'm thinking of sitting for the Lexan University entrance exam. I'm going to enroll in a course on business management."

 Hendry also added along with Alan, "I also decided to take the entrance exam for Lexan University, but for medicine," Andrew and Kylie were taken aback by their sudden decision, especially after observing their two sons.

 Their sons had one or two more years of high school left, but they intended to forgo in idea of attending college. Kylie glanced at her spouse and gently nudged his chest to ease his disbelief.

 "Are you guys sure about it?" Andrew asked, looking at his oldest and second son after emerging from shock. "Will you folks give it any thought? It's quite significant. You two have time to consider it carefully."

 "Indeed. There's no hurry to make a decision. You can take your time making a decision." worried Kylie said looking at her both sons. 

 "No, mom. I've made up my mind on this, and I want to finish my coursework as soon as possible and do a good job in our field so that I can give my sister anything she wants." Hendry said, glancing at his parents.

 "Yes, mother. Hendry is correct in what he said. We also wish to spoil our sister. Anyway, it is good to improve our knowledge instead of studying what we already know, right Mom?" stated Alan.

 "Yes, that's right. But it will affect your school life. And also don't you four brothers have more than enough money to buy your sister what she needs? Do you need to finish your studies and forego a grade?" Kylie asked as she couldn't understand this.

 "Those aren't the money we made, Mom. You guys earned the money, even if we are squandering it. With my own money, I want to give my sister anything she desires." Alan answered his mother honestly.

 "It's a good thing to think about your sister," Andrew replied, taking in the serious expressions on their faces. "I'm delighted for the two of you too. At this age, you both want to become independent. It's not bad. If you two are convinced about this and believe that you can do this, then I will back you both." Kylie gazed at Andrew. Andrew sent her a knowing glance, so she said nothing and let the father and sons handle this.

 As she listened from the sidelines, Zara turned to face her two brothers and said, "Mom, I feel like they're simply using me as a way to get out of the final year or two of high school." as she turned to face her mother.

 "Why do you think like that, honey?" Kylie asked, smiling as she stroked her daughter's hair after hearing Zara's remarks. "Did they not express a desire to assist you with this?" "Yes, Lia. Naturally, in order for us to protect you, we must finish our education and provide you the freedom to be carefree. Correct?" Hendry nodded as he continued.

 "First brother and second brother, I'll wish you both the best if that's true. But you two ought to do well in school, make an effort to support your parents, and once more focus on self-defense." Zara clasped her hands and remarked, grinning a little.

 When Zara said this, Alan leaned closer with a smile and lightly pinched her cheeks, saying, "You don't have to worry about that. We are aware that self-defense is important. And you ought to be the one we take care of. Nothing to worry about."

 Zara smiled and stuck out her tongue, saying, "Okay... OK... Then, first brother, good luck with your tests. Best wishes, second brother."

 Both Kylie and Andrew are pleased to witness the sibling's lighthearted and loving chat. As they sat on the couch, Kylie leaned on her husband's shoulder and remarked, "Having Zara is truly a blessing for us. The boys weren't this interactive before. To watch them this way makes me very happy."

 Grinning, Andrew added, taking his wife's hand, "It's true. She's just our lucky charm.


 The next day.

 Professor Darren arrived at nine in the morning to give Zara her usual classes. Zara was given a spacious study room by the Adam family on her own, so she wouldn't have any difficulties while studying.

 Professor Darren smiled as he addressed Zara in the room, "Today, I'll teach you a rudimentary understanding of quantum physics. Although I am aware that you don't need to learn it just yet, I'll nonetheless provide you with some fundamental information."

 Professor Darren went on, "But first, let me ask you a question. It's not a big deal if you don't know. Could you explain the theory of relativity to me?" Professor Darren was aware that Zara was not unfamiliar with the term "relativity."

 As he had already given her a large number of relativity-related books. Thus, he was aware that Zara's high IQ must make it easy for her to retain the information she reads.

 "Professor, the theory of relativity is a theory formulated by Albert Einstein to explain the relationship between space and time," Zara said, her expression straight as she heard the question.

 Professor Darren grinned, pleased that Zara had given him the response he had anticipated. With that, he thought proudly, "That's my student!"