At Conlor Mansion

 During breakfast, Zara had a light meal as she had already consumed yogurt earlier. She only had a small portion of scrambled egg and a piece of French toast.

 Throughout the meal, Ethan kept a close eye on Zara's plate, making mental notes of what she enjoyed eating. He planned to use this information in the future.

 Following breakfast, the entire family gathered in the living room and engaged in conversation for a while.

 After some time, Kylie turned to Zara and smiled, saying, "Lia, make sure to let Uncle Thomas and Aunt Eleanor know that we've asked them." Zara nodded in agreement, responding, "Sure, Mom."

 "And Mark, make sure to put the gifts in the car," Andrew instructed Butler Mark.

 "Uncle, I've already got the gifts ready for Zara to give to Grandma and Grandpa," Ethan said calmly with a smile, looking at Andrew.

 "No, Ethan. Zara is going to visit your grandparents, so it's only fair if we give them gifts," Kylie chimed in.

 "And you've brought so many gifts again, this is..." Before she could finish her sentence, Ethan interrupted with a smile, saying, "Aunt, they're just small tokens. Consider it a token of appreciation for giving me such an amazing fiancée."

 Kylie couldn't contain her joy upon hearing that Ethan still harbored the same feelings for her after all this time. Andrew was relieved to know that they had chosen the right person for their daughter. 


 Did I accept it?

 Zara raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ethan, silently questioning his acceptance of being her fiancé.

 "Looks like someone is really excited to spend time with their fiancée," Kylie playfully remarked, flashing a smile as she playfully nudged Andrew with her elbow. Andrew responded with a small smile, lost in his thoughts.

 Outside the grand mansion, Ethan courteously opened the car door for Zara. Without even sparing him a glance, Zara got into the car, Ethan closed the door and make his way to the other side, where David was waiting to open the door for him.

 Sitting next to Zara, he observed her engrossed in her phone, oblivious to her surroundings. Ethan's gaze remained fixed on Zara, causing her to develop a throbbing headache.

 In response to his persistent gaze, Zara calmly questioned, "Don't you have anything else to do?"

 Understanding the underlying message behind her question, Ethan interpreted it as a query about his unwavering attention towards her.

 "It has been such a long time since I last laid eyes on you. Naturally, I feel compelled to make up for all those lost years," Ethan replied, accompanied by a warm smile.

 Zara rolled her eyes in exasperation and shifted her focus to the outside world, peering through the car window.

 Yesterday, she had a rough night's sleep, so eventually she started feeling drowsy and gradually shut her eyes.

 While they were on their way, David's phone rang and upon seeing the caller's name, he called out, "Boss, it..."

 Before he could say anything, he heard, "Shh." Glancing at the rearview mirror, he noticed that Miss Zara had drifted off to sleep.

 With utmost caution, he continued driving, fearing that any sudden movement might awaken Miss Zara.

 Upon arriving at the Conlor Mansion, the car came to a gentle halt in front of the grand estate. Sensing the cessation of movement, Zara slowly opened her eyes and tilted her head to catch a glimpse of the outside through the window.

 Ethan stepped out of the car and held the door open for Zara. Zara exited the car and observed the mansion, noting that it appeared exactly the same as the last time she had seen it.

 Ethan approached her, observing her expression. "Looks the same, doesn't it?"

 Zara glanced at the mansion and simply nodded in response to Ethan's question. Together, they walked towards the mansion, entering side by side. As they approached, Butler Beau caught sight of them and hurried over with a warm smile, greeting Zara, "Hello, Miss Zara. How have you been?"

 Zara met the gaze of the elderly man, estimating his age to be in his fifties or sixties, and immediately recognized him. "Hello, Uncle Beau. I've been well. How about you?"

 Butler Beau's heart swelled with joy when he realized that Zara still remembered him after all these years. "Great, great..." Butler Beau exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

 Butler Beau promptly headed to the lobby to summon Thomas and Eleanor. Ethan glanced at Zara and asked, "Have a seat. What do you like to have?" "Water," Zara responded with a single word.

 Ethan let out a sigh, realizing he still had a long way to go.

 David glanced at his boss with a hint of sympathy, feeling sorry for him. After all, this was the man who instilled fear in most people, who wouldn't even dare to cross his path. But, now he is trying to win over the girl in front of him.

 In an instant, Thomas and Eleanor entered the living room. Zara, upon noticing their arrival, rose from her seat and greeted them with a warm smile.

 Both Thomas and Eleanor were captivated by the girl's enchanting eyes and flawless visage, as if it had been sculpted by a divine beauty. The entire room fell into a hushed silence as the elderly couple continued to gaze at Zara.

 Ethan couldn't help but feel that his grandparents might overwhelm Zara on her first visit after such a long time. He coughed to break the silence.

 Thomas snapped out of his trance at the sound of Ethan's cough and composed himself before remarked, "Darling, didn't I mention how stunning and graceful Lia looked? Isn't she exactly as I described?"

 "You're absolutely right. She bears a striking resemblance to her mother," Eleanor nodded. With a warm smile, she approached Zara and gently caressed her cheek. "You have blossomed into such a beautiful young woman, Lia. May you always be protected from the envious eyes of others."

 Eleanor, a person deeply rooted in culture and faith, wanted to ensure that no harm would befall her future granddaughter-in-law.

 Zara returned Eleanor's smile and replied, "Grandma Eleanor, you have remained the same all these years."

 Eleanor expressed with delight on her face, "Certainly, I must maintain my beauty. Otherwise, how can I continue to stand alongside my daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law?"

 She turned her head to gaze at her husband with a proud look, as Thomas responded with a smile, "Absolutely, you are the epitome of beauty, without a shadow of a doubt."

 Having spent a considerable amount of time at Conlor Mansion, Zara had grown familiar with Thomas and Eleanor. Since childhood, they had showered her with love and support just like her family did, always looking out for her best interests.

 Zara and Ethan smiled at the old couple's talking.

 Observing Zara's radiant smile, Eleanor advised, "Always keep that smile on your face, Lia. Don't let anyone take it away from you." Her expression turned stern as she added, "Not even Ethan!"

 Thomas chimed in, echoing Eleanor's sentiment. "Indeed, Lia. If he ever disappoints you, just let us know. We'll handle him."

 Ethan simply smiled and remarked, "I wouldn't dare. If I ever give her a reason to worry, she has every right to do whatever she pleases with me."

 To assure Zara of his sincerity, he even raised his hand and swore by it.

 David felt as though he were in a dream, as witnessing the formidable Ethan vouching for a girl and willingly accepting punishment was beyond anyone's expectations.

 Thomas, with a smile, interjected, "Alright, Sit Zara. How much longer will you both stand?"

 Without uttering a word, Zara gracefully took a seat on the nearby sofa, adjacent to where Eleanor and Thomas sat.